Report of the 1st Indian Ocean Panel & 6th Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel Joint Meeting
18-20 February 2004, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
Action List
1. Opening Remarks
2. Joint Sessions
2.1. IOC/GOOS and CLIVAR Activities
2.2. Joint Issues
2.3. Monsoon Monitoring and Process Studies
2.4. Science Talks
3. IOP Sessions
3.1. Terms of Reference, Short and Long Term Goals
3.2. Elements of the observing system and forward plans
3.3. Data Management
3.4. Outline Implementation Plan/Writing Assignments
4. AAMP Sessions
4.1. Simulating and Predicting the AA monsoon: Daily, intraseasonal, interannual and decadal timescales
4.2. Applications and impacts of monsoon predictability, variability and change
4.3. Coordinating with GEWEX and other monsoon studies
4.4. Discussion on other panel issues and agreement on future actions
Appendix 1: Attendee List
Appendix 2: Agenda
Appendix 3. IO Modeling and the CLIVAR modeling panels
Appendix 4. Discussion paper on Tide Gauge Data and Storm Surge Prediction
Appendix 5. Acronyms
Action List
Action from AAMP5: Webster/Schiller write a letter to the Argo Science Team with a copy to the GODAE Steering Team to summarizing the Panel's ongoing effort to develop recommendations of how to deploy the floats in order to efficiently monitor intra-seasonal oscillation in the tropical oceans.
Action 1: AAMP and IOP (McCreary, Slingo, Hendon, Schiller) will organize an Indian Ocean Modeling Workshop preliminarily planned for November/December 2004. They will work with relevant experts to decide dates, venue, funds and foci of the workshop.
Action 2: The IOP (McPhaden assisted by members) will design a tropical mooring array including measurements of Indonesian Through-flow and western boundary currents and including surface flux sites for calibration of basin scale products.
Action 3: The IOP/AAMP (Meyers/Schiller) will promote and help plan further OSSE's to set sampling guidelines for an integrated observing system that will include Argo floats, the tropical mooring array and other measurement platforms. Initial results will be reported at the Indian Ocean Modelling Workshop mentioned above.
Action 4: The IOP (Chair) will write OOPC recommending the review of global XBT sampling, and participate in the review if required.
Action 5: The IOP chair will contact IBPIO to discuss how the IOP can help find resources to complete the drifter array.
Action 6: The AAMP will communicate to Vasco/Cirene to promote the case for a detailed field experiment on the suppressed MJO phase. (At the time of publishing this meeting report, communication to the Vasco/Sirene group had been initiated through the ICPO. Jean Philippe Duvel, one of the leading scientists of the project, confirmed that the group planned to carry out 30-day cruises, which will therefore hopefully cover both active and suppressed phases of MJO.)
Action 7: AAMP (Kumar Kolli) will be represented in SASCOM and to contribute to long term planning of MAIRS. There is a need to develop formal programme linkages between AAMP and MAIRS, to be initiated by a formal letter from the panel co-hairs to the coordinator MAIRS and the START Deputy Director.
Action 8: Kolli and Yan will investigate the possibility of a joint meeting between MAIRS and AAMP, by contacting the coordinator MAIRS and the START Deputy Director.
Action 9: Register strong concern about lack of dialogue with GEWEX CIMS project. Ask JSC to provide guidance (co-chairs, ICPO)
IOP Implementation Plan writing assignments: Details are in Section 3.4
A. The Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel (AAMP) is a part of the CLIVAR organization. It plays a primary role in the development of CLIVAR's research programme for monsoons in the Asian-Australian sector extending from the western Pacific Ocean to Africa. The programme includes investigations of the annual monsoon cycle, and intraseasonal through interannual to longer-term variability of the entire monsoon system. Its terms of reference are to:
Evolve a strategy to assess climate variability and
predictability of the coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system in the
Asian-Australia-Africa monsoon region;
Design and implement a programme to investigate the
mechanisms of ENSO-monsoon interactions;
Determine a monitoring strategy for the Indian Ocean, Western
Pacific and surrounding marginal seas and land regions necessary for
investigating the structure and variability of the monsoon;
Co-ordinate and promote interactions among meteorologists,
oceanographers and hydrologists from interested nations;
Develop an implementation plan for monsoon research in the
region, that recognizes the need for a well coordinated and optimized set of
process studies; and
Work in co-operation with other existing and planned regional
and multinational programs directed at improving our understanding of the
monsoon system, which include investigations on regional weather forecasting,
seasonal climate prediction and impacts on human activities.
The history of the panel and its activities are recorded in previous meeting reports (
The AAMP membership at the time of the meeting was:
J. Slingo Co-Chair, University of Reading, Reading, UK
P. Webster Co-Chair, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
H. Hendon BMRC, Melbourne, Australia
I.-S. Kang Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
R. Kumar Kolli Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
W. K.-M. Lau NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, USA
J. McCreary IPRC, Honolulu, USA
G. Meyers (IOP chair) CSIRO, Hobart, Australia
A. Schiller CSIRO, Hobart, Australia
H.-J. Wang Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Beijing, China
B. The Indian Ocean Panel (IOP) was recently established by CLIVAR and GOOS (through Indian Ocean GOOS and the Perth Office of IOC). Both programmes require a strategy for observing the Indian Ocean and recognize the need for high-quality ocean observations for research and ocean applications. Therefore the IOP was established to:
Provide scientific and technical oversight for a sustained
ocean observing system for the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Throughflow in order
to provide ocean observations needed for climate variability research and to
underpin operational ocean applications and services relevant to the region,
particularly with regard to ocean-state estimation and climate prediction.
Develop, coordinate and implement a plan for a sustained
ocean observing system for the Indian Ocean to (a) meet the common requirement
of CLIVAR research themes and regional initiatives, particularly those
identified by AAMP and VACS and the CLIVAR modeling panels, (b) satisfy the
common requirements of GOOS and its modules, and (c) coordinate implementation
activities in collaboration with relevant regional and global bodies and IOGOOS
and JCOMM in particular.
Liaise with relevant research Panels of CLIVAR and
implementation Panels of GOOS and JCOMM and provide a focal point for
coordination of ocean observing networks in the region.
Report to the CLIVAR SSG through its AAMP and to GOOS through
the IOC Perth Office.
The current IOP members are
G. Meyers (chair) CSIRO, Hobart, Australia
S. Burhanuddin Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jakarta, Indonesia
P. Hacker University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA
Y. Kuroda JAMSTEC, Yokosuka, Japan
Y. Masumoto FORSGC, JAMSTEC, Tokyo, Japan
J. McCreary (AAMP) University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA
M. McPhaden NOAA, PMEL, Seattle, USA
R. Molcard Laboratoire d'Oceanographie Dynamique et Climat, Paris, France
L. Ogallo (VACS) University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
M. Ravichandran Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, India
F. Schott Institute for Marine Research, University of Kiel, Germany
S. Shetye National Institute of Oceanography, Pune, India
B. Tilbrook (IOCCP) CSIRO, Hobart, Australia
P. Webster (AAMP) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
As indicated in the member list, the IOP includes representatives from the AAMP, VACS and IOCCP. Web links for details of these organizations can be found through Appendix 5 expands all the acronyms used in this report.
The ICPO contact for the AAMP and IOP is Zhongwei Yan (c/o Southampton Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK, The contact for IOC Perth Office is Bill Erb (c/o Bureau of Meteorology, Perth, Australia,
C. The aims of the joint panel meeting
To develop a joint vision for the two panels for the
promotion of IOP activities. Specifically, to develop and implement a working
plan for IOP for the near term (2-3-years) taking into account the
implementation time lines of AAMP and CLIVAR (up to 2013) and IOC/GOOS.
To review/update the implementation process of AAMP,
specifically to summarize current status and the near-term development in
monsoon modeling (in order to develop a working plan for a monsoon modeling
workshop in collaboration with GEWEX building on the CIMS and COPE
initiatives), monsoon prediction and applications.
1. Introductory Remarks
The 1st Indian Ocean Panel and 6th
Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel joint meeting was held at the Indian Institute
of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India. Dr. G. B. Pant (Director of the host
institute) opened the 3-day meeting at 9:00 am, 25 February 2003 by welcoming
the delegates. Profs. J. Slingo, P. Webster and Dr. G. Meyers, as the panel
chairs, thanked Dr Pant and welcomed new panel members and all experts to the
meeting. The chairs reiterated the importance of the Indian Ocean observing
system and the relevance of this to the AAMP. Prof. Webster made special mention
of the importance of the winter as well as the summer monsoons.
Contact details of the 26 attendees are listed in Appendix 1. The
meeting agenda is at Appendix 2 and it is also available online at CLIVAR�s web
site with links to presentations (
2. Joint Sessions
IOC/GOOS perspective of
the IOP - Bill Erb, Head of the IOC Perth Regional Programme Office, stated that the IOC was very pleased to be co-sponsoring the IOP with CLIVAR. The idea for a planning panel for an Indian Ocean observing system originated at the SOCIO meeting in Perth in 2000 and was discussed/promoted at the 4th and 5th AAMP meetings. This
was later reinforced at the first meeting of Indian Ocean GOOS (IOGOOS) in
Mauritius in 2002. IOGOOS is a GOOS Regional Alliance (GRA) based at Indian
Center for Ocean and Information Systems (INCOIS) in Hyderabad. It is in fact one of the sponsors of
the IOP and one of their primary goals, as stated in their organization
strategy, is the establishment of an observing array. IOGOOS recognizes that
the coupling of research and operational requirements is necessary for the
array�s design. The IOP intends that their plan will be closely coordinated
with the work of JCOMM and that both JCOMM and CLIVAR oversight and input will
sought. The IOC is very pleased at the mix and expertise of the people named to
the panel and will do its utmost to ensure they are funded to carry out the
work expected.
WCRP/CLIVAR Activities - Dr. Mike Sparrow
forwarded apologies from Drs. Zhongwei Yan and Howard Cattle, who co-authored
the presentation but could not attend the meeting. As the presentation showed,
the establishment of the IOP filled an organizational gap in CLIVAR, which had
previously set up ocean basin panels for the Atlantic, Pacific and Southern
Oceans. The panels were briefed on a few important activities as follows:
The COPE, Climate Observation and Prediction Experiment,
was recently initiated (JSC 2003, Reading), to regulate the future direction of
the WCRP (by the time of
writing this report, the concept evolved to COPES, Coordinated Observation and Prediction of the
Earth System). It aims to provide society with a tangible result
on what is, and what is not, predictable at weekly, seasonal, interannual and
decadal time scales; and to provide the research community with a central theme
for building climate observation systems, developing climate system models and
climate data assimilation techniques, and computing and data processing
systems. Its specific objectives that are relevant to the AAMP/IOP include:
determining the extent to which seasonal
prediction is possible with current data/models;
determining the extent to which the various
monsoons are predictable;
assessing the extent to which ISOs are
predictable in coupled models; and
determining how, why and where modes of
climate variability change in response to anthropogenic forcing.
COPES is still under development and contributions from the panels are
The CLIVAR Data and
Information System is being developed.
The ICPO will synthesize information and develop tools, but it is essential
that panels, especially the data liaisons (currently I-S Kang for the AAMP and
M Ravichandran for the IOP), provide input. An example is that the ICPO
developed a facility at CLIVAR�s web for scientists to add/update information
of new/ongoing carbon-measuring and hydrographic cruises, simply by clicking on
the link
The system will be very useful for summarizing / highlighting advances in the
field, but only if there is sufficient input from experts.
mid-term assessment was underway, aimed at measuring the achievements to date against the CLIVAR objectives and providing the SSG with the input to determine what steps might be necessary to ensure future progress. Reports from all panels would be reviewed at the next SSG meeting, immediately after the First International CLIVAR Science Conference (Baltimore, June 2004). The assessment, together with other relevant documents developed by the panels (e.g., the AAMP Prospectus and the CLIVAR folder with flyers,
to be discussed in a later section), will be used to regulate the future
activities of the panels.
monsoon studies with WMO
sponsorship were noted. The AAMP has close links to the GEWEX monsoon studies.
A link was to be developed with the START Integrated Regional Study of Monsoon
Asia (IRS-MA), which is aimed mainly at long-term and anthropogenic climate
changes, impacts and applications (more detailed discussion in section 4.2
resulting in Action 7). There are some activities that could perhaps do with
more coordination, e.g., the International Workshop Series on Monsoons
sponsored by the Committee of Atmospheric Science/Working group on Tropical
Meteorology Research (WGTMR).
2.2. Joint Issues
The second-day joint panel session started with a summary of items
discussed in the parallel sessions (details in later sections) the previous
day. The meeting then continued with several talks addressing issues concerned
by both panels.
Carbon Project and AAMP/IOP - In his talk titled 'Carbon and CLIVAR
interactions in the Indian Ocean', Dr. Bronte Tilbrook pointed out that the
JGOFS/WOCE CO2 survey of the oceans during the 1990s had
dramatically improved understanding of the ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
and the air-sea exchange of CO2. The results show that between 1800
and 1994 the anthropogenic CO2 storage in the Indian Ocean, north of
50S, is about 20 PgC of 118 +/- 19 PgC of the total ocean storage. Most of the
storage in the Indian Ocean is in the mode and intermediate waters, with the
storage pattern being strongly influenced by the shallow overturning
circulation. Surface underway measurements of CO2 have also provided
the first patterns of the air-sea fluxes of CO2 in all the major
ocean basins. Carbon cycle researchers are building on these results to develop
a program aimed at documenting and understanding how the air-sea exchange and
storage of CO2 is evolving in the ocean. The work is coordinated
through the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), which is
jointly sponsored by IOC, SCOR, and the Global Carbon Project. The IOCCP
assists in the design and implementation of the carbon research and in building
links to IGBP and WCRP programs. The research has two key observational themes;
repeat hydrographic sections and surface observations (time series and ship of
hydrographic section work aims to determine changes in CO2 storage
and associated transports on decadal scales. The work is closely integrated with
CLIVAR activities and is aligned with the Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and
Ecosystem Research (IMBER) program of IGBP and SCOR. Understanding the role of
the overturning circulation in controlling the storage pattern and how it might
change will benefit from interaction between CLIVAR and IOCCP. Information on
Indian Ocean sections planned or recently completed is available at:
Three sections with CO2 measurements have been completed since 2000
in the subtropical Indian Ocean. The USA proposes to complete meridional
sections along WOCE I9N and I7N in 2009 (Table 1). Chokepoint sections in the
Indian sector of the Southern Ocean are also planned by Australia (I9S, 2005)
and the USA (I6S, 2008). The distribution of the sections is designed to allow
the storage to be calculated for the Indian basin and most follow WOCE
sections. Extra coverage in the tropical Indian Ocean would be useful including
a section across the Indonesian throughflow.
Section |
Country |
Status |
Indian Ocean
2000 |
I5 |
2002 |
I3/I4 |
2003 |
I7N |
planned 2009 |
I9N |
planned 2009 |
The surface
observation network aims to resolve seasonal to interannual changes in the
air-sea flux of CO2 on a basin scale to 0.2 PgC/yr. The work is
aligned with the Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), and the
coverage in the Indian Ocean needs to be developed. The French OISO program
(Metzl, LBCM) has a winter-summer sampling program in the central Indian Ocean
between Reunion Island, Amsterdam Island and Kerguelen Island. India carries
out a program of time series and underway measurements in the Arabian Sea and
Bay of Bengal (Kumar, NIO). With the exception of measurements on one Japanese
cruise each austral summer down the east Indian Ocean (Hashida, NIPR) there is
no other routine coverage of surface carbon in the Indian Ocean. Integration of
the CO2 measurements with XBT lines and new time series moorings in
the region are two ways to substantially improve coverage.
Based on Dr. Tilbrook's report, the IOP agreed to develop the
carbon programme as a part of its evolving implementation plan. The carbon measurements
will form a part of the integrated observing system for the Indian Ocean.
Argo sampling to support monsoon research - As Dr. Andreas Schiller reported, Argo floats are a core element of the ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean, which will ultimately improve predictability of the monsoons. Open questions remain as to where and how often to sample the upper ocean. Or, as John Gould, Argo Project Director, put it: can the AAMP and IOP 'identify crucial areas that are presently blank that should have high priority for infilling to meet the needs of those trying to understand monsoon dynamics?' (2002). The task is to aid
the design for an Argo float array in the Indian Ocean by inferring
information from Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs).
Some preliminary results from activities undertaken in India, the
U.S. and Australia suggest that capturing variability on intraseasonal-to-seasonal scales in the Indian Ocean requires a spatial sampling with approximately x < 500km and y < 100km (less in the equatorial Indian Ocean and Western Boundary Currents, larger elsewhere). Intraseasonal variability requires a temporal sampling of 5 days or less (current sampling period is typically 10 days). An enhancedan> temporal and spatial
sampling by Argo floats might attract higher costs. For example, shorter
lifetimes of the Argo system might be a consequence of running the batteries
down by more frequent sampling.
Such additional costs need to be taken into account when drawing
conclusions about the feasibility of higher sampling rates. Consequently,
amendments to the current sampling strategy might require joint international
efforts to accommodate additional costs.
Current research activities are virtually uncoordinated and without any specific funding, well-defined research goals or timelines. To make progress with the design of an Argo float array in the Indian Ocean, the AAMP/IOPs were requested to
support the formal evaluation of individual data sets and
their role in improving our understanding of the ocean. A full observing system
design requires state-of-the-art models and estimation methods.
provide a platform for assessment of
an Indian Ocean observing system and of the utility of new ocean data sets,
and, ultimately, aid the acquisition of the most useful data through adaptive
To facilitate progress with a sustained, integrated ocean-observing
system, the AAMP and IOP were requested to support and encourage the following
research efforts in OSSEs through evaluation of:
existing observational data from moorings and Argo floats,
different models (eddy/non-eddy resolving) and
methods (forward models, adjoint models, Kalman Filter
techniques etc.)
Special emphasis should be given to state-of-the-art eddy resolving
models such as those being used by the international GODAE community. The Argo
Science Team, AAMP, IOP and GODAE might want to consider a joint activity
supporting the design and evaluation of an integrated observing system using a
combination of observing platforms (e.g. moorings, Argo floats and XBT lines).
The panels acknowledged Dr. Schiller's suggestions and agreed to
write to relevant organizations to promote the suggested studies (see Action
from AAMP5 below and more discussions and Action 3 in Section 3.2).
Action from AAMP5: Webster/Schiller write a letter to the
Argo Science Team with a copy to the GODAE Steering Team to summarizing the Panel's ongoing effort
to develop recommendations of how to deploy the floats in order to efficiently
monitor intra-seasonal oscillation in the tropical oceans.
Modeling Indian Ocean Circulation - Dr. Jay McCreary
started the discussion with a talk
entitled 'Modeling Indian Ocean (IO) circulation: Successes and Limitations'.
The talk focused on three questions: What IO phenomena remain to be
explored with existing models? What specific improvements are needed for
IO models? In what way can an IO modeling effort link with the other
CLIVAR modeling groups?
He began with a brief summary of accomplishments in the field of
Indian-Ocean modeling. Much has been accomplished since the first Indian
Ocean numerical modeling paper: probably O'Brien and Hurlburt's (1974)
simulation of the Wyrtki Jets. Progress in IO dynamics has recently been
reviewed by Schott and McCreary (2001). Dr. McCreary highlighted progress
in understanding the dynamics of the Wyrtki Jets, Somali Current, Indian
coastal currents, Indonesian Throughflow, the Cross-Equatorial and Subtropical
Cells, and mixed-layer processes (primarily in the Arabian Sea). He also noted
progress in understanding the influences of ENSO and the Indian Ocean Dipole
(or Zonal Mode, IODZM) on Indian-Ocean circulations.
Dr. McCreary proceeded to outline limitations of our current
knowledge, asking: What phenomena can still (or should still) be studied with
existing models? What are existing models not able to do? Regarding
the mean and seasonal cycle, McCreary noted that the dynamics of the Eastern
Gyral Current are still not understood, and that, although there are many ideas
about the origin and maintenance of the Leeuwin Current, its basic dynamics are
still a matter of debate. Regarding interannual variability, much work
needs to be done on Indonesian Throughflow and Sumatra/Java upwelling, the
latter a key component in the IODZM. Modeling of intraseasonal variability
in the ocean needs attention. Among other things, recent work suggests that
this variability is associated with SST anomalies that feedback significantly
to the atmosphere. Dr. McCreary focused attention on inability to
adequately simulate thin salinity layers in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean
and Bay of Bengal in models. It is doubtful that existing GCMs can
simulate them, without improvements to their mixed-layer
parameterizations. Progress in modeling salinity will be limited unless
much better rainfall and river runoff data sets become available.
Dr. McCreary summarized the e-mail exchanges he had with the leaders of three
CLIVAR modeling panels, namely John Mitchell (WGCM), Ben Kirtman (WGSIP), and
Claus Boening (WGOMD) to find out if the Panels are addressing the needs of the
Indian Ocean (the edited versions of those messages handed out at the
meeting are in Appendix 3). Tony Busalacchi (CLIVAR SSG co-chair) had
expressed the fear that IO issues might be overlooked in the Panels without IO
representation. Ben Kirtman noted that WGSIP is becoming aware of the
importance of IO climate, and in particular its potential impact on the Pacific
sector. Claus Boening wrote that WGOMD is interested in low-frequency
ocean variability, but at periods longer than
seasonal-to-interannual. Based on these messages and discussion at the
meeting, it seemed that the best link of the IO modeling community was to
WGSIP. A link to WGOMD was less clear but possible; for example,
questions concerning the interaction of Pacific Decadal Variation with the IO
would seem to be of interest to both groups.
One solution for the AAMP/IOP was to establish their own (informal) modeling
activity for the Indian Ocean to identify key issues from both an IOP and AAMP
perspective. Dr. Harry Hendon suggested that the panels could provide advice
with e.g. hindcasts, and determine the key issues required for model
improvement, which could be communicated to the global modeling groups. The
general feeling was that the AAMP should work on modeling issues of relevance
to the Indian Ocean and surrounding area. It was generally felt that a workshop
should be held to tackle these problems.
In a later talk Prof. Julia Slingo noted that one reason why coupled
models have problems with ISOs is the lack of
sufficient vertical resolution in the upper few meters of the ocean. OGCMs with ~10m vertical resolution simply do not adequately capture the
diurnal cycle. After the meeting Dr. Andreas Schiller pointed out that many of
the problems mentioned by Dr. McCreary are
likely to be related to this problem and the key might be a combination of both better mixed-layer models as well as higher vertical
resolution in the uppermost ocean.
Action 1: AAMP and IOP (McCreary, Slingo, Hendon, Schiller) will organize an Indian Ocean Modeling Workshop preliminarily planned for November/December 2004. They will work with relevant experts to decide dates, venue, funds and foci of the workshop.
The Workshop will review Indian Ocean simulations within coupled models and forced ocean model hindcasts, identify key strengths and weaknesses and knowledge gaps, and design experiments to quantify the predictability of, and the predictability arising from, the Indian Ocean. It may also address OSSE's to assist setting sampling guidelines for development of the sustained, integrated observing system for the Indian Ocean. Potential areas of study include:
mean seasonal cycle and basic ocean structure
upper ocean/mixed layer processes
equatorial and coastal K-waves and R-waves
intraseasonal variability
response to El Ni�o forcing
IOD(ZM) - see Appendix 5
role of ITF
Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal salinities.
Joint issues with VACS - Prof. Laban Ogallo discussed
issues of common interest to IOP and VACS. The key research issues identified
by VACS are:
Variability / changes in the African
climate system and their effects on the global climate system
Global climate variability impacts on the
African climate
Understanding the nature and Predictability
of the African climate system
Compared with other continents we know relatively
little about the African climate system. In part this is due to lack of
adequate capacity to address some of the required research challenges - observations
(ocean observations in particular); data exchange and management; computing,
modelling, skilled human resources; etc. Nevertheless, it is known that the
continent has very high seasonal and interannual climate variability, including
extreme events such as droughts and floods and that they have far reaching
socio-economic implications. Some of the climate extremes have been linked to
anomalies in the wider global / regional climate system such as ENSO and Indian
Ocean variability. VACS has identified SST patterns in the tropical and
subtropical Indian Ocean that have significant correlation with African
rainfall patterns. The role of ocean dynamics in the formation of these
patterns is however not known. The issues of common interest to IOP and VACS are:
Observations around Africa
Data management and exchange
Process Studies
Climate modeling and prediction
Climate change activities
Capacity building
2.3. Monsoon Monitoring and Process Studies
These presentations during the joint panel session were intended to
provide input to the detailed panel discussions later in the meeting.
Vasco/Cirene Experiment - Dr. Robert Molcard
introduced the Vasco/Cirene experiment to be carried out by Principal
Investigators Drs. J�r�me Vialard and Jean-Philippe
Duvel. The Vasco-Cirene experiment investigates various oceanic and
atmospheric processes in the tropical Indian Ocean, but its main focus is on
ocean-atmosphere interactions at intraseasonal timescale. Recent satellite and
observational datasets have shown large-scale large amplitude intraseasonal
modulation of the sea surface temperature south of the equator in winter, which
need to be understood better.
Vasco/Cirene includes long term oceanographic observations for two
or three years, using Argo floats (deployed in 2004 and 2005) and an equatorial
subsurface mooring with an ADCP and T/C sensors. There will be an intensive
observing period in early 2006, involving an oceanographic campaign in the
western and central Indian Ocean on board the RV Atalante. This campaign will
be coordinated with the launching of Aeroclippers and pressurized balloons from
the Seychelles and possibly with an Indian campaign in the East. Aeroclipper - Dr. Molcard went on to introduce the International Nusantara STratification ANd Transport programme (INSTANT). Several groups from various nations have been trying for some years to understand the dynamics of the fluxes between the Pacific and the Indian Ocean through the Indonesia Archipelago. Theoretical and experimental studies are now widely published but simultaneous measurements distributed over the whole archipelago from the entrance of the ITF on the Pacific side to the exit on the Indian side are still required. Previous measurements were unfortunately much scattered in time and in space and often of too short duration. The INSTANT was established to
determine the full depth velocity and property structure of the Throughflow and its associated heat and freshwater flux;
resolve the annual, seasonal and intraseasonal
characteristics of the ITF transport and property flux;
investigate the storage and modification of the ITF waters
within the internal Indonesian seas, from their Pacific source characteristics
to the Indonesian Throughflow water exported into the Indian Ocean;
contribute to the design of a cost-effective, long term
monitoring strategy for the ITF; and
facilitate training of Indonesian scientific and technical
personnel in the acquisition, processing and analysis of state-of-the-art
oceanographic data.
The countries and individuals involved are: Indonesia (Indroyono
Soesilo), United States (Arnold Gordon, Janet Sprintall, Dwi Susanto, Amy
Ffield), Australia (Susan Wijffels), France (Robert Molcard) and the Netherlands (Hendrik van Aken). Dr. Molcard
provided maps with details of the planned mooring positions (available at
The first phase of INSTANT was completed with 11 current meters and
T/C sensors in place in the main passages of the ITF. Many Indonesian
scientists joined the cruises and the measurements and would process and
analyze the data as part of, and in collaboration with the INSTANT scientific
team. The first current meter and tide gauges data set will be available by
spring 2005, when the moorings are to be recovered, and re-instrumented to be
finally recovered at the end of 2006. Three-year time series of simultaneous
measurements are therefore expected from this experiment.
Climatic variation over Indonesia - Dr. Paulus
Agus Winarso noted that the Maritime Continent lies in the tropical region
between two oceans (the Indian and Pacific) and two continents (Asia and
Australia). Humid air prevailed and adequately supported the national
agricultural activities before the 1990s, but the situation has changed since
then, partly in association with prevailing El Ni�o-like conditions. Since 1991
various El Ni�o episodes have tended to cause longer dry than wet/rainy season.
The monsoonal wind system changed around 1991. Generally, the dry season is
associated with the easterly winds and the wet season with westerly winds. A
decreasing trend occurred in annual rainfall from 1997 onwards, related to
enhancement of the easterly wind system, which itself causes development of an
inversion layer over the region. Consequently, fires, smoke and haze more
easily develop in the dry season during recent years than before. This
phenomenon has no relation with the Asian Brown Cloud (ABC) (active in winter
monsoon), because the time of occurrence is different (the haze episode in
Indonesia is mainly during summer monsoon in Asia).
Dr. Winarso also briefed the group on the current conditions in
January 2004, including the lack of tropical cyclone generation and prevailing
easterly wind over Indonesia. The features were almost the same as in January
2003. He predicted that long dry and short wet seasons would still feature in
Influence of the Southern Hemisphere circulation on the East
Asian summer monsoon - Dr. Huijun Wang introduced a recent study of interannual
variability of the Mascarene High (MH) and Australian High (AH) and their
influences on the East Asian Summer Monsoon, based on the reanalysis data from
NCEP/NCAR and other observational data for the boreal summers of 1970-1999. Interannual
variability of the MH is dominated by the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) in a way
that the MH is intensified with the development of the circumpolar lows in the
high southern latitudes. On the other hand, the AH is correlated with the El Ni�o
- Southern Oscillation (ENSO) as well as AAO, and tends to be intensified when
El Ni�o occurs. With the intensification of the MH, the Somali jet and Indian
monsoon westerlies tend to be strengthened. Concurrently, the AH and the
associated cross-equatorial current become stronger whereas the trade wind over
the tropical western and central Pacific become weaker. In association with the
above changes, convective activities near the Philippine Sea are suppressed, as
a consequence, exciting a negative convection anomaly and a Rossby wave train
from East Asia via North Pacific to the western coast of North America (a
negative Pacific-Japan pattern). Corresponding to the negative Pacific-Japan
pattern, there is more rainfall from the middle and lower valley of the Yangtze
River to Japan. The case study of 1980 indicates that, the MH, AH and the
associated cross-equatorial currents exhibit a quasi-biweekly oscillation.
Moreover, the position and intensity of the western Pacific subtropical high
(WPSH) on the intraseasonal timescale is largely modulated by the oscillation
of the two highs. On interannual timescale, however, the MH plays a major role
in the WPSH and the related summer rainfall over East Asia.
Based on the above observational analysis, two sets of numerical
experiments were carried out using a nine-level AGCM developed at the Institute of
Atmospheric Physics, Beijing. The result shows that with the intensification of
MH, the Somali low-level jet is significantly enhanced together with the summer
monsoon circulation in the tropical Asia and western Pacific region. The
weakened convection in the tropical western Pacific to the east of Philippines
may induce a negative Pacific-Japan teleconnection pattern. In the meantime,
geopotential height is enhanced in the tropics while reduced over most regions
of mid-high latitudes, thus the northwestern Pacific subtropical high at 500
hPa extends southwestward, resulting in more rainfall in southern China and
less rainfall in northern China. A similar but weaker anomaly pattern of the
atmospheric circulation systems is found in the experiment of the
intensification of AH. Comparison between the two sets of experiments indicates
that, the MH plays a major role in the interactions of the general atmospheric
circulation between the two hemispheres. This study implies that, as a strong signal,
AAO plays an important role in interannual variability of the East Asian summer
monsoon. Due to the seasonal persistence of AAO during boreal spring through
summer, the strength of MH in boreal spring may provide some valuable
information for summer monsoon forecast over East Asia.
Future Process Studies - Dr. Peter Hacker
pointed out that process/pilot studies are needed for building a sustained
observation system. Every new measurement constitutes a process/pilot study in
that region and there is a need to identify science and benefits from new
observations. Dr. Hacker suggested that the IOP/AAMP provide
guidance/prioritization input for new efforts. It may take 1-2 years to
identify, track and make a statement of value for sustained observations, but
planning workshops are needed soon. Having noted some ongoing / proposed
efforts, including INSTANT, Vasco/Cirene, moorings (India, Japan, Europe, USA,
etc) and on shallow water overturning, Dr. Hacker listed some targets for
future efforts suggested by his colleagues at the University of Hawaii:
ISO as coupled process, especially ocean processes and effect
on SST
60-100E, 5-10S, ISV with stationary SST, cloudiness and wind
Bay of Bengal heat and freshwater budget experiment
Freshwater flux through secondary straits in the ITF
Sumatra process study, maybe one mooring
15S eastern Gyral current feeding the Leuwin current
Sumatra study of role of ocean dynamics and barrier layer on
Biogeochemical data for global change studies
2.4. Science Talks
The talks in this joint session address major scientific challenges
of concern to both panels.
Shallow overturning circulation and variability of the Indian
Ocean - Prof. Fritz Schott gave a full scientific presentation on this
topic. The Indian Ocean equatorial zone is characterized by downwelling, not
upwelling as in the other oceans. Therefore, the Indian Ocean�s shallow
overturning circulation is marked by a cross-equatorial cell (CEC) that relates
upwelling in the northern hemisphere and subduction in the southern hemisphere
subtropics. The northward flow is carried by the thermocline Somali Current at
50-300m depth and the southward return flow by the annual-mean southward Ekman
transports. A unique feature of the near-equatorial mean zonal wind stress is
that it changes approximately linearly with latitude, resulting in near-equivalency
of meridional Sverdrup and Ekman transports (Godfrey et al., 2001; Miyama et
al., 2003). The CEC transports 6 Sv and approximate agreement was found between
(model) net northern upwelling, Somali Current and interior Ekman/Sverdrup
transport (Schott et al., 2002). Northern upwelling occurs in large wedges with
the offshore flows off Somalia and in smaller filaments off Oman, while models
also suggest open-ocean upwelling in domes both sides of India / Sri Lanka
(Miyama et al., 2003). There are, however, open questions about the
contributions of the different northern upwelling sites to the total.
There is now overall observation-model agreement on a fairly large
southward mean transport through the Mozambique Channel, which appears to be mostly
supplied by the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), but the ITF also contributes to
the CEC. A second shallow overturning cell is the hemispheric Subtropical Cell
(STC) of the Indian Ocean. It relates open ocean upwelling in a longitudinally
extended band northeast of Madagascar, at about 3-12S, to southern subduction,
ITF and recirculation from the south (Miyama et al., 2003).
The northern upwelling variability is largely related to the 'Great Whirl' (GW). It has recently been concluded from model studies (Wirth et al., 2002) that the observed significant interannual variability in intensity and location of the GW is largely caused by internal variability, not external interannual wind forcing. The northern Somali Current also displays intraseasonal variability at 40-60 days period. The cause was also found to be instability of the GW, leading to forced Rossby waves in the summer monsoon that gradually approach the dispersion relation of free waves during the subsequent winter (Brandt et al.,
2003). The wedges and filaments of the Arabian Sea exert a meso-scale imprint
on the large-scale airflow above, leading to meso-scale patterns of stability
and air-sea exchange that need to be considered when making large-scale budget
calculations for the northern Arabian Sea (Vecchi et al., 2004). Arabian Sea
SST is highly correlated with West Indian rainfall (Vecchi and Cane, 2004) and
the interesting question is to what degree the import/export across the equator
by the CEC is a driver of upwelling and SST anomalies (Loschnigg and Webster,
The variability of the STC and upwelling northeast of Madagascar is
related to the Indian Ocean Zonal Mode (IOZM; Feng and Meyers, 2003) and the
associated SST variability is highly correlated with east African rainfall
(Latif et al., 1999; Xie et al., 2002). Rossby wave propagation from the east
modulates that doming regime, providing hopes of predictability. The ongoing
debate on whether the IOZM is an independent mode akin to the Indian Ocean or
whether it needs triggering by the Pacific ENSO may be resolved by including
the role of the Pacific Decadal variability (PDV) and ITF (Annamalai et al.,
2004; Murtugudde and Annamalai, 2004; Webster 2004). By advecting thick or thin
mixed layers from the Pacific, the ITF may thus cause Sumatra SST become
insensitive to the onset of ENSO in one PDV phase and sensitive in the
Role of the salinity field in SST evolution in the region of the
Monsoon onset - Dr. S. Shetye introduced the results from ARMEX on the
subject. The region off the southwest coast of India is of
interest from the point of view of both ocean and atmospheric processes. It is in this region that the onset
vortex of the Indian Summer Monsoon forms. The region has been shown to have a
distinct annual cycle of sea level variability. The region receives low
salinity waters from the Bay of Bengal after withdrawal of the southwest
monsoon (approximately October). These waters are believed to play an important
role in formation of high SSTs here during late May or early June. The SSTs in
turn may be influencing formation of the onset vortex. An experiment - Arabian
Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX) - was carried out during 2002-2003 to study
these issues. The oceanic component of the experiment was primarily based on XBT
surveys, in-situ measurements on board ORV Sagar Kanya, and numerical model
studies. First results from the experiment conclude the following:
A barrier layer exists in the region of
interest during approximately November-April. It supports formation of
temperature inversions during Winter Monsoon (November-May). The inversions
propagate westward together with the low-salinity waters from the Bay of Bengal
(Shankar et al., 2004, GRL, in press)
The inversions heat the surface layer
above, leading to a net increase of 1�C in SST during November-May; at this
time the air-sea fluxes lower SST by 0.3�C (Durand et al., 2004, GRL)
The barrier layer in the region of interest
is almost annihilated by remotely forced upwelling in early April. The relic that survives is annihilated
by the inflow of high-salinity waters from the north, which too is primarily
remotely forced. [Shenoi et
al., 2004, GRL, in press]
The coupled nature of monsoon intraseasonal variability and
implications for prediction - Prof. P. Webster introduced the coupled nature of the annual cycle and
interannual variability of the monsoon, the similarity between the interannual
and intraseasonal variability and the coupled nature of intraseasonal
variability, and then focused on monsoon prediction. He stressed that even if
one can forecast perfectly that the All-India-Rainfall-Index will be + or -
10%, it does not tell when an active or break period will occur or which parts
of the country will be above or below average. In a climate where the intraseasonal
variability is far larger than the interannual variability forecasting of
year-to-year variability is secondary. From practical point of view, the
20-25-day prediction is the most useful for applications.
Prof. Webster summarized that intraseasonal variability of monsoon
is slow and large-scale, with easily identifiable major features and a strongly
coupled nature. Although it is very difficult to simulate the monsoon
intraseasonal oscillations (MISO) with current dynamical models, it is possible
to utilize the robust structure for empirical modeling. Theoretically,
instability modes like MISO/MJO are chaotic and inherently unpredictable.
However, once instability has occurred, we can follow the life-cycle of that
instability (or families thereof) through to completion, albeit though the
initiation of the next instability is unpredictable. In fact, the group of
Prof. Webster had developed a physics-based empirical model using wavelet
analysis and Bayesian statistical technique, which produced encouraging results
of multi-weekly forecasts of monsoon rainfall in the region. More details can
be found at
3. IOP Sessions
3.1 Terms of Reference, short and long term goals
Meeting for the first time, the Panel reviewed and accepted the TOR
as written. The Panel expressed a lot of enthusiasm for its first major
task--writing an implementation plan for sustained, basin-scale ocean-observations
relevant to climate variability.
The Panel agreed the time was right in a political sense to
identify and push forward a plan that provides all of the necessary
observations for both research and operational prediction of climate and
ocean-state in the Indian Ocean region. The optimism is based on several
factors indicating international support, including:
Ministerial level agreement at the First Earth Observation
Summit in July 2003 to prepare a conceptual framework to be reviewed in April 2004
Publication of the GCOS Second Adequacy Report to
COP9/UNFCCC, noting the lack of global coverage of the oceans, and identifying
consensus on the essential surface and subsurface ocean-variables that have to
be measured
Preparation of a draft GCOS Implementation Plan, that takes a
global perspective and needs to be backed up with a regional perspective
providing technical detail.
The scientific rationale for enhancing sustained observations now
is based on progress and ongoing research on key phenomena of the Indian
Ocean�s role in the climate system, including:
COPES (see Section 2.1) was recently initiated by WCRP
and will focus on identifying what is predictable at a broad range of
time-scales - weekly, seasonal, interannual and decadal - taking a unified
approach. It will require the sustained observing system in addition to a
synthesis of the above Indian Ocean research themes. The Panel welcomed the TOR
giving it scientific oversight of observational oceanography and its
liaison-role to climate modelling.
3.2 Elements of the observing system and forward plans
3.2.1 Tropical pilot-mooring arrays
Ongoing mooring activities include the following:
A map of the locations of on-going and planned pilot-moorings at
the time of the First Indian Ocean GOOS Conference in November 2002 is
available at
Some of the ongoing pilot mooring sites now
have a record extending up to four years. Preliminary results reviewed at the
meeting show strong intraseasonal variability of currents, as well as longer
term seasonal and interannual signals.
After considerable discussion, the Panel
agreed on a rational, coherent, sustained array for the tropical Indian Ocean,
in particular to address ocean physics in intra-seasonal variability and the
multi-scale interactions between the intra-seasonal time scale and longer term
modes of climate variability and change. The Panel recognized that in addition
to the broadscale array, elements to observe the Indonesian throughflow and
western boundary currents will have to be designed out of session and included
in the Implementation Plan.
Action 2:
The IOP (McPhaden assisted by members) will design an appropriate mooring array
including measurements of Indonesian Through-flow and western boundary currents
and including surface flux sites for calibration of basin scale products, as an
ongoing action of the IOP.
3.2.2 Argo floats
Implementation of Argo has progressed
rapidly in the past year and was about 40% complete by late April 2004. The
Panel recognized that the Argo data are a critical new resource for climate
research and that it needs to play a role in defining what research should
result from the data. Additional time must be devoted to this topic at the
second IOP meeting. IOP expressed concern that the fast, energetic variability
at intra-seasonal time scale and internal tides is an important source of noise
due to aliasing the 10-day Argo sampling. IOP will liase with the Argo
International Science Team in addressing both of the above issues (see Action 3
below and also refer to the talk of Dr. Schiller, in Section 2.2).
Action 3: The
IOP/AAMP (Meyers/Schiller) will promote and help plan further OSSE's to set sampling guidelines for an integrated observing system that will include Argo floats, the tropical mooring array and other measurement platforms. Initial results will be reported at the Indian Ocean Modelling Workshop mentioned earlier.
3.2.3 XBT network
The XBT network established by TOGA and
WOCE has been taken over as a global, operational activity by JCOMM and is
implemented by SOOPIP. The excellent work of several people in JCOMM and SOOPIP
(including Rick Bailey and Steve Cook, the former and present SOOPIP Chairmen,
and Etienne Charpentier of JCOMM OPS) needs to be recognized. They have
established a tracking system for XBT lines that continuously assesses
implementation of the GOOS XBT strategy. In reviewing present day sampling IOP
The Upper Ocean Thermal Expert-Panel
Report (Melbourne, 1999; Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century edited by N.
Smith and C. Koblinsky) recommended a transition of the global XBT network to
"line sampling" (so called frequently repeated and high density
lines) as Argo becomes fully implemented. The scientific rationale for line sampling
is given in the above reference.
The strategy in the Indian Ocean is
only partially implemented, and a number of other lines are being routinely
sampled. According to the assessment for Jan-Jun 2003:
o FRX lines IX1, IX9(north of 5N) and IX10(east of 78E) are well sampled
o FRX lines IX10(west of 78E), IX12, IX22 and PX2 are sampled but not well
o HDX line IX28 is well sampled
o HDX line IX2 began to be sampled in 2004
o The remaining FRX and HDX lines (IX2, 6, 7, 8) are not sampled according
to this review.
Some regularly sampled Indian Ocean
lines are not reporting on GTS or only sending data in delayed mode with one
year delay.
Resources for Indian Ocean XBT
sampling have to be about doubled to get full implementation of the "line
sampling" strategy (figure).
IOP recommended a new mini-review of global
XBT sampling by OOPC to obtain an overview of how well the "line
sampling" strategy is being implemented and to reconsider the selection of
lines to be sure that all of the necessary lines are included (see Action 4).
Action 4: The
IOP (Chair) will write OOPC recommending the review of global XBT sampling, and
participate in the review if required.
3.2.4 Tide gauge network
More than 50 Indian Ocean tide gauges have
a record of monthly values in the GLOSS sea level archive. A relatively small
number of the stations are useful for research. Historical hourly data are not
available from most stations and near real-time, hourly data are available from
only about 10 sites. After the panel meeting, the IOP Chair participated in the
CLIVAR Data Management Meeting at Scripps Institute of Oceanography (SIO) in
April 2004 and made contact with the University of Hawaii Sea Level Centre and
the Sea Level Data Assembly Centre at BODC. The IOP will correspond with these
centres to get a better understanding of the potential uses of the historical
archive for climate research, and make this information known to the CLIVAR
A paper on the need for near real time
hourly tide gauge data (see Appendix 4) was briefly considered at the meeting.
The AAMP was very supportive of the idea because of its relationship to
prediction of the coastal impacts of extreme events; storm surge and coastal
flooding in particular. The meeting noted the potential relationship of real
time tide gauges to the IOC�MILAC project being organized by Drs. Johannes
Guddal and K Radhakrishnan. Following encouragement from Dr. S K
Srivastav, the Director General of Meteorology, in his
address to the INDOCLIM workshop held immediately following the panel meeting,
Dr. Y.E.A. Raj and the IOP Chair continued a discussion of the real
time issue with a view toward submitting a proposal to establish some stations
in India.
3.2.5 Surface drifters
Typically about 80-100 drifters are active in the Indian Ocean at
any one time, about half of them with temperature and pressure sensors and half
with temperature only. This gives about 50% of desired coverage of the Indian
Ocean north of 40 S. The Panel noted that surface drifters indicate the
combined effect of directly wind driven (Ekman) and geostrophic currents and as
such are an important component of the integrated observing system.
Action 5: The IOP chair will contact IBPIO to discuss how
the IOP can help find resources to enhance/complete the drifter array.
3.3 Data management
The Panel noted that under the auspices of IOGOOS a workshop on data and information management and capacity building was held in Hyderabad during December 8-10, 2003. The workshop agreed to undertake a number of activities to improve data management in the Indian Ocean region. The initial task is to undertake surveys of the region to assess capability and to identify data centers and contact personnel. It was also agreed that a data manager would be assigned by INCOIS to serve as the IOGOOS data coordinator. This should contribute to improving the region's capability and provide a focal point for IOP and others. Various
capacity building activities will be undertaken by IOGOOS. The Panel should
take advantage of this initiative by linking with it and ascertaining how
elements of the planned Indian Ocean observing system can utilize IOGOOS
related data mechanisms. It was agreed that Dr. Ravichandran should serve as
the liaison person for this work.
After the joint panel meeting, the IOP Chair participated in the Workshop on CLIVAR Data Management and Global Synthesis of the Oceans at SIO on 24-26 March because Dr Ravichandran was not available. The SIO Workshop identified the need for the IOP (and other CLIVAR ocean-basin panels) to work more closely with the ongoing and re-established WOCE DACs. The SIO workshop welcomed news that the INCOIS/IOGOOS Secretariat office may be able to help meet some of CLIVAR's data needs.
3.4 Outline of the Implementation Plan and writing assignments
The IOP placed highest priority on establishing the sustained
Indian Ocean mooring array and made considerable progress in defining the broad
scale component. The Panel noted that observations of the Western Boundary
Currents remain to be designed. The IOP Chair will invite regional experts to
help design these arrays out of session. Observation of the mass, heat and salt
transports of Indonesian throughflow will be designed in collaboration with the
INSTANT community. The Panel developed the initial plan for an integrated
observing system (a figure is available at
In preparation for writing the Implementation Plan out of session,
the Panel agreed on the following outline and writing assignments, with a
complete rough draft due by June 2004 and a document ready for circulation
outside the Panel by September 2004.
geography and physics: Satish Shetye
Monsoon Variability: Peter Webster
oscillations: Peter Hacker
--Indian Ocean
Dipole: Jay McCreary
warming trends: Gary Meyers
Equatorial overturning cells: Fritz Schott
Meridional overturning: Fritz
--Carbon and
Biogeochemistry: Bronte Tilbrook
Throughflow: Robert Molcard
--Links to
Global Circulation: To be decided later
issues: Gary Meyers with assistance from Neville Smith
political and economic situation: Bill Erb
concept of an integrated OS (to be decided later)
Array: Mike McPhaden
--XBT, SL,
Drifters: Gary Meyers
and Repeat hydrography: Bronte Tilbrook
management (To be decided later)
Modeling need for sustained observations: Jay McCreary
studies and need for sustained observations (To be decided later).
4. AAMP Sessions
4.1. Simulating and Predicting the AA Monsoon: Daily,
Intraseasonal, Interannual and Decadal Timescales
Issues in modeling monsoon climates: variability and the basic
state - Prof. Julia Slingo illustrated a number of problems in
simulating monsoon climate with currently models. She
emphasized the following points.
There is evidence that basic state errors
affect variability in a non-linear fashion.
The Maritime Continent is a key area
requiring research.
The importance of organised convection (in
space and time).
The importance of representing
atmosphere/upper ocean coupling on all timescales.
The vertical resolution in the atmosphere
and upper ocean is important.
Land surface processes are important (in
particular for regions such as China). Representation of (i) the seasonal cycle
in vegetation and (ii) soil hydrology need attention. Strong links with GEWEX
are obviously required.
It was noted that ocean-atmosphere interaction is extremely
important. Accurate modeling of the top 1 m or so of the ocean is required - a
problem since many models have only 10 m or so vertical resolution.
Role of warm pool SST anomalies on the interannual variability
of monsoons - Dr. Hanna Annamalai introduced the diagnostics from
observed precipitation and reanalysis products, which revealed that after the
1976-77 Pacific Climate shift, the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) was stronger
than normal during the developing phase of El Ni�o, particularly during
July-August of 1977-2001 (POST76). During PRE76 (1950-75), the ISM was weaker
than normal over the entire monsoon period (June-September). The major
difference between the two epochs was the presence of cold SST anomalies over
the tropical Indo-Pacific warm pool region. Sensitivity experiments with an
AGCM reveal that the cold SST anomalies and associated condensation anomalies
over the warm pool force an anticyclone in the lower atmosphere over the
northern Indian Ocean, which increases the modeled low-level monsoon westerlies
during July-August of POST76. Further AGCM experiments reveal that a
near-absence of such cold SST anomalies over the warm pool resulted in a severe
drought over India during the developing phase of the El Ni�o in 2002.
Prof. Webster made the point that a major problem is that we still
cannot correctly predict ENSO. Dr. Hendon noted that the western Pacific SST
anomaly is also important for Australian climate.
Real-time monitoring and prediction of the MJO at BMRC - Dr. Hendon
introduced a technique to define and identify the MJO in real-time. Because
band pass filtering cannot be applied in real-time, a technique has been
developed which depends only on spatially filtered data. The MJO can be
effectively isolated by projection onto equatorially averaged EOFs of upper and
lower tropospoheric zonal wind and OLR. This definition, while having benefits
for real-time prediction and monitoring, also allows objective determination of
intraseasonal (poleward propagating)
variability in the Indian monsoon that is independent of the MJO. It also
allows objective identification of the relationship of monsoon onset with the
phase of the MJO (onset tends not to occur in the suppressed phase but can
occur anywhere within the broad active phase). Extreme rainfall events during
Australian summer were also shown to be 3 times more likely in the active phase
of the MJO than in the suppressed phase. A simple linear prediction scheme was
also developed based on these EOFs, and it shows skill similar to other
empirical schemes for intraseasonal prediction.
Modeling studies of the predictability of the Asian Summer
Monsoon - Dr. Molteni focused on three issues regarding the predictability
of monsoon variability in GCM simulations:
(1) Are GCMs able to reproduce the patterns and the variance
distribution among different modes of monsoon variability?
(2) Can we identify which patterns are mainly driven by SST forcing
at the seasonal time-scale, and how well can we reproduce their interannual
variability in observed-SST experiments?
(3) Is there evidence of regime-like behavior in the monsoon
variability simulated by GCMs, and how is it related to tropical SST anomalies
(e.g. ENSO phase)?
Results from a set of AGCM ensemble simulations, referred to as the
PRISM (Predictability experiments for the Asian summer monsoon) ensembles, were
presented. These experiments were run with the T63 ECMWF AGCM, using observed
SST from nine years in the 1980�s and 1990�s with large ENSO variability. Each
10-member ensemble covered a one-year period from November to October of the
following year, and EOF and SVD analysis of interannual and intraseasonal
variability were performed to assess the predictability of different
variability modes.
With regard to question (1), it was found that the ECMWF model
overestimated the variance associated with the leading mode of 850-hPa wind and
rainfall, which was associated with a meridional shift of the TCZ in the Indian
Ocean. A second mode of variability detected by SVD analyses, and associated
with regional circulation features in the region of the Indian subcontinent,
was simulated with a somewhat reduced variance. However, when the time series
of the time coefficients associated with the two modes were correlated with SST
anomalies and compared to observations, the second mode was found to have a
much stronger association with the ENSO cycle than the first mode. As the
consequence, the correlation between ensemble-mean and re-analysis anomalies
onto the second SVD mode was found to be very high (up to 96% for the rainfall
component of this mode), thus providing a positive answer to question (2).
With regard to question (3), results from a principal component
(PC) analysis of 5-day-mean rainfall were presented. Probability density
functions for the joint distribution of the leading two PCs suggested a
regime-like behavior during the cold ENSO phase (i.e. La Ni�a events), but not
during the warm phase. It was noted that, while other studies suggested that
the main effect of ENSO on monsoon regimes was to affect the frequency (but not
the spatial structure) of flow regimes, the ECMWF model results showed a more
complex behavior, reminiscent of the existence of a bifurcation point in a
non-linear dynamical system.
Monsoon modeling studies at the Hadley Centre - Dr. Gill
Martin reported that previous versions of the Hadley Centre climate model have
produced a reasonably good simulation of the Asian summer monsoon. A new
semi-Lagrangian, non-hydrostatic version of the Met Office climate model called
HadGEM1 is currently under development. This model incorporates numerous
changes to the physical parameterizations in both the atmosphere and ocean
components, as well as to the model grid and vertical resolution, and includes
additional processes such as the sulphur cycle and cloud aerosol effects. Thus,
both the coupled model and its atmosphere-only version, HadGAM1, are very
different from the previous versions, HadCM3 and HadAM3.
The monsoon climatology in HadGAM improves on HadAM3. The monsoon
in HadCM3 is rather different from that in HadAM3. The monsoon circulation is
weaker and there is far less precipitation over and around the Indian
peninsula, while precipitation over Indonesia is increased. These changes are associated
with errors in SST of the coupled model, where the northern hemisphere
temperatures are colder and the SSTs around Indonesia warmer than observed.
Similar errors are seen in HadGEM, although they are significantly smaller than
those in HadCM3. However, an equatorial cold bias remains as a result of
continuing problems with near-surface winds in the tropics.
Both atmosphere-only models have a dominant mode of interannual
variability which explains around 40% of the variance. The coupled models, HadCM3
and HadGEM1, have similar dominant modes, although they explain slightly less
of the variance. In the case of the coupled models there is an additional
contribution from the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. These dominant modes
resemble those calculated from NCEP/NCAR and ECMWF reanalyses, Molteni et al.
(2002) and Annamalai et al. (1999) respectively. Both of the first two modes
from the reanalyses also showed the presence of anomalies over the equatorial
Indian Ocean. The presence of such anomalies in only the coupled versions of
the models may suggest an improved representation of the Indian Ocean SST
dipole mode when the atmosphere and ocean are allowed to interact.
Analysis of the intraseasonal variability in the models shows a
strong similarity between the dominant modes from all four models, which
describe around 13% of the variance in all cases. This mode is in good
agreement with that calculated from NCEP reanalyses (Sperber et al, 2000). Of
the first four modes of intraseasonal variability in the NCEP reanalyses, three
represented different stages of the northward propagation of the Tropical
Convergence Zone (TCZ). Several of the first few EOFs from the models do appear
to represent slightly different positions of the TCZ, and spectral analyses of
the principal component (PC) time series show preferred timescales which are
all in the range 10-50 days, again in agreement with Sperber et al (2000). The
dominant intraseasonal mode resembles that of the interannual variability, a
feature which is common to other GCMs and also present in observations. In
spite of this, the intraseasonal variations within this mode appear to be
stochastically-forced in HadAM3/CM3, whereas there is significant forcing of
this mode on the interannual timescale in these models.
Ultimately, the impact on the monsoon simulation of the many
changes made to the model between HadAM3/CM3 and HadGAM1/GEM1 is perhaps
surprisingly small, and errors still remain. Past experience of model
development has shown that the tropical performance is very robust and
difficult to improve. However, the improvements made to HadGAM1/GEM1 over
HadAM3/CM3 provide a more solid framework for developing the next generation of
climate models.
Monsoon modeling at IITM - Dr. Rupa Kumar Kolli
gave an overview of modeling work in monsoon studies being carried out at the
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM). COLA and HadAM2 GCMs are being used at the institute to
study global/regional climate variability and change, with focus over the Indian-Pacific
regions, and also for experimental seasonal prediction of the Indian summer
monsoon. The institute also uses a
variety of diagnostic models for the study of regional energetics, instability
mechanisms in the formation and growth of monsoon disturbances and
linear/non-linear interactions among different spatial and temporal scales of
monsoon flow. Mesoscale models are used to study the typical synoptic-scale
systems during the monsoon season, IITM has recently taken a major initiative
to develop high-resolution climate change scenarios and seasonal prediction
products by dynamical downscaling of GCM simulations using regional climate
models like PRECIS, MM5, RSM, etc.
Ocean models/coupled models are being used to study the role of Indian
Ocean in monsoon variability. Dr.
Kolli briefed the panel on the recent work done by different groups of IITM on
the above aspects. IITM was one of
the participants in the AAMP-endorsed model intercomparison programme of the
effects of 1997/98 El Ni�o.
Dr. Kolli highlighted the use of GCMs in studying the role of
Indian Ocean SST boundary forcing in the monsoon interannual variability. In particular, modeling experiments
have indicated that the role of Indian Ocean SSTs in modulating the
out-of-phase variability of convection between the land and oceanic regions
have important implications for the intraseasonal variability of the
monsoon. This aspect was also seen
in the model experiments of the 2002 drought. Model experiments with the HadAM2 with observed SSTs of 1997
produced near-normal summer monsoon rainfall over India, indicating that the
model is able to represent the non-ENSO influences on the monsoon. Dr. Kolli mentioned that IITM has been
making experimental seasonal forecasts in real-time using persistent SSTs, but
the general experience has been that the skills are very limited.
Dr. Kolli presented some results of climate change studies using
dynamical downscaling of GCM projections, which the IITM has been doing as part
of a Joint Indo-UK collaborative programme on climate change impacts in
India. It was shown that the
regional climate model PRECIS was able to reproduce realistic spatial patterns
of monsoon rainfall, indicating the potential of downscaling strategies to
provide useful monsoon prediction products for local applications.
Modeling Discussion - After the talks a general modeling discussion was held. The key issues arising were:
The climate of the Maritime Continent is an important issue,
involving, e.g., dry season rainfall over Indonesia. In the longer time the
panel should consider the case for a focused workshop on the climate of the
Maritime continent.
ISO/MJO simulation - There is a failure to capture dominant
modes (structure and partitioning) in northern summer. The simulation is
improved with coupling. There is a need to understand suppressed phase
processes. The panel recommends the use of DERF approach for investigating
growth of errors in different phases of the MJO in collaboration with MJO
prediction activities of Waliser et al.
Influence of land surface processes - Eurasian snow is
important. There is a need for more observations of snow depth. Land-use change
is particularly considerable for China. There is a need to study soil
Indian Ocean - There is much to be studied, e.g., SW Indian
Ocean thermocline dome, IO coupled variability, equatorial wave dynamics.
ENSO-monsoon relationship - There is a need to study how the
Indo-Pacific warm pool vs. ENSO is influential for interannual variability.
Seasonal phase locking remains a problem.
Upper ocean-atmosphere interactions - Is flux correction an
option in seasonal prediction or as a research tool? What are air-sea
interaction modes?
There are general difficulties in modeling, e.g., diurnal
cycle in SSTs in light wind conditions, Asian summer monsoon, and errors in
mean state, which may compromise variability.
(a) In longer term, consider case for a
focused workshop on the climate of the Maritime Continent.
(b) Use DERF approach for investigating
growth of errors in different phases of the MJO in collaboration with MJO
prediction activities of Waliser et al.
(c) Encourage cataloguing of routine snow depth
measurements for Eurasia. Liaise with CliC.
Action 6: The AAMP will communicate to VASCO/CIRENE to promote the case for a detailed field experiment on the suppressed MJO phase. (At the time of publishing this meeting report, communication to the Vasco/Sirene group had been initiated through the ICPO. Jean Philippe Duvel, one of the leading scientists of the project, confirmed that the group planned 30-day cruises, which will therefore hopefully cover both active and suppressed phases of MJO.)
4.2. Applications / Impacts of Monsoon Predictability,
Variability and Change
The AAMP has been increasingly interested in developing its
application aspects. The talks at this session highlight recent advances in
applications of monsoon studies and possible future directions.
Flood forecasting for Bangladesh - Prof. Webster briefed
the panel on recent advances within the Climate Forecasting Applications in
Bangladesh (CFAB) project, which is funded by USAID and NSF. A 3-tier
overlapping forecast system has been developed, providing seasonal outlook,
20-25-day and 1-10-day forecasts. Prof. Webster emphasized again that the
multi-week scale is one on which water resource and agricultural arrangements
can benefit. CFAB had recently started producing multi-week forecasts of 5-day
rainfall and river discharge in the region.
Prof. Webster hoped the method could be developed for applications
in other monsoon regions. An immediate future plan is aimed at the upper,
middle and lower reaches of the Mekong River system, where economical
development has been tremendously speeded up in recent years. He discussed how
to communicate the forecasts to a user community, and emphasized again the
importance of multi-week forecasts by quoting A. R. Subbiah in discussion of
the July 2002 drought in India: 'The minimum length of time of a forecast that
will allow a farming community to respond and take meaningful remedial actions
...about 10 days, although 3 weeks would be optimal...Assuming (such) were
available by the third week of June 2002... farmers could have been motivated to
postpone agricultural operations saving investments worth billions of
dollars...water resource managers could have introduced water budgeting
Predicting annual crop yields in current and future climates - Prof.
Slingo briefed the panel on the development of an integrated weather/crop
forecasting system at the University of Reading, which combines the
benefits of more empirical approaches (low input data requirements, validity
over large spatial scales) with the benefits of the process-based approach
(potential to capture intra-seasonal variability, and so cope with changing
climates). The results suggest that process-based approach can produce accurate
results over large areas where there is a climate signal. Further research
would need to deal with
What to do where climate signal is less evident
(Pests and diseases are often dependent on climate)
Use of probabilistic information
Quantifying uncertainty in climate change
Plenty of fundamental biophysical modelling
and analysis to be done.
Interannual variability of the Indonesian-Australian Monsoon - Dr. Hendon
noted that Indonesia experiences a distinct monsoon, with a wet season running
from December through March and a dry season running June through August.
Counter to other continental monsoons, however, rainfall in the �maritime
continent� does not go to zero in the dry season. Furthermore, dry season
rainfall, which is highly variable year to year, is vitally important for
agriculture and forest fires. Hence, prediction of dry season rainfall will
have wide societal benefits. A
coupled feedback between windspeed and sea surface temperature in the eastern
Indian Ocean and seas to the north of Australia was described which accounts
for the strong local correlation of SST and rainfall in the dry season and the
lack of correlation in the wet season. This feedback also helps to explain the
strong negative correlation of rainfall with El Ni�o in the dry season and lack
of correlation during the wet season. An implication of this feedback is that
rainfall and local SST anomalies, while highly predictable in the dry season,
are unpredictable through the wet season.
The question was raised as to whether using coupled models helps
the prediction of the MJO. Dr. Hendon said that it does not seem to, although
Dr. Martin said it did in their model. There is something that requires further
Climate impact studies in India - Dr. Kolli emphasized
that regional-global linkages in the earth system must be understood in order
to develop appropriate predictive capabilities at various spatio-temporal
scales. Such knowledge can be used in support of policy development consistent
with sustainable development pathways. In this
context, he mentioned about the regional networking established by START and
the South Asian START Committee (SASCOM) which is active in India. START has initiated integrated regional
studies of global change (IRS) in Monsoon Asia, co-sponsored by IGBP, WCRP and
IHDP and with its regional networks in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast
Asia. The studies will cut across the natural and social sciences, and address
relevant aspects of marine, terrestrial, atmospheric and social components of
the earth system. Monsoon variability has significant consequences for water
resources, agriculture and health outcomes. Dr. Kolli brought special focus on
the new Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Studies (MAIRS) programme spearheaded
by START, and strongly recommended that AAMP should establish formal linkages
with this programme. He mentioned that he is actively associated with SASCOM,
and offered to contribute to the development of AAMP-START linkages on MAIRS.
The South Asia component of MAIRS has a focus on the summer monsoon and
regional perturbations of the monsoon system by aerosols, land-use / land cover
change, etc. and consequences of monsoon variability (interseasonal,
intraseasonal) for key elements. The emphasis is on process understanding,
specifically socio-economic processes and natural processes. Dr. Kolli suggested that
AAMP could make significant contributions to this programme by way of model
development and applications to derive advance information (e.g., seasonal/
intraseasonal prediction, climate scenarios) on monsoon variability. Climate model evaluation, downscaling
of monsoon prediction products, development of application-specific products
and providing handles on uncertainty issues are some of the aspects that can be
easily integrated into AAMP�s involvement in MAIRS.
The panel recognized the importance of developing the application
aspects of the AA monsoon studies and recommended developing formal programme
linkages to START/MAIRS (see Actions 7 and 8).
Dynamics of pre-monsoon heat waves - Dr. Annamalai noted
that during the premonsoon months of April and May following a weak monsoon in
the previous year, anomalous surface temperature (2-3C above normal) persist
for more than two-three weeks over continental India. The anomalous temperature
signal is observed over the entire troposphere. The persistence in conjunction
with warming over the entire atmospheric column results in the loss of the
order of 1500-2000 human lives.
During the period when heat waves prevail over India, an increase
in convective anomalies is observed over the tropical west Pacific and
equatorial Indian Ocean. Diagnostics from simple model experiments reveal that
the anomalous heating over west Pacific force descending long Rossby waves over
India. On the other hand, the local Hadley circulation forced by equatorial
Indian Ocean convective anomalies force descending motion over India. These two
dynamical effects warm the entire troposphere due to adiabatic processes
resulting in the formation and persistence of heat waves during premonsoon
Promote investigation of causal factors in pre-monsoon heat waves and winter
cold spells leading to improved prediction.
The panel felt the promotion of the applications of AAMP research through development of links with START was an important issue. A joint meeting is desirable. Also, as Dr. Molteni reported, a summer school on 'The Water Cycle of S.E. Asia' in summer 2005 was recently proposed, combining training activities and an international conference. AAMP endorses the activity, will contribute to the planning and seek support from relevant organizations.
Action 7: AAMP (Kumar Kolli) will be represented in
SASCOM and to contribute to long term planning of MAIRS. There is a need to
develop formal programme linkages between AAMP and MAIRS, to be initiated by a
formal letter from the AAMP co-chairs to the coordinator MAIRS and the START
Deputy Director.
Action 8: Kolli and Yan will investigate the possibility
of a joint meeting between MAIRS and AAMP, by contacting the coordinator MAIRS
and the START Deputy Director.
4.3. Coordination with GEWEX and other monsoon studies/issues
Update on CIMS - Dr. Jun Matsumoto updated the panel on the
current status of CEOP (Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period), CIMS (CEOP
Inter-monsoon Modeling Study) and the planned post-GAME (GEWEX Asian Monsoon
Experiment). CEOP is now in the final EOP (Enhanced Observing Period) year,
EOP-4. At present, the data archiving of the EOP-1 has been almost successfully
finished and preliminary comparisons of the in-situ reference site data with
numerical weather prediction output and/or satellite remote sensing data mainly
on the land surface characteristics have been made. In CIMS, it is planned to
compare the reference sites' data and satellite data with monsoon modeling
output to improve the model physics. Since CEOP EOP data will be fully obtained
soon, CIMS modeling will start its organized experiments within 1-2 years.
Since the GAME project under the framework of GEWEX will be terminated in March
2005, the group has begun to plan the post-GAME monsoon program in Asia. More
intimate collaboration with the CLIVAR AAMP community is needed for performing
both CEOP/CIMS and post-GAME programs. However, communication between GEWEX
monsoon related researches and CLIVAR AAMP has not, to date, been very good.
This situation should be overcome in the future and would be raised in the next
WCRP-JSC (March 2004). The panel felt somewhat concerned by the seeming change
of focus of GEWEX to encompass AAMP TORs. There also seemed to be a lack of
communication between the two panels which should be addressed as a matter of
Action 9:
Register strong concern about lack of dialogue with GEWEX CIMS project. Ask the
JSC to provide guidance (co-chairs, ICPO)
AAMP Prospectus - Dr. Sparrow presented a presentation prepared by Dr. Yan on the proposed AAMP prospectus (last meeting's action item 3). Finding funding to pay for the printing is still a major issue, but the panel felt it would be worth producing a web-based version even if such funding was not forthcoming. Panel members were identified to revise each page.
Membership - Prof. Slingo was standing down as co-chair after this meeting, but would remain on the panel. Dr. Kolli was proposed as the new co-chair. Prof. Webster would likely stand down at the next meeting. A replacement was nominated. Several members were stepping down from the panel, causing loss of some links (e.g., with WGSIP and GEWEX). New members should be considered in ways that they will activate panel activities and keep the necessary inter-panel links for implementing the TORs. A nominee list would be needed shortly after the meeting.
Future Meeting - It was encouraged that AAMP7 be attached to a
relevant international conference. To encourage applications of monsoon
research and prediction, the panel suggested AAMP7 be joined, if possible, to a
START MAIRS planning meeting.
1: Attendee List
Hanna Annamalai (expert)
University of Hawaii
Correa Rd., Honolulu
96822, USA
Safri Burhanuddin (IOP)
of Research Center for Maritime Territory and Non Living Resources
for Marine and Fisheries Research
of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
of Indonesia
M.T. Haryono Kav.52-53, Jakarta Selatan 12770
William Erb (IOC)
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Perth Regional Programme Office
Bureau of Meteorology
Box 1370, West Perth
6872 Australia
Peter Hacker (IOP)
University of Hawaii
JIMAR, 1000 Pope Road, MSB 312
HI 96822 USA
Harry Hendon (AAMP)
of Meteorology
Box 1289k, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 Australia
Rupa Kumar Kolli (AAMP)
& Hydrometeorology Division
Institute of Tropical Meteorology
411 008, India
Gill Martin (expert)
Office, Hadley Centre
Rd, Exeter, Devon EX1 3PB UK
Yukio Masumoto (IOP)
Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka
237-0061, JAPAN
Jun Matsumoto (expert)
Earth & Planetary Science (Bld. No. 5), University of Tokyo
Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
113-0033 Japan
Jay McCreary (AAMP)
University of Hawaii
Correa Rd., Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA
Michael McPhaden (IOP)
Marine Environmental Laboratory, 7600 Sand Point Way NE
Washington 98115
Gary Meyers (IOP chair)
Marine Research
Box 1538
Tas 7001, Australia
Robert Molcard (IOP)
Pierre et Simon Laplace (IPSL)
Tour 15, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05
Molteni (expert)
of Weather and Climate Group
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Strada Costiera 11
(Trieste) I-34014, ITALY
Laban Ogallo (VACS)
Monitoring Centre Nairobi
10304, 00100-Nairobi
Dr. G.
B. Pant (local host)
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Homi Bhabha Road
411008, India
Dr. M.
Ravichandran (IOP)
Dept Ocean Development
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Plot 3 Nandagiri Hills Layout, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500 033 India
Andreas Schiller (AAMP)
Marine Research
Box 1538, Hobart Tas 7001, Australia
Fritz Schott (IOP)
Institut f�r Meereskunde
Physikalische Ozeanographie I
Duesternbrooker Weg 20
Kiel, Germany
Mike Sparrow (ICPO)
CLIVAR Project Office
Oceanography Centre
Dr. S.
Shetye (IOP)
Physical Oceanography Division
National Institute of Oceanography
Dona Paula, Goa 403004 India
Julia Slingo (Co-Chair)
Centre for Global Atmospheric Modelling, Department of Meteorology, University
of Reading
Bronte Tilbrook (GOCCP)
Marine Research
PO Box
1538, Hobart TAS 7001, Australia
Peter Webster (co-chair)
of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Institute of Technology
GA, 30332-0355
Huijun Wang (AAMP)
Institute of Atmospheric Physics
100029 China
Dr. P.
A. Winarso (expert)
Pemancar 8/37, Pd. Betung - Pd. Aren, Tangerang 15221 � Indonesia
2: Agenda of the 6th CLIVAR Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel and the 1st
CLIVAR/IOC Indian Ocean Panel Joint Meeting, 18-20 February 2004, Indian Institute of
Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India (
3. IO modeling and the CLIVAR modeling panels
Jay McCreary
I am writing to you (John, Ben, Tim, and Claus) as chairs of the
WGSIP, WGCM, and WGOMD modeling panels.
Next month (February 18-20), there will be a joint meeting of the CLIVAR
Asian-Australian Monsoon (AAMP) and newly formed Indian Ocean (IOP)
panels. Gary Meyers is the IOP
chair, and he has asked me to lead a discussion about issues relevant to
Indian-Ocean modeling, as well as their relevance to the modeling interests of
other CLIVAR panels. Specifically,
he wrote (a version of) the following:
In writing the Terms of Reference for the IOP, the linkage of the
IOP to CLIVAR and the other WCRP modeling panels was an issue that received
considerable attention. From the
CLIVAR side, a modeling effort was seen as essential for research
planning. From the GOOS side,
there was concern that the IOP already had too much to do in preparing an implementation
plan for the observing system, so that having the IOP also delve deeply into
research planning would be a distraction.
In the end, modeling was not given a prominent place in the Terms of
Reference. Nevertheless, I assured
the committee that modeling was an activity that would not fall off the IOP
I would appreciate your leading a discussion on how the IOP can
develop links to the modeling panels.
As a beginning, it would be useful to have an initial viewpoint on what
will be of interest to them.
Issues of air-sea interaction that are important to IO modeling
include: i) thin mixed layers (due to fresh-water flux) in the Bay of Bengal
and eastern IO; ii) upwelling of cold water off Sumatra/Java, which is important
for the development of the IO Dipole Mode (Zonal Mode) of climate variability; iii) upwelling in the 5��10�S
band where the thermocline rises close to the surface, among other things
generating SSTAs that influence hurricane activity; iv) the role of Rossby waves
in all of the above; v) air-sea fluxes; and vi) equatorial jets.
Clearly, many of these issues are of direct relevance to your
individual panels. Conversely, a
key issue that the IOP needs to address is what general IO modeling issues are not currently being
addressed in the existing modeling panels, and to what extent new modeling
activities initiatives need to be initiated.
As a start in developing an appropriate IOP modeling agenda, could
you provide a brief overview of the existing panels and their main activities,
particularly highlighting any gaps that you perceive with respect to IO
modeling. I would appreciate any
other thoughts you have regarding IO modeling in general.
Regarding the
modeling panels, the appropriate ones would be WGSIP (Chairs Ben Kirtman and
Tim Stockdale) for S-I (including intraseasonal to decadal time scales), WGCM
(Chair John Mitchell) for global change and GHG forced runs, and WGOMD (Chair
Claus Boening) for OGCM efforts/improvements as part of coupled global change
scenarios. In each of these
panels, if left to their own agendas, the IO will likely get low priority. However, the chairs have been
encouraged to work with the ocean sector and monsoon panels, and to rely on
them as sources of expertise to broaden the interaction, use, and analyses of
the ongoing studies being done at many of the major modeling studies. For example, for a long time WGCM was
primarily interested in the various IPCC scenarios and 2×CO2 runs within
the context of global mean temperature.
Now, they are beginning to consider how the various modes of natural
variability are modulated in response to such forcing. The most specific tangible example has
been the collaboration between WGCM and the Atlantic panel on some coordinated
experiments for freshwater forcing of the Atlantic THC. Across WGSIP, WGCM, and WGOMD one could
imagine potential joint activities regarding the ISOs, IOD, ITF, and the role
of the IO in the THC and monsoon circulation.
Probably the best way to link with WGCM is to contact Claus
Boening, who is chairman of the Working Group on Ocean Model Development, which
reports to WGCM. WGOMD deals
specifically with ocean models.
For coupled phenomena, the best contacts are probably Tom Delworth
(GFDL) and Mojib Latif (Kiel), who have particular interests in climate
variability. Claus, Tom, and Mojib
are all members of WGCM. Some of
what you mention will also be of interest to WGSIP (e.g., anything relevant to
ENSO). WGSIP is also beginning to
look at longer timescales (annual up to decadal).
Ben Kirtman
WGSIP past involvement with the Indian Ocean sector has been
limited. We are very interested in global prediction and the monsoon in
particular, but little specific attention in the past has been given to the
Indian Ocean sector. WGSIP is
enthusiastic about the newly formed IOP and its joint meeting with AAMP.
WGSIP was charged by the JSC (in 2000, I think) to comment on the
need for an ocean observing program in the Indian Ocean. At that time, the WGSIP position can be
summarized with the following bullet - �More Observations Required for Better
Understanding, Need for Routine Observations Likely, But More Study Required.� In the past, we have also tried to keep
abreast of ongoing observations, such as the XBT network under the direction of
the JAFOOS. We have also been briefed on some of the work that Godfrey and
colleagues have been doing regarding the dynamics and thermodynamics of the
Indian Ocean.
In terms of future collaboration, WGSIP is very interested in a
number of issues in the Indian Ocean sector. For example, there are several recent studies that indicate
coupled air-sea interactions are essential in terms of accurately simulating,
and perhaps even predicting, monsoon variability and ENSO-monsoon
interactions. We are interested in
how tropical Indian Ocean variability relates to atmospheric predictability,
especially in central Africa. We
are also interested in how much Indian Ocean variability is due to stochastic
forcing and air-sea interaction (either damped or unstable), which ultimately
determines our ability to predict the variability. How much India Ocean variability is remotely forced versus
internally generated? Are India Ocean SSTs predictable, and if so for what lead
Claus Boening
WGOMD, as a sub-group of WGCM, was established to �stimulate the
development of ocean models for research in climate and related fields, with a
focus on decadal and longer timescales at mid- and high-latitudes,� the reason
for the focus being to avoid overlap with WGSIP. Accordingly, the group's activities so far centered on
issues of model formulation (e.g., effects of resolution, mixing
parameterizations etc.), and on the performance of global models, particularly
those that are part of coupled models for IPCC-type climate runs.
Part of that activity was the initiation of a coordinated
assessment of ocean model performance, by formulation of a standard protocol
for an �ocean model intercomparison project� (OMIP). Because the comparison mainly aims at model development and
testing, the forcing protocol defined for that is based on a climatological
(repeating annual cycle).
Since WGOMD is also a CLIVAR panel, however, there has been a
growing interest to engage in modeling activities of more immediate relevance
to the various basin panels. In
discussions with the Atlantic and Pacific panels (e.g., through
cross-representation at the meetings), a plan is emerging to engage in
coordinated modeling activities addressing the characteristics and mechanisms
of low-frequency ocean variability.
For WGOMD, it would seem most natural to build such activities (e.g., a
hindcast of the past, say, 50-year variability) on the current (pilot) phase of
the OMIP.
While this type of modeling program would naturally embrace Indian
Ocean variability, and perhaps allow a rather systematic investigation into
effects of model formulation on basin- to global-scales, it is not clear to me
whether it would be the best framework for addressing all the issues pertinent
to the IO you mentioned in your mail.
4. Discussion paper on Tide Gauge Data and Storm Surge Prediction
to First Indian Ocean Panel Meeting and INDOCLIM Workshop Held in Pune, India,
18-27 Feb 04
Issue: The availability of continuing,
routine observations of the ocean is giving us a capability to address a number
of scientific questions which are of importance to society, in particular the
problem of storm surge and flood prediction. If we wish the systems
providing these observations to continue over the long term, it is imperative
that we demonstrate that the data are useful for addressing societal impacts.
We need rapid and positive feedback to help justify sustained funding for the
observing systems.
types of data from Indian Ocean sources are available in near-real time and can
be used in prediction systems, including:
observations for more than a decade of open-ocean sea surface height from
TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1 altimetry
of surface vector winds from QuikSCAT for almost five years
coverage of the Indian Ocean by Argo profiling floats and the resulting
observations of broad-scale upper-ocean temperature, salinity and dynamic
height structure.
observations from surface drifting buoys and Volunteer Observing Ship XBT
level is missing!
averaged observations of sea level measured at tide gauges are accessible
within several months to years of collection. The data are used for research and applications on climate
variability and change.
timely access to hourly observations is possible for only a few tide gauges in
the Indian Ocean region. Timely access to hourly tide gauge data is needed for:
systems and research for storm surge and floods in coastal low lands
operation of the Indian Ocean Observing System, including: calibrating the
satellite altimeters, monitoring the performance of the sea level network �
e.g. knowing exactly when a tide gauge becomes inoperative, quality controlling
the data � having hourly data to help assess the quality of monthly averages and the performance of
the gauge.
are possible factors standing in the way of making hourly tide gauge data
available in near real time?
factors and possible solutions are:
to technology and the need for capacity building at the locality of the tide
gauges (Developed countries would most likely be willing to work this issue to
mutual satisfaction, including the provision of funds; this is not a big
expense item)
threat to national security (To overcome, need to counterbalance with potential
societal benefits and national well being derived from prediction of storm
surge, coastal floods, and extreme events, e.g. precipitation and wind,
associated with intra-seasonal variability)
with the other data mentioned above, what are the important questions in the
Indian Ocean that these observations can help us address?
growth/movement and the associated storm surge, an issue of particular
importance in the Bay of Bengal
variability, eg influence of the Indian Ocean on seasonal precipitation
patterns associated with the SW monsoon over India
changes in the upper-ocean temperature and salinity fields contribute to
long-term sea level rise in the Indian Ocean
variability like the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and its correlation with
seasonal precipitation patterns in SE Asia and E and S Africa
in the Indian Ocean and how it modulates the effects of IOD
general, to advance our understanding of how the ocean is coupled with and
influences the coastal zone � especially given the observational coverage of
the deep ocean
related activities in the Indian Ocean include:
CLIVAR Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel (co-chaired by Peter Webster and Julia
Slingo) coordinating research on the influence of the Indian Ocean on
seasonal/intra-seasonal precipitation patterns associated with the SW monsoon
over India
IOC/CLIVAR Indian Ocean Panel (chaired by Gary Meyers) preparing an
implementation plan for broad scale Indian Ocean monitoring
Ocean - Global Ocean Observing System (IOGOOS) (chaired by K. Radhakrishnan) is
working to coordinate the collection of sustained, systematic ocean
observations in the Indian Ocean, in particular concerned with the coastal
observing system and on-shore/off-shore interaction including climate impact.
proposed JCOMM capacity-building effort in storm surge forecasting in the Bay
of Bengal entitled Marine Impacts on Lowlands Agriculture and Coastal Resources
(led by Johannes Guddal) and endorsed by the WMO
earlier (~2000) Project Proposal for Storm Surge Disaster Reduction in the
Northern Indian Ocean lacked focus, was too ambitious, and never got off the
activities outside the Indian Ocean region are developing related predictive
Coastal Ocean Observations Panel (chaired by Tom Malone) wants to understand
the impact of open-ocean processes on the coastal regime; this be a prototype
for linking the two domains
Thompson�s work has shown significant coastal signatures in tide gauge
observations (along the E coast of N America) which reflect the North Atlantic
might be Next Steps?
general, identify specific locations of tide gauges around the Rim of the
Indian Ocean for which access to timely, hourly data are desired
particular, begin with gauges in the Bay of Bengal as part of a cyclone/storm
surge demonstration project
what is needed to bring these initial demonstration gauges on line
University of Hawaii Sea Level Center (UHSLC) (Directed by Mark Merrifield) is
available to assist with training, installation, maintenance, data management,
and communications issues
UHSLC would serve as one archive for resulting data; INCOIS in Hyderabad could
serve well as the responsible regional agency for a Bay of Bengal pilot study
scientific consensus for this plan among those groups working under the
auspices of the IOC and WMO, CLIVAR, IOGOOS.
commitments to carry out these steps at the upcoming Second IOGOOS Conference
to be held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, April 26-29 2004.
the tide gauge network in the way proposed here is technologically feasible
without resorting to high technology or expensive instrumentation. It is
something that can be achieved relatively easily and quickly. It would give all
Bay of Bengal nations and potentially all Indian Ocean Rim nations an
opportunity to participate in the development of IOGOOS, and in so doing, would
demonstrate a significant commitment by all of these nations to the ideals of
Meyers, CSIRO Marine Research Stan
Wilson, NOAA
5. Acronyms
of the acronyms used in this report are listed here. More can be found at
AMIP Atmospheric
Model Intercomparison Project
BMRC Bureau
of Meteorology Research Centre (Australia)
BODC British
Oceanographic Data Centre
CEOP Coordinated
Enhanced Observing Period
CGCM Coupled
General Circulation Model
Inter-monsoon Model Study
CLIVAR Climate
Variability and Predictability (WCRP component)
COPE Climate
Observation and Prediction Experiment
CSIRO Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
ECMWF European
Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts
Ni�o Southern Oscillation
GCOS Global
Climate Observing System (IOC/WMO/ICSU/UNEP)
GCM General
Circulation Model
GEWEX Global
surface Energy and Water cycle Experiment
GODAE Global
Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment
GOOS Global
Ocean Observing System (IOC)
GTS Global
Telecommunication System
HadCM Hadley
Centre Coupled Model (UK)
IBPIO International
Buoy Programme for the Indian Ocean
ICPO International
CLIVAR Project Office
ICSU International
Council of Scientific Unions
IOD(ZM) Indian
Ocean Dipole (or Zonal Mode)
IGBP International
Geosphere Biosphere Programme
Integrated Regional Study
MAIRS Monsoon
Asia IRS
IHDP International
Human Dimensions of global change Programme
IOC Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission
IOCCP International
Ocean Carbon Coordination Project
IPCC Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change
ITCZ Inter-Tropical
Convergence Zone
ITF Indonesian
Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology
JSC Joint
Scientific Committee for the World Climate Research Programme
NCAR National
Center of Atmospheric Research (US)
NCDC National
Climate Data Center (US)
NCEP National
Center for Environmental Prediction (US)
OOPC Ocean
Observation Panel for Climate (GCOS/GOOS/WCRP)
OSSEs Observing
System Simulation Experiments
PDV Pacific
Decadal variability
START Global
Change SysTem for Analysis, Research & Training
UNEP United
Nations Environment Programme
Panel for Variability of the African Climate System
WCRP World
Climate Research Programme
WGCM Working
Group on Coupled Modelling (JSC/CLIVAR)
WGOMD Working
Group for Ocean Model Development
WGSIP Working
Group for Seasonal and Interannual Prediction
WMO World
Meteorological Organization
WOCE World
Ocean Circulation Experiment (WCRP component)