Millett, Bella (2007) The pastoral context of the Trinity and Lambeth homilies. In, Scase, W (ed.) Essays in Manuscript Geography: Vernacular Manuscripts of the English West Midlands from the Conquest to the Sixteenth Century. (Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, TCNE 10) Turnhout, Belgium. Brepols, pp. 43-64.
The article questions the traditional scholarly view of Middle English sermon production in the period before the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 as essentially 'backward-looking', focusing mainly on the 'Trinity Homilies' and the 'Lambeth Homilies'. 'The "unified theory" of origin outlined here attempts to locate them within the broader historical developments in preaching and pastoral reform taking place during the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, and proposes a context of diocesan preaching to account for features which would otherwise be difficult to explain, including their mixture of catechetical and "second tier" preaching',some addresses to clerical as well as lay listeners, 'and their use (in spite of their geographical separation) of five shared sermons showing the influence of the most recent developments in preaching technique' in the Paris schools.
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