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Axial and focal-plane diffraction catastrophe integrals

Axial and focal-plane diffraction catastrophe integrals
Axial and focal-plane diffraction catastrophe integrals
Exact expressions in terms of Bessel functions are found for some of the diffraction catastrophe integrals that decorate caustics in optics and mechanics. These are the axial and focal-plane sections of the elliptic and hyperbolic umbilic diffraction catastrophes, and symmetric elliptic and hyperbolic unfoldings of the X_9 diffraction catastrophes. These representations reveal unexpected relations between the integrals.
Berry, M.V.
Howls, C.J.
Berry, M.V.
Howls, C.J.

Berry, M.V. and Howls, C.J. (2010) Axial and focal-plane diffraction catastrophe integrals. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43 (37), 375206-[13pp]. (doi:10.1088/1751-8113/43/37/375206).

Record type: Article


Exact expressions in terms of Bessel functions are found for some of the diffraction catastrophe integrals that decorate caustics in optics and mechanics. These are the axial and focal-plane sections of the elliptic and hyperbolic umbilic diffraction catastrophes, and symmetric elliptic and hyperbolic unfoldings of the X_9 diffraction catastrophes. These representations reveal unexpected relations between the integrals.

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Submitted date: 22 April 2010
Published date: 7 July 2010
Organisations: Applied Mathematics


Local EPrints ID: 142733
ISSN: 1751-8113
PURE UUID: a60bbf7f-d63f-4671-9906-ee7b64c49c31
ORCID for C.J. Howls: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 22 Apr 2010 13:29
Last modified: 10 Jan 2025 02:39

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Author: M.V. Berry
Author: C.J. Howls ORCID iD

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