Br J Ophthalmol doi:10.1136/bjo.2009.169607
  • Review

Geographic variations in microbial keratitis: an analysis of the peer-reviewed literature

Table 1

Studies meeting criteria for inclusion in review

Location of study (reference) Gross national income per capita ($) Time period (months) No of patients Proportion (%) of patients using contact lenses Method of culture Proportion (%) of patients with positive cultures
 Ghana12 590 24 290 Unspecified Sheep's blood agar, Sabouraud broth, inhibitory mould agar, brain–heart infusion broth, chocolate agar and cysteine tryptone agar 50
 Accra, Ghana13 590 Unspecified 199 Unspecified Chocolate, Sabouraud 64
Indian subcontinent
 Nepal14 340 36 447 Unspecified Sheep's blood agar, chocolate, brain–heart infusion, Sabouraud 68
 Chittagong, Bangladesh15 470 Unspecified 151 Unspecified Blood, chocolate, thioglycolate, Sabouraud 63
 Tamil Nadu, India12 950 24 800 Unspecified Sheep's blood agar, Sabouraud broth and Sabouraud glucose agar, brain heart infusion broth, chocolate, cysteine tryptone agar 69
 West Bengal, India10 950 36 1198 0.33 Blood, chocolate, potato dextrose agar, Sabouraud dextrose 68
 New Delhi, India2 950 Unspecified 100 2.0 Blood, chocolate, thioglycolate, Sabouraud 65
 Madurai, India4 950 3 434 Unspecified Sheep's blood agar, potato dextrose agar, chocolate, brain–heart infusion 68
 Hyderabad, India16 950 95 1092 Unspecified Sheep's blood agar, chocolate, non-nutrient, Sabouraud, brain–heart infusion, potato dextrose agar 35
 Tamil Nadu, India17 950 36 3183 1.04 Unspecified 71
 Hyderabad, India18 950 15 170 Unspecified Unspecified 69.4
 Delhi, India19 950 12 1000 8.2 Unspecified 56.8
 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia20 15 440 12 103 17.48 Blood, chocolate, Sabouraud and thioglycolate Unspecified for 2005
 Baghdad, Iraq21 2320 36 394 6.09 Blood, chocolate, Sabouraud and brain–heart infusion 58.6
South America
 Asuncion, Paraquay22 1670 162 660 Unspecified Blood, chocolate thioglycolate, Sabouraud 79
Far East
 Taipei, Taiwan23 16 590 120 453 44.3* Chocolate, sheep's blood agar, Sabouraud 56
 Taipei, Taiwan24 16 590 12 314 9.9 Blood, chocolate, thioglycolate, brain–heart infusion 43
 Singapore25 32 470 60 80 22.5 Blood, chocolate, thioglycolate, Sabouraud, brain–heart infusion 100
 Singapore26 32 470 22 103 34 Blood, chocolate, thioglycolate, Sabouraud 50
 Hong Kong5 31 610 17 223 26.5 Blood, chocolate, thiogylcolate, Sabouraud, non-nutrient Page's saline agar 35
 Bangkok, Thailand27 34 000 47 127 24.4 Blood, chocolate, thioglycolate 100
 Auckland, New Zealand3 28 780 24 98 26 Blood, Sabouraud, thioglycolate, brain–heart infusion, Page's amoebic saline 71
 Christchurch, New Zealand28 28 780 60 78 Unspecified Sheep's blood agar, chocolate 59
 Adelaide, Australia29 35 960 61 211 Unspecified Blood, chocolate, Sabouraud 64
 Victoria, Australia7 35 960 24 291 33.7 Chocolate, Sabouraud 49
 Brisbane, Australia6 35 960 60 231 22.9 Blood, MacConkey, chocolate, Sabouraud 65
 North America and Canada
 Toronto, Canada30 39 420 25 95 11.6 Blood, chocolate, inhibitory mould agar, thioglycolate 63
 Miami, USA31 46 040 108 2920 10.4* Chocolate, sheep's blood agar, Sabouraud, thioglycolate 50
 Pittsburgh, USA32 46 040 60 825 Unspecified Sheep's blood agar, chocolate, mannitol salt agar, Sabouraud dextrose agar supplemented with gentamicin 100
 Los Angeles, USA33 46 040 31 81 Unspecified Blood, chocolate, thioglycolate, Sabouraud 76
 Texas, USA34 46 040 60 131 28.8 Chocolate, blood, thioglycolate, Sabouraud dextrose 52.5
 Durham, USA35 46 040 84 453 Unspecified Blood, chocolate, Sabouraud, thioglycolate 68
 Paris, France11 38 500 21 291 50.3* Chocolate polyvitex agar, Schaedler broth with globular extract, Portagerm-Amies agar swab, Sabouraud-chloramphenicol-gentamicin medium 68
 Laussanne, Switzerland36 59 880 21 85 36 Blood, Sabouraud, chocolate, brain–heart infusion 86
 Anatolia, Turkey37 8020 192 620 3.2 Chocolate, blood agar, Sabouraud 48.4
 Amsterdam and Rotterdam38 45 820 36 156 39.74 Blood agar, chocolate agar, cooked meat broth, Sabouraud agar 58
  • * Paper did not specify the number of contact-lens wearers. Instead, the authors report on the number of isolates from contact-lens wearers. The figure given in the table therefore represents the percentage of isolates retrieved from cases where contact-lens wear was a risk factor.

  • Estimated to be lower middle income ($936 to $3705); the value given in the table is the midpoint of this range.

  • This paper presented data for 1995 and 2005; only 2005 data have been extracted in our study.

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