A computer simulation investigation of the Freedericksz transition for the nematic phase of a Gay-Berne mesogen
A computer simulation investigation of the Freedericksz transition for the nematic phase of a Gay-Berne mesogen
We present the first computer simulation study of the Freederichsz transition in a nematic phase using a Gay-Berne model mesogen, in which the constituent molecules can both rotate and translate freely. The behaviour and structure of the nematic obtained from the simulation for the Freederichsz transition are compared with those for real nematogens. The twist elastic constant has been estimated directly from the threshold field and found to be significantly larger than for real systems although comparable to another Gay-Berne nematogen. The molecules in the middle of the cell are observed to have a biaxial order in the vicinity of the Freederichsz transition. Those molecules adjacent to the surface are found to be unpinned in a discontinuous transition at a field significantly larger than the threshold field for the Freederichsz transition.
nematic, elastic constant, freedericksz transition, gay-berne mesogen, computer simulationliquid-crystals, elastic-constants, anisotropic systems, statistical-theory
Luckhurst, G.R.
Satoh, K.
Luckhurst, G.R.
Satoh, K.
Luckhurst, G.R. and Satoh, K.
A computer simulation investigation of the Freedericksz transition for the nematic phase of a Gay-Berne mesogen.
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 402, .
We present the first computer simulation study of the Freederichsz transition in a nematic phase using a Gay-Berne model mesogen, in which the constituent molecules can both rotate and translate freely. The behaviour and structure of the nematic obtained from the simulation for the Freederichsz transition are compared with those for real nematogens. The twist elastic constant has been estimated directly from the threshold field and found to be significantly larger than for real systems although comparable to another Gay-Berne nematogen. The molecules in the middle of the cell are observed to have a biaxial order in the vicinity of the Freederichsz transition. Those molecules adjacent to the surface are found to be unpinned in a discontinuous transition at a field significantly larger than the threshold field for the Freederichsz transition.
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Published date: 2003
nematic, elastic constant, freedericksz transition, gay-berne mesogen, computer simulationliquid-crystals, elastic-constants, anisotropic systems, statistical-theory
Local EPrints ID: 20030
URI: http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/id/eprint/20030
ISSN: 1542-1406
PURE UUID: 56c145ee-bb5f-474d-a101-a4f9c1368abf
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Date deposited: 24 Feb 2006
Last modified: 08 Jan 2022 03:46
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G.R. Luckhurst
K. Satoh
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