High-quality interatomic potential for Li+ cente ·He
High-quality interatomic potential for Li+ cente ·He
CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVQZ and CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV5Z methods have been employed to obtain accurate interatomic potentials for Li+ . He, from which spectroscopic parameters are, derived. A potential is presented using the larger basis set consisting of 91 points (R greater than or equal to 1.3 Angstrom). An accurate value for the long-range D-4 parameter could be obtained from the potential, but it was not possible to extract higher D-n terms. Since accurate values for D-n (n = 4, 6, 7 and 8) could be derived from literature data, these parameters were fixed (and damped), allowing the short-range potential to be fitted accurately to a Born-Mayer potential.
Article Outline
1. Introduction and background
2. Theoretical methods
3. Comparison of the potential with previous results
3.1. Equilibrium separation and dissociation energy
3.2. The interatomic potential and spectroscopy of Li+ · He
3.3. Fitting the interatomic parameters
4. Conclusions
rare-gas systems, dispersion coefficients, perturbation-theory, noble-gases, polarizabilities, ions, hyperpolarizabilities, quadrupole, helium, dipole
Soldan, Pavel
Lee, Edmond P. F.
Lozeille, Jerôme
Murrell, John N.
Wright, Timothy G.
3 August 2001
Soldan, Pavel
Lee, Edmond P. F.
Lozeille, Jerôme
Murrell, John N.
Wright, Timothy G.
Soldan, Pavel, Lee, Edmond P. F., Lozeille, Jerôme, Murrell, John N. and Wright, Timothy G.
High-quality interatomic potential for Li+ cente ·He.
Chemical Physics Letters, 343 (3-4), .
CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVQZ and CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV5Z methods have been employed to obtain accurate interatomic potentials for Li+ . He, from which spectroscopic parameters are, derived. A potential is presented using the larger basis set consisting of 91 points (R greater than or equal to 1.3 Angstrom). An accurate value for the long-range D-4 parameter could be obtained from the potential, but it was not possible to extract higher D-n terms. Since accurate values for D-n (n = 4, 6, 7 and 8) could be derived from literature data, these parameters were fixed (and damped), allowing the short-range potential to be fitted accurately to a Born-Mayer potential.
Article Outline
1. Introduction and background
2. Theoretical methods
3. Comparison of the potential with previous results
3.1. Equilibrium separation and dissociation energy
3.2. The interatomic potential and spectroscopy of Li+ · He
3.3. Fitting the interatomic parameters
4. Conclusions
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Published date: 3 August 2001
rare-gas systems, dispersion coefficients, perturbation-theory, noble-gases, polarizabilities, ions, hyperpolarizabilities, quadrupole, helium, dipole
Local EPrints ID: 19621
URI: http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/id/eprint/19621
ISSN: 0009-2614
PURE UUID: eaf29322-4c85-49e7-8412-5e2654f0fee0
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Date deposited: 13 Feb 2006
Last modified: 15 Mar 2024 06:17
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Pavel Soldan
Edmond P. F. Lee
Jerôme Lozeille
John N. Murrell
Timothy G. Wright
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