The exceptional experience of difference: a learning journey through difficulties and insights
Hilra Vinha
University of Southampton
My close relationship with my brother provided me with a strong sense of the struggles of (him) being disabled, in contrast with (me) being so-called "normal".
I also present my views on the debate concerning the two major competing models of disability in contrast with my perception of the role of the notions of what being "normal" means, and how these notions affect disabled people. The paper consists of a narrative account in the form of an autobiographical and eye-witnessing analysis supported by some 'visuals' together with a brief discussion on the literature review I am currently carrying out.
In this paper I present the development of my perceptions about learning difficulties throughout the course of my life, from my personal experiences as a child – as a sort of 'intuitive advocate' of my brother – to my experience as a research student.