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Reduced-complexity syndrome-based TTCM decoding

Reduced-complexity syndrome-based TTCM decoding
Reduced-complexity syndrome-based TTCM decoding
The iterative decoder of Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation (TTCM) exchanges extrinsic information between the constituent TCM decoders, which imposes a high computational complexity at the receiver. Therefore we conceive the syndrome-based block decoding of TTCM, which is capable of reducing the decoding complexity by disabling the decoder, when syndrome becomes zero. Quantitatively, we demonstrate that a decoding complexity reduction of at least 17% is attained at high SNRs, with at least 20% and 45% reduction in the 5th and 6th iterations, respectively.
Babar, Zunaira
Ng, Soon Xin
Hanzo, Lajos
Babar, Zunaira
Ng, Soon Xin
Hanzo, Lajos

Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon Xin and Hanzo, Lajos (2013) Reduced-complexity syndrome-based TTCM decoding. IEEE Communications Letters, 17 (6), 1220-7798. (doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2013.050313.130182).

Record type: Article


The iterative decoder of Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation (TTCM) exchanges extrinsic information between the constituent TCM decoders, which imposes a high computational complexity at the receiver. Therefore we conceive the syndrome-based block decoding of TTCM, which is capable of reducing the decoding complexity by disabling the decoder, when syndrome becomes zero. Quantitatively, we demonstrate that a decoding complexity reduction of at least 17% is attained at high SNRs, with at least 20% and 45% reduction in the 5th and 6th iterations, respectively.

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e-pub ahead of print date: 13 May 2013
Published date: June 2013
Organisations: Southampton Wireless Group


Local EPrints ID: 352117
PURE UUID: c34cb6ee-e51b-48fc-bf87-d01b94900564
ORCID for Zunaira Babar: ORCID iD
ORCID for Soon Xin Ng: ORCID iD
ORCID for Lajos Hanzo: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 02 May 2013 10:44
Last modified: 18 Mar 2024 03:23

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Author: Zunaira Babar ORCID iD
Author: Soon Xin Ng ORCID iD
Author: Lajos Hanzo ORCID iD

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