Approaches to System Integration For
Distributed Information Management
Technical Report No MM98-7
October 1998
ISBN: 0854-326-812
1. Introduction
Information is vital resource to individuals and organisations. In 1995,
a report by the Information and Interactive Services stated that more than
10,000 people sign up for on-line information services every day[EW95].
In a survey conducted by Georgia Tech Research Corporation, it was found
that 86.03% of people browsing the Web do so for the purpose of gathering
information, making this the number one activity of Web users[GTC97]. However,
as information systems that are both distributed and heterogeneous in nature,
continue to evolve rapidly, the problem of locating, integrating and organising
relevant information continues to be a major one and still motivates much
research. Surprisingly, such a problem is not only to be found within huge
distributed systems such as the Web, but also within the information systems
of large enterprises and organisations.
2. General Overview
A distinction has been made with respect to various sources of information
dividing them into three different classes: structured, unstructured, and
semistructured. Databases, whether relational or otherwise, are examples
of structured information sources. Examples of unstructured information
include text files and a large class of web pages. The Web in fact, is
one of the largest repositories of unstructured information. Examples of
semistructured information includes web pages with known fields of contents.
The problem of attempting to find information, lends itself to significantly
different approaches depending on whether the information source is structured
or unstructured.
The most widely spread approach for handling unstructured information
sources is that based on indexing and keyword searching. This approach
is exemplified by the numerous search engines that can be found on the
Web. Although, the different engines employ different techniques to build
indices some of which are more intelligent than others, retrieving information
from unstructured information still has many limitations. Users are often
returned results which are irrelevant and often have to spend horrendous
amounts of time sifting through a huge amount of pages returned[PAD98][GRGK97].
For the purpose of improving search results, adding metadata descriptors
was suggested[C95]. However, current support for metadata does not solve
the problem completely since it still fails to represent the semantic content
of a given document.
Due to the limitations associated with indexing techniques, a number
of novel approaches have emerged. Among these is the approach that uses
the user's preference for documents to learn more about a query and attempt
to refine and find more documents based on what it has learned[KB97][MZ97].
To enable complex queries and move away from simple keyword searching,
another approach that entails adding semantic content to unstructured documents
such as Web pages was proposed through the use of ontologies and languages
such as KQML[LH97][LSRH97]. However, the format of unstructured documents
is by nature uncontrolled and publishing documents in a system like the
WWW is totally unrestrained. So, despite the usefulness of this approach
and the improvement it yields in terms of results, it is unlikely to be
adopted on a large scale in the near future.
Another consideration, which until recently was rather ignored, is that
unstructured information sources may often contain multimedia information.
Contents of multimedia components such as images, graphics, audio, video,
etc. need specialised tools to classify and index them. Some approaches
based on content based retrieval were suggested[SC97][MHH97]. However,
such systems suffer from major limitations, because they depend on physical
analysis of the media element such as the texture of an image rather than
more meaningful information that the component really represents, and thus
a lot of information conveyed by the element, is lost. To overcome some
of these limitations another approach which attempts to understand the
contents of a media element based on the contents of the document in which
it is a part as well as its physical content, has been proposed[ARS98].
Approaches to structured information source integration and search,
are significantly different than those of unstructured ones. Such sources
do not yield themselves to the simple keyword search, and usually offer
the users the ability to enter complex queries. Because of the diversity
of information offered by the different sources and because each source
must be queried in a certain way, the problem of entering a single query
and obtaining results from multiple sources is complicated. Integration
of such resources usually entails identification of relationships between
data elements in each resource and using these relationships to formulate
a unified schema or view for the integrated system. Allowing the dynamic
addition and retraction of such resources, to a unified system, is a complex
problem that continues to motivate research. In general, most approaches
to integrating heterogeneous information resources relay on another external
form of representation, usually based object models. Definitions of relationships
between the various objects is usually defined on an abstract and global
level rather than on the level of each resource. Each resource that wishes
to make its services available, must implement a wrapper that is capable
of mapping the resources' data to the global model.
A user interested in finding information, rarely cares whether the information
is obtained from structured or unstructured. All he/she wants is all relevant
information to a query he/she has entered. This means that another level
of integration between the two sources of information is required in a
seamless way. The objective of this document is to present some systems
that have more or less, attempted to address this problem.
3. TSIMMIS: The Stanford-IBM Manager of Multiple Information Sources
TSIMMIS[GHI95] is a joint project between Stanford University and the IBM
Almaden research Center. The system was designed to address problems relating
to integration of information among heterogeneous resources. Specifically,
the goal of the TSIMMIS project was to develop tools that assist system
builders to rapidly integrate heterogeneous information sources that may
include both structured and semi-structured data.
The underlying premise in TSIMMIS, is that it is possible to extract
information from unstructured sources as well as structured ones and store
it in objects. The approach followed within the TSIMMIS project is one
that is built around clustering related information sources into one integrated
system. For example, a integrated bibliographic system is used to link
a library retrieval system, a relational database holding bibliographic
records and a file system with unstructured bibliographic entries. A simple
common object model is employed to semantically describe the various components
in a given application domain. The model has been called OEM(object exchange
model) by its developers[PGW95]. The model derives its expressive power
by enforcing objects to have self describing labels or tags. A query language,
OEM-QL, was developed to enable requests of OEM objects.
3.1. System Components and Architecture
TSIMMIS employs classifiers/extractors, wrappers/translators, mediators,
and constraint managers to achieve system integration. The classifiers/extractors
attempt to identify simple patterns in unstructured sources and then export
this information to the entire TSIMMIS system through a wrapper. A wrapper
within TSIMMIS is responsible for translating queries expressed in the
common object model into requests understandable by the source on which
it is defined, and then converting the results back to the common object
model. One of the goals of this project was to automate the development
of wrappers. To this end, a wrapper implementation toolkit was developed[HBG97].
The toolkit allows for the semi-automatic creation of wrappers through
the use of predefined templates. Mediators are defined on top of wrappers.
Mediators in TSIMMIS contain some knowledge, expressed in terms of rules,
of which resources to forward a query to, and of how to process returned
answers, etc. Finally, there are the constraint managers which attempt
to ensure semantic consistency across integrated resources.
3.2 Querying the System
End users can access information either by writing applications that request
OEM objects or by using a generic browsing tool that has been developed
within the project. One of the browsing tools developed provides WWW access
through Mosiac. The tool enables the user to enter a query through a menu
or by explicitly writing it. One of the limitations of the GUI, is that
it assumes that the user of the system is capable of understanding and
entering SQL like expressions to formulate a query.
4. Lore
Lore[MAG97][MW97] is a system that was also developed at the University
of Stanford as an extension to TSIMMIS. While the focus of the TSIMMIS
project was on the development of tools to automate resource wrapping,
the main goal of Lore was the construction of a repository for managing
semistructured information. Lore's data object model is based on the OEM
introduced in TSIMMIS. To support and allow users to update and retrieve
data with no known structure, a language called Lorel was developed. The
novelty in Lore is that it could be thought of as a DBMS with an ability
to represent data as objects with dynamic structure as opposed to traditional
data base systems that represent data in a static and predetermined manner
specified by a schema.
4.1. System Components and Architecture
The architecture of the Lore system is based on two layers: the query compilation
layer and the data engine layer. Each of these layers is made up of several
components. The query compilation layer, is composed of a query parser,
a query preprocessor, a query plan generator and a query optimiser. Basically,
this layer receives a query, converts it to Lorel, optimises it and sends
it on to the data engine layer. The two most important components of the
data engine layer are the OEM object manager, and the external data manger.
The OEM object manager, is responsible for managing the Lore object database.
The Lore database accepts addition in one of two ways: a user can explicitly
issue update statements to add objects or issue a load file feature where
an OEM database could be used. The external data manager keeps track of
external data sources. Within Lore, an external data source is defined
as any resource such as a Web page, a database, or a program, that is capable
of packaging its contents in OEM format. During query processing, if the
execution engines recognises the need to fetch information from an external
object, the information is fetched and cached in the Lore database until
it expires.
4.2. Querying the System
Lore offers the user a Java based GUI by which he/she can browse through
objects supported by the system. Through browsing the different objects,
the user is given the capability of entering a query as well as customising
aspects of the different objects that he/she wants to appear in the result.
The GUI is based on a novel component called a data guide. The interface
is very friendly, but might prove confusing in huge systems. Another feature
that is supported by the Lore's user interface, is the provision of keyword
search based on selection of categories and specifiers. Of all the systems
reviewed, Lore and another system(Dioroma) are the only ones that offer
this capability.
5. InfoSleuth
InfoSleuth[BBB96][NU97] is a major project that was launched in 1995 by
the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation(MCC) with the
goal of improving existing technology for locating and retrieving information
across distributed information sources including the Internet. The project
builds on another MCC project called Carnot[HJK92]. Carnot was developed
for the purpose of integrating information in heterogeneous, distributed,
enterprise databases. The focus of the InfoSleuth project revolves around
information advertising, information discovery and information fusion.
Information advertising entails augmenting information providers with the
capability of advertising their availability and the information they are
capable of providing. Information discovery involves the use of agents
that explore knowledge bases or other information sources, watching for
new additions or retractions of obsolete information. The task of information
fusion is assigned to intelligent agents that are capable of combining
information from multiple sites to form an integrated or fused response
to a user's query. It has been stated that InfoSleuth will accommodate
multimedia queries and responses and that it will provide a natural language
interface to information sources and knowledge bases.
5.1. System Components and Architecture
Within the InfoSleuth framework, each resource is assigned a resource agent(a
wrapper) that handles queries to and from that agent. A number of agents
are implemented within the system to achieve intelligent system integration.
InfoSleuth employs KQML[FWW93] in conjunction with KIF for the purpose
of achieving agent interoperability. Other applications employed by InfoSleuth
include LDL++ which is a deductive database system, and CLIPS which is
a tool the enables the construction of rule based and object based expert
systems. The agents that have to exist within InfoSleuth are described
briefly as follows:
User Agent: assists the user in formulating a query using the system's
domain ontologies. A user agent is persistent and maintains the user's
context between browser sessions.
Ontology agent: answers queries about ontologies used within the system
Broker Agent: matches the user's queries to the different resource capabilities.
It offers an interface to different resources that have to register with
this agent and to advertise their capabilities using KQML. A deductive
database is employed to allow the broker to perform rule based matching
of capabilities to user requests.
Resource agent: provides the interface between the different agents and
a given resource. It is the entity that actually registers with the broker
Task execution agent: the agent responsible for co-ordinating the activities
pertaining to answering a given query. The agent may choose to formulate
subtasks from the original task of answering a specific query and assign
these subtasks to other agents based on their capabilities. This agent
is designed to handle dynamic, incomplete and uncertain knowledge. After
receiving the results from the various resource agents, the task execution
agent integrates them and returns them to the User Agent via streaming
Monitor agent: Monitors agent interactions and provides an interface for
their visualisation
5.2. Querying the System
InfoSleuth provides a Java based GUI. A user agent handles user requests
through Java applets, routing these requests to appropriate server agents
and passing responses back to the user. A user agent is persistent and
autonomous so it is able to maintain the user's context beyond a browser
session. It stores data and queries for the user and can act as a resource
for other agents. A user agent is implemented as a standalone Java application[JS96].
6. Garlic
Garlic[CHS95][RS97] is a system developed by IBM which provides an integrated
view to a number of legacy data sources. Garlic was built with specific
emphasis on large-scale multimedia information systems. Typically, Garlic
resources include relational and non relational databases as well as document
managers, image managers and video servers. Like most systems that address
the issue of integrating various resources, Garlic relies on wrappers to
provide an interface to the outside world. A wrapper within Garlic translates
between Garlic's internal protocols and a resource's native protocols.
6.1 System Components and Architecture
To achieve system integration, Garlic employs a unified schema. Like TSIMMIS,
Garlic adopts an object representation model. Garlic's model is based on
the Object Database Management Group (ODMG) standard[CF94]. The system
maintains a global metadata repository that serves as a description of
the unified schema. Garlic's metadata repository does not support information
on the query processing capabilities of the different resources. The main
components of Garlic are:
A metadata repository which is used to store the unified schema
A complex object repository that contains definitions of relations between
objects in different repositories.
A query service and runtime system: provides query processing and data
manipulation functionality. It also provides a unified view of objects
within the Garlic Database.
A special language, the Garlic definition language (GDL), is used to describe
the behaviour of the different objects within a resource. Each Garlic object
has an interface that defines its behaviour on an abstract level and an
implementation that provides the functionality given by the interface.
One of the most important functions of wrappers within Garlic, is converting
data contained in its underlying information source into Garlic objects.
When a wrapper registers with the system it provides a description of its
resource using GDL. This description is then merged into the global schema.
6.2 Querying the System
Plans for allowing the user to enter a query, involve an elaborate GUI,
by which users could interactively expand or refine their queries. The
GUI also allows the users to browse different Garlic objects.
7. Infomaster
Infomaster[GGKS95] is a system that was developed at Stanford University.
As a "virtual information system", it enables users to access a variety
of heterogeneous and distributed information sources where each information
source handles the queries over the data it stores through the use of wrappers.
7.1. System Components and Architecture
To access information stored in a database or knowledge base, Infomaster
relies on an agent communication language(ACL) consisting of KQML, KIF,
and a number of ontologies. It provides a WWW user interface that can be
used to enter queries using menus, SQL or ACL. Regardless of how the query
is entered, it is converted to ACL and passed to a facilitator. Infomaster
facilitators have a similar functionality to brokers implemented in InfoSleuth.
Each facilitator may specialise in a particular domain. The facilitator
then calls on the resources of other agents and/or other facilitators it
knows about. Virtual facilitators route requests to specialised facilitators
based on their knowledge of what domain each facilitator covers. The system
also contains a specialised HTTP daemon implemented in LISP, to speed up
communications. The HTTP daemon implements the functionality of an ACL
converter and as well as the functionality of a facilitator.
Within Infomaster, information sources notify one or more facilitators
of their willingness to respond to requests. Since information resources
may vary in the way in which they represent, query, describe and present
their information, for the purpose of integration, queries as well as responses
need to be translated appropriately. Information sources are allowed to
integrate with Infomaster in a number of ways. First, an information source
can be entirely represented in KIF. An agent that loads the KIF knowledge
base then simply becomes an information source. The second method involves
writing an agent to act as a wrapper between the facilitator and another
information source. Building an Ontology for use within Infomaster is simplified
by the fact that groups of agents are implemented for use in pre-defined
domains with known relationships. For instance, the example presented as
a demonstrator for the Infomaster architecture is that for rental housing.
Information is collected for heterogeneous resources, but what is being
searched for is known before hand.
7.2. Querying the System
A user is allowed to enter a query using a rather simple interface based
on HTML links and forms where the user is more or less guided into filling
fields for pre-defined queries.
8. Dioroma
Dioroma[LLP97][LP96] is a system being developed at the University of Alberta,
Canada. The goal of the project is to develop a methodology and to implement
tools for the intelligent integration and access of heterogeneous information
sources in large-scale and rapidly growing enterprise-wide networking environments.
Dioroma's scope of information sources covers structured data repositories,
semistructured data and unstructured data.
8.1. System Components and Architecture
The Dioroma system consists of several components that extract properties
from unstructured data or collect data through other information brokers/mediators,
and dynamically convert and assemble gathered information into DIOM objects.
DIOM stands for Distributed Interoperable Object Model, which is developed
as an extension to ODMG object model[CF94]. The system is based on the
concept of information producers and information consumers. Mediators with
the system are application specific and are represented in terms of a DIOM
interface definition language (DIOM IDL). The main function of the mediator
is to use metadata provided by information producers and consumers to process
a query. Queries are represented using an extension to SQL, called the
DIOM Interface Query Language (IQL). The main components of DIOM are:
DIOM Interface Manager: the component which interacts with the user and
allows him/her to enter a query.
Distributed Query Mediation Service Provider: responsible for processing
a query, selecting relevant resources, decomposing queries into subqueries
and assembling returned results.
Runtime Supervisor: executes subqueries by communicating with wrappers.
Information Source Catalog Manager: manages both the information source
repository metadata and the interface repository metadata.
Implementation Repository Manager: maintains the correspondence between
the source information and their DIOM internal object representation.
8.2. Querying the System
To provide a Web interface, a combination of HTML and Perl scripts is used.
A user can enter a query as a simple keyword, or he/she can enter it based
on DIOM IQL. During the processing of long queries, users are presented
with intermediate results. The user interface provides the user with facilities
for adding or updating existing resources. In the case of adding a new
resource, the type of the resource must be chosen from a set of predefined
categories. The URL of the resource as well as the keywords that characterise
that resource must also be entered.
In an attempt to develop a principled methodology for integrating various
data sources, HERMES (a heterogeneous Reasoning and Mediator System)[SAA95]
was initiated. HERMES is a project that originated at the University of
Maryland. Developers of HERMES distinguished between two levels of integration:
Domain and Semantic. While domain integration refers to the physical linking
of the various data sources and activities related to adding new sources
to a mediated systems, semantic integration refers to the extraction and
combination of information obtained from the different data sources in
a meaningful way. Domain integration requires knowledge of the nature of
the sources to be included and their dependencies so as to be able to integrate
them into the mediated system. Unlike other mediated systems, within HERMES,
there is a clear distinction between the two levels of integration and
their implementations into a mediator. HERMES draws from the theory of
Hybrid Knowledge Bases. To achieve semantic integration within HERMES,
rules represented by a logic-based declarative language, were employed.
Currently, the system has two versions, one that runs under Dos/Windows
and another that runs under UNIX. The PC version has been used to integrate
systems with data stored in text files, pictures in GIF format, databases
developed under Borland's Paradox, and DBase V DBMS as well as spatial
data. The UNIX version integrates that same set of sources except for the
databases. Databases supported under UNIX are INGRES and ObjectStore.
9.1. System Components and Architecture
HERMES employs a number of mediators each of which is capable of handling
a cluster of related information. HERMES also employs a facilitator which
implements a Yellow page service. Unlike other agent systems, this service
is not provided for use by other agents, but rather to assist mediator
developers in finding and integrating resources.
9.2. Querying the System
HERMES provides a number of interfaces through which the user can query
the system. Some of the interfaces are platform dependant, but one is also
provided for Web users. The Web interface is based on CGI scripts. Initially,
the user is presented with a list of all mediators and domains to choose
from. The user is then presented with other HTML pages that guide him/her
through the query.
10. SIMS
SIMS[ACHK93][KA97]is a system that was initiated and developed at the University
of Southern California. Over the years the SIMS system has significantly
evolved and currently employs agents for the purpose of retrieving information
from multiple resources. SIMS relies on the LOOM knowledge representation
language for integrating the different resources. KQML[FWW93] is used to
achieve agent interoperability.
10.1. System Components and Architecture
Within SIMS, each resource is considered an information agent once a wrapper
has been built around it. Some of agents within the architecture are task
specific. These are viewed in terms of the tasks they perform. In order
to accomplish their tasks, these agent might only integrate with portions
of the ontologies that are important to the accomplishment of their tasks.
A SIMS agent contains a detailed domain model representing its "expertise"
and information resources available to it. Upon receiving a query, an agent
attempts to identify sources that are capable of answering that query,
generates a query plan accordingly and then executes that plan by sending
it to the various resources. Each agent is also augmented with learning
capabilities which enables it to formulate rules about other agents and
how best to address them. The architecture also employs a cache to store
information that is either expensive to retrieve or which is requested
10.2. Querying the System
Queries in SIMS are entered in the form of a class or object description
for which related information is needed expressed in LOOM. The user is
assumed to be familiar with the terminology used within the domain for
which a query is directed. As an extra aid, the user is provided a utility
for browsing a domain model.
11. Other Systems
This section introduces some systems that although relevant to the problem
of system integration are more or less specialised in either a specific
domain or focused on a specific aspect of system integration.
11.1. SIGAL
SIGAL[MM97] was developed at Laval University to provide an interoperable
environment for geo-referenced data stored in a number of distributed and
heterogeneous georeferenced digital libraries. The system employs software
agents as front-ends to existing systems in order to enable interoperability.
In order to provide for a common terminological basis and hence resolve
knowledge disparities, the concept of an ontology is employed. An ontology
is constructed using meta-data which allows the specification of data structures,
domain values and functional and semantic interpretations for each goe-referenced
digital library. To enable co-operation between the various software agents,
agents are organised into teams. Within this work, a software agent oriented
framework is defined as an entity that offers a set of services for use
by users or other frameworks where a framework environment is composed
of a framework supervisor and one or more software agents teams. The teams
are composed of agents selected from a bank of software agents. Teams of
agents are structured according to their responsibilities. When a service
is invoked, four steps known as a realisation scenario are followed to
carry out the request . The first step determines the user's needs by matching
his/her query with ontology concepts. The second step identifies the GDLs
to be queried accordingly. The third step involves the processing of these
request. The last step provides the user with the results.
11.2. The Information Manifold
The Information Manifold(IM)[LRO96a][LRO96b] is a knowledge based information
retrieval system developed at AT&T laboratories. The primary aim of
the project was to address the problem of query optimisation through the
use of high level knowledge representation techniques to model data in
structured repositories. Description logic was used to model relations
within information source. This representation of the resources' content
is used determine relevant sources to consult and formulates a query plan
11.3. KRAFT
Kraft[GCE98] is a project being carried out at the Universities of Aberdeen,
Cardiff, and Liverpool and funded by EPSRC and BT. The project name KRAFT
stands for Knowledge Re-use And Fusion/Transformation. The primary aim
of the project is to collect and fuse knowledge from various resources.
KRAFT employs an agent based architecture and uses KQML to achieve interoperability.
The primary focus of KRAFT is on "knowledge level mediation" which is achieved
by the development of mediators capable of handling knowledge in the form
of constraints. Other than that, all components within the KRAFT architecture
are quite similar to those of InfoSleuth. Agents in KRAFT are implemented
in either Java or Prolog.
11.4. TAMBIS
TAMBIS[BBB97] is a project that is currently being carried out at the University
of Manchester. The goal of TAMBIS is to integrate distributed Bioinformatics
resources. To achieve this goal, TAMBIS implements a knowledge base(KB)
of biological terminology, that captures relationships between various
biological concepts. The KB, which acts as a common schema between the
various resources, is represented by a description logic language called
GRAIL. Wrappers are employed to map between concepts in the KB, and data
in a wrapper's underlying resource and to convert TAMBIS queries into a
form that a resource can understand.
12. Conclusion
Most of the systems presented attempt to identify and represent relationships
between the various entities contained in the different information sources
to achieve integration across these resource. To achieve this goal, some
have used object models while other employed powerful domain models through
the use of ontologies. The semantic level of integration varied across
different systems depending on the model each adopted. To address the problem
of integrating unstructured information sources with structured information
ones, the search for structure where it does not exist seems to be the
trend. However, this approach was found to apply only to semi-structured
information sources rather than to totally unstructured ones. Nevertheless,
this could be remedied by the fact that search results retrieved by search
engines spanning unstructured information source, are themselves semi-structured
in nature. Thus, integration between the two different resources could
be achieved, using a two step procedure.
Most of the reviewed systems' user interfaces are not as intelligent
as the systems to which they are connected. These interfaces offer little
room for customisation of search presentation, and operation. Also, only
a fraction of the systems presented offer support for off-line operation.
Systems that apply an agent based approach reveal that such an approach
is rather powerful and suitable for application in the area of system integration.
Firstly, agents offer a simple and powerful way to advertise capabilities
which is rather important for cutting down search times intelligently.
Secondly , one of the design goals of agent based systems is to ensure
that all agents are autonomous and none interdependent. This facilitates
dynamic addition and removal of resources.
Providing tools to assist in the process of system integration appears
to be an area which is likely to remain active for a while yet. To this
end, some of the systems have provided templates for allowing semiautomatic
construction of wrappers. Efforts to provide higher level tools, are still
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