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Abrasive size and concentration effects on the tribo-corrosion of cast CoCrMo alloy

Abrasive size and concentration effects on the tribo-corrosion of cast CoCrMo alloy
Abrasive size and concentration effects on the tribo-corrosion of cast CoCrMo alloy
Some retrieved CoCrMo hip implants have shown that abrasive wear is one of the possible wear mechanisms invoked within such joints. To date, little work has focused on the third body abrasion of CoCrMo and therefore there is a general lack of understanding of the effect of abrasive size and volume concentration on the tribo-corrosion performance of the CoCrMo alloys. The present work assessed the tribo-corrosion behaviour of cast CoCrMo (F-75) under various abrasion–corrosion conditions by using a modified microabrasion tester incorporating a three-electrode electrochemical cell. The effects of reduced abrasive size/hardness and volume concentration, as well as the role of proteins on the tribo-corrosion performance of the cast CoCrMo alloy were addressed. The correlation between electrochemical and mechanical processes for different abrasion–corrosion test conditions has been discussed in detail. Results show that the reduction in abrasive size and volume concentration can significantly affect the abrasion–corrosion wear mechanisms and the wear-induced corrosion response of the material. The finding of this study implies that the smaller/softer third body particles generated in vivo could also result in significant wear-induced corrosion and therefore potential metal ion release, which could be potentially detrimental to both the patient health and the life span of the implants.
abrasion, abrasive, size, concentration, effects, tribo-corrosion, tribocorrosion, cast, CoCrMo, alloy, CoCrMo alloy, Microabrasion–corrosion
Sun, D.
Wharton, J.A.
Wood, R.J.K.
Sun, D.
Wharton, J.A.
Wood, R.J.K.

Sun, D., Wharton, J.A. and Wood, R.J.K. (2008) Abrasive size and concentration effects on the tribo-corrosion of cast CoCrMo alloy. Tribology International. (doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2009.03.018). (Submitted)

Record type: Article


Some retrieved CoCrMo hip implants have shown that abrasive wear is one of the possible wear mechanisms invoked within such joints. To date, little work has focused on the third body abrasion of CoCrMo and therefore there is a general lack of understanding of the effect of abrasive size and volume concentration on the tribo-corrosion performance of the CoCrMo alloys. The present work assessed the tribo-corrosion behaviour of cast CoCrMo (F-75) under various abrasion–corrosion conditions by using a modified microabrasion tester incorporating a three-electrode electrochemical cell. The effects of reduced abrasive size/hardness and volume concentration, as well as the role of proteins on the tribo-corrosion performance of the cast CoCrMo alloy were addressed. The correlation between electrochemical and mechanical processes for different abrasion–corrosion test conditions has been discussed in detail. Results show that the reduction in abrasive size and volume concentration can significantly affect the abrasion–corrosion wear mechanisms and the wear-induced corrosion response of the material. The finding of this study implies that the smaller/softer third body particles generated in vivo could also result in significant wear-induced corrosion and therefore potential metal ion release, which could be potentially detrimental to both the patient health and the life span of the implants.

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More information

Submitted date: 2008
Additional Information: Presented at the 35th Leeds-Lyon Tribology Symposium, September 2008, Leeds. The National Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS), School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Keywords: abrasion, abrasive, size, concentration, effects, tribo-corrosion, tribocorrosion, cast, CoCrMo, alloy, CoCrMo alloy, Microabrasion–corrosion


Local EPrints ID: 64919
ISSN: 0301-679X
PURE UUID: af29e942-870a-47d2-8838-c347dfe7f7c2
ORCID for J.A. Wharton: ORCID iD
ORCID for R.J.K. Wood: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 27 Jan 2009
Last modified: 16 Mar 2024 02:59

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Author: D. Sun
Author: J.A. Wharton ORCID iD
Author: R.J.K. Wood ORCID iD

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