Exploiting Synergy
Between Web-based
Ontologies and Recommender Systems
Stuart E. Middleton, Harith Alani, Nigel R. Shadbolt, David C. De
Agents and Multimedia Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
Recommender systems
learn about user preferences over time, automatically finding things of similar
interest. This reduces the burden of creating explicit queries. Recommender systems
do, however, suffer from cold-start problems where no initial information is
available early on upon which to base recommendations.
Semantic knowledge
structures, such as ontologies, can provide valuable domain knowledge and user
information. However, acquiring such knowledge and keeping it up to date is not
a trivial task and user interests are particularly difficult to acquire and
This paper
investigates the synergy between a web-based research paper recommender system
and an ontology containing information automatically extracted from
departmental databases available on the web. The ontology is used to address
the recommender systems cold-start problem. The recommender system addresses
the ontology�s interest-acquisition problem. An empirical evaluation of this
approach is conducted and the performance of the integrated systems measured.
Design, Experimentation.
Cold-start problem, interest-acquisition problem, ontology, recommender
The mass of content available on the World-Wide
Web raises important questions over its effective use. Search engines filter
web pages that match explicit queries, but most people find articulating
exactly what they want difficult. The result is large lists of search results
that contain a handful of useful pages, defeating the purpose of filtering in
the first place.
Recommender systems
[23] learn about user preferences over time and automatically find things of
similar interest, thus reducing the burden of creating explicit queries. They
dynamically track users as their interests change. However, such systems
require an initial learning phase where behaviour information is built up to
form an user profile. During this initial learning phase performance is often
poor due to the the lack of user information; this is known
as the cold-start problem [17].
There has been increasing interest in
developing and using tools for creating annotated content and making it
available over the semantic web. Ontologies are one such tool, used to maintain
and provide access to specific knowledge repositories. Such sources could
complement the behavioral information held within recommender systems, by
providing some initial knowledge about users and their domains of interest. It
should thus be possible to bootstrap the initial learning phase of a
recommender system with such knowledge, easing the cold-start problem.
In return for any bootstrap information the
recommender system could provide details of dynamic user interests to the
ontology. This would , supplementing
the more static information available via the semantic web. thus reducinge the effort involved in acquiring and maintaining load of knowledge acquisition of people�s research
interests and automating the update
and maintenance of such information.
To this end we investigate the integration of Quickstep, a web-based
recommender system, an ontology for the academic domain and OntoCoPI, a community
of practice identifier that can pick out similar users.
People may find
articulating what they want hard, but they are good at recognizing it when they
see it. This insight has led to the utilization of relevance feedback [24],
where people rate web pages as interesting or not interesting and the system
tries to find pages that match the interesting, positive examples and do not
match the not interesting, negative examples. With sufficient positive and
negative examples, modern machine learning techniques can classify new pages
with impressive accuracy. Such systems are called content-based recommender systems.
Another way to
recommend pages is based on the ratings of other people who have seen the page
before. Collaborative recommender systems do this by asking people to rate
explicitly pages and then recommending new pages that similar users have rated highly.
The problem with collaborative filtering is that there is no direct reward for
providing examples since they only help other people. This leads to initial
difficulties in obtaining a sufficient number of ratings for the system to be
Hybrid systems,
attempting to combine the advantages of content-based and collaborative
recommender systems, have proved popular to-date. The feedback required for
content-based recommendation is shared, allowing collaborative recommendation
as well. We use the Quickstep [18] hybrid recommender system in this paper to
recommend on-line research papers.
One difficult problem
commonly faced by recommender systems is the cold-start problem [17], where
recommendations are required for new items or users for whom little or no
information has yet been acquired. Poor performance resulting from a cold-start
can deter user uptake of a recommender system. This effect is thus
self-destructive, since the recommender never achieves good performance since users
never use it for long enough. We will examine two types of cold-start problem.
The new-system
cold-start problem is where there are no initial ratings by users, and
hence no profiles of users. In this situation most recommender systems have no
basis on which to recommend, and hence perform very poorly.
The new-user cold-start problem is where
there the
system has been running for a while and a set of user profiles and ratings
exist, but no information is available about a new user. Most recommender systems
perform poorly in this situation too.
Collaborative recommender systems fail to help in a cold-start situations, as they cannot discover similar user
behaviour because there is not enough previously logged behaviour data upon
which to base any correlations.
Content-based and hybrid recommender systems perform a little better
since they need just a few examples of user interest in order to find similar
No recommender system can cope alone with a totally the new-system cold-start however problem, since even content-based recommenders require a
small number of examples on which to base recommendations. We propose to link
together a recommender system and an ontology to address this problem. The
ontology can provide a variety of information on users and their publications.
Publications provide important information about what interests a user has had
in the past, so provide a basis upon which to create initial profiles that can address the new-system cold start problem. Personnel
records allow similar users to be identified. This will address the new-user cold-start problem by
providing a set of similar users on which to base a new-user profile.
An ontology is a
conceptualisation of a domain into a human-understandable, but machine-readable
format consisting of entities, attributes, relationships, and axioms [12].
Ontologies can provide a rich conceptualisation of the working domain of an
organisation, representing the main concepts and relationships of the work
activities. These relationships could represent isolated information such as an
employee�s home phone number, or they could represent an activity such as
authoring a document, or attending a conference.
In this paper we use
the term ontology to refer to the classification structure and instances within
the knowledge base.
The ontology used in
our work is designed to represent the academic domain, and was developed by
Southampton�s AKT team (Advanced Knowledge Technologies [20]). It models
people, projects, papers, events and research interests. The ontology itself is
implemented in Prot�g� 2000 [10], a graphical tool for developing
knowledge-based systems. It is populated with information extracted
automatically from a departmental personnel database and publication database.
The ontology consists of around 80 classes, 40 slots, over 13000 instances and
is focused on people, projects, and publications.
People�s areas of expertise and interestsThe topics that people are interested in or experts on �areforms �an
important type of knowledge for many applications, for example such as people and expert finder systems [9]. Semantic web technology
can be a good source of such information, but usually requires substantial
maintenance to keep the web pages up-to-date. The majority of web pages receive
little maintenance, holding information that does not date quickly. Since interests and areas of
expertise are
dynamic in nature they are not often held within web pages. It is thus
particularly difficult for an ontology to acquire such information; this is the
interest-acquisition problem.
Many existing systems force users to perform s However, ontologies
are often static and the cost of maintenance and update is quite high. The dynamic
nature of information on research interests and expertise makes it difficult to
acquire, store, and maintain automatically. Relying on self-assessments to to gather such information, but this as many existing systems
do, has numerous many disadvantages [5]. Lotus Lotus have developed a system that monitors
user interactions
with a document to capture their interests and expertise [16]. Their system however, �does not, however, �consider the online
documents that users browse and focus on
intranet document databases.
This paper investigates linking an ontology with an online recommender system to help overcoming the interest acquisition problem. The recommender system will regularly provide the ontology with current interest profiles offor users, obtained by constructed by monitoring theiruser web browsing and interactions with online documentsanalysing feedback on recommended research papers.
recommender systems utilize user ratings to recommend items liked by similar
people. PHOAKS [26] is an example of a collaborative filtering, recommending
web links mentioned in newsgroups articles. Only newsgroups with at least 20
posted web links are considered by PHOAKS, avoiding the cold-start problems
associated with newer newsgroups containing less messages. Group Lens [14] is
an alternative example, recommending newsgroup articles. Group Lens reports two
cold-start problems in their experimental analysis. Users abandoned the system
before they had provided enough ratings to receive recommendations and early
adopters of the system received poor recommendations until enough ratings were
gathered. These systems are typical of collaborative recommenders, where a
cold-start makes early recommendation poor until sufficient people have
provided ratings.
recommender systems recommend items with similar content to things the user has
liked before. An example of a content-based recommender is Fab [4], which
recommends web pages. Fab needs a few early ratings from each user in order to
create a training set. ELFI [25] is another content-based recommender,
recommending funding information from a database. ELFI observes users using a
database and infers both positive and negative examples of interest from this
behaviour. Both these systems are typical of content-based recommender systems,
requiring users to use the system for an initial period of time before the
cold-start problem is overcome.
Personal web-based
agents such as Letizia [15], Syskill & Webert [21] and Personal Webwatcher
[19] track the users browsing and formulate user profiles. Profiles are
constructed from positive and negative examples of interest, obtained from
explicit feedback or heuristics analysing browsing behaviour. They then suggest
which links are worth following from the current web page by recommending page
links most similar to the users profile. Just like a content-based recommender
system, a few examples of interest must be observed or elicited from the user
before a useful profile can be constructed.
Ontologies can be used
to improve content-based search, as seen in OntoSeek [13]. Users of OntoSeek
navigate the ontology in order to formulate queries. Ontologies can also be
used to automatically construct knowledge bases from web pages, such as in
Web-KB [8]. Web-KB takes manually labelled examples of domain concepts and
applies machine-learning techniques to classify new web pages. Both systems do
not, however, capture dynamic information such as user interests.
Also of relevance are
systems such as CiteSeer [6], which use content-based similarity matching to
help search for interesting research papers within a digital library.
Quickstep [18] is a
hybrid recommender system, addressing the real-world problem of recommending
on-line research papers to researchers. User browsing behaviour is
unobtrusively monitored via a proxy server, logging each URL browsed during
normal work activity. A nearest-neighbour algorithm classifies browsed URL�s
based on a training set of labelled example papers, storing each new paper in a
central database. The database of known papers grows over time, building a
shared pool of knowledge. Explicit feedback and browsed URL�s form the basis of
the interest profile for each user. Figure 1 shows an overview of the Quickstep
Figure 1. The
Quickstep recommender system
Each day a set of
recommendations is computed, based on correlations between user interest
profiles and classified paper topics. Any feedback offered by users on these
recommendations is recorded when the user looks at them. Users can provide new
examples of topics and correct paper classifications where wrong. In this way
the training set, and hence classification accuracy, improves over time.
Quickstep bases its
user interest profiles on an ontology of research paper topics. This allows
inferences from the ontology to assist profile generation; in our case topic
inheritance is used to infer interest in super-classes of specific topics.
Sharing interest profiles with the AKT ontology is not difficult since they are
explicitly represented using ontological terms.
Previous trials [18]
of Quickstep used hand-crafted initial profiles, based on interview data, to
cope with the cold-start problem. Linking Quickstep with the AKT ontology
automates this process, allowing a more realistic cold-start solution that will
scale to larger numbers of users.
Every research paper
within Quickstep�s central database is represented using a term frequency
vector. Terms are single words within the document, so term frequency vectors
are computed by counting the number of times words appear within the paper.
Each dimension within a vector represents a term. Dimensionality reduction on
vectors is achieved by removing common words found in a stop-list and stemming
words using the Porter [22] stemming algorithm. Quickstep uses vectors with
10-15,000 dimensions.
Once added to the
database, papers are classified using an IBk [1] classifier boosted by the
AdaBoostM1 [11] algorithm. The IBk classifier is a k-Nearest Neighbour type
classifier that uses example documents, called a training set, added to a
vector space. Figure 2 shows the basic k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm. The
closeness of an unclassified vector to its neighbours within the vector space
determines its classification.
Figure 2.
k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm
Classifiers like
k-Nearest Neighbour allow more training examples to be added to their vector
space without the need to re-build the entire classifier. They also degrade
well, so even when incorrect the class returned is normally in the right
�neighbourhood� and so at least partially relevant. This makes k-Nearest
Neighbour a robust choice of algorithm for this task.
Boosting works by
repeatedly running a weak learning algorithm on various distributions of the
training set, and then combining the classifiers produced by the weak learner
into a single composite classifier. The �weak� learning algorithm here is the
IBk classifier. Figure 3 shows the AdaBoostM1 algorithm.
Figure 3.
AdaBoostM1 boosting algorithm
AdaBoostM1 has been
shown to improve [11] the performance of weak learner algorithms, particularly
for stronger learning algorithms like k-Nearest Neighbour. It is thus a
sensible choice to boost our IBk classifier.
The profiling
algorithm performs correlation between paper topic classifications and user
browsing logs. Whenever a research paper is browsed that has been classified as
belonging to a topic, it accumulates an interest score for that topic. Explicit
feedback on recommendations also accumulates interest value for topics. The
current interest of a topic is computed using the inverse time weighting
algorithm shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4.
Profiling algorithm
An is-a hierarchy of
research paper topics is held so that super-class relationships can be used to
infer broader topic interest. When a specific topic is browsed, fractional
interest is inferred for each super-class of that topic, using a 1/2level
weighting where �level� refers to how many classes up the is-a tree the
super-class is from the original topic. Figure 5 shows a section from the
research paper topic ontology.
Figure 5. Section of
the research paper topic ontology
are formulated from a correlation between the users current topics of interest
and papers classified as belonging to those topics. A paper is only recommended
if it does not appear in the users browsed URL log, ensuring that
recommendations have not been seen before. For each user, the top three interesting
topics are selected with 10 recommendations made in total. Papers are ranked in
order of the recommendation confidence before being presented to the user.
Figure 6 shows the recommendation algorithm.
Figure 6.
Recommendation algorithm
The Ontology-based Communities of Practice Identifier (OntoCoPI) [2] is
an experimental system that uses the AKT ontology to help identifying
communities of practice (CoP). The community of practice of a person is taken
here to be the closest group of people, based on specific features they have in
common with that given person. A community of practice is thus an informal
group of people who share some common interest in a particular practice [7]
[27]. Workplace communities of practice improve organisational performance by
maintaining implicit knowledge, helping the spread of new ideas and solutions,
acting as a focus for innovation and driving organisational strategy.
Identifying communities of practice is an essential first step to
understand the knowledge resources of an organization [28]. Organisations can
bring the right people together to help the identified communities of practice
to flourish and expand, for example by providing them with appropriate
infrastructure and give them support and recognition. However, community of
practice identification is currently a resource-heavy process largely based on
interviews, mainly because of the informal nature of such community structures
that are normally hidden within and across organisations.
OntoCoPI is a tool that uses ontology-based network analysis to support
the task of community of practice identification. A breadth-first spreading
activation algorithm is applied by OntoCoPI to crawl the ontology network of
instances and relationships to extract patterns of certain relations between
entities relating to a community of practice. The crawl can be limited to a
given set of ontology relationships. These relationships can be traced to find
specific information, such as who attended the same events, who co-authored
papers and who are members of the same project or organisation. Communities of
practice are based on informal sets of relationships while ontologies are
normally made up of formal relationships. The hypothesis underlying OntoCoPI is
that some informal relationships can be inferred from the presence of formal
ones. For instance, if A and B have no formal relationships, but they have both
authored papers with C, then that could indicate a shared interest.
One of the advantages of using an ontology to identify communities of
practice, rather than other traditional information networks [3] is that
relationships can be selected according to their semantics, and can have
different weights to reflect relative importance. For example the relations of
document authorship and project membership can be selected if it is required to
identify communities of practice based on publications and project work.
OntoCoPI allows manual selection of relationships or automatic selection based
on the frequency of relationship use within the knowledge base. Selecting the
right relationships and weights is an experimental process that is dependent on
the ontology structure, the type and amount of information in the ontology, and
the type of community of practice required.
When working with a new community of practice some experiments will be
needed to see which relationships are relevant to the desired community of
practice, and how to set relative weights. In the experiments described in this
paper, certain relationships were selected manually and weighted based on our
preferences. Further trials are needed to determine the most effective
We have investigated
the integration of the ontology, OntoCoPI and Quickstep recommender system to
provide a solution to both the cold-start problem and interest acquisition
problem. Figure 7 shows our experimental systems after integration.
Figure 7.
Ontology and recommender system integration
Upon start-up, the
ontology provides the recommender system with an initial set of publications
for each of its registered users.� Each
user�s known publications are then correlated with the recommender systems
classified paper database, and a set of historical interests compiled for that
user. These historical interests form the basis of an initial profile,
overcoming the new-system cold-start problem. Figure 8 details the initial
profile algorithm. As per the Quickstep profiling algorithm, fractional
interest in a topic super-classes is inferred when a specific topic is added.
Figure 8.
New-system initial profile algorithm
When the recommender
system is up and running and a new user is added, the AKT ontology provides
the historical publication list of the new user and the OntoCoPI system provides a ranked list of
similar users. The initial profile of the new user is formed from a correlation
between historical publications and any similar user profiles. This algorithm
is detailed in figure 9, and addresses the new-user cold-start problem.
9. New-user initial profile algorithm
The task of populating
and maintaining the AKT ontology of user research
interests is left to the recommender system. The recommender system compiles
user profiles on a daily basis, and these profiles are asserted into the AKT ontology
when ready. Figure 10 details the structure of these profiles. In this way
up-to-date interests are maintained, providing a solution to the interest
acquisition problem. The interest data is used alongside the more static
information within the AKT ontology to improve the accuracy
of the OntoCoPI system.
Figure 10. Daily
profiles sent to the AKT ontology
When the
Quickstep recommender system is first initialised, it retrieves a list of
people and their publication URLs from the ontology. Quickstep analyses these
publications and classifies them according to the research topic hierarchy in
the ontology. Paper topics are associated with their date of publication, and
the �new-system initial profile� algorithm used to compute a set of initial
profiles for each user.
Tables 1 and 2
shows an example of this for the user Nigel Shadbolt. His publications are
analysed and a set of topics and dates formulated. The �new-system initial
profile� algorithm then computes the interest values for each topic. For
example, �Knowledge Acquisition� has one publication two year old (round up) so
its value is 1.0 / 2 = 0.5.
Publication list for Shadbolt
Publication |
Date |
Topic |
2001 |
systems |
Technologies |
2001 |
Technology |
The Use of
Ontologies for Knowledge Acquisition |
2001 |
Ontology |
KBSs: Using CommonKADS to Provide Supporting Evidence for Fitness for Purpose
of KBSs |
2000 |
Management |
Focused Knowledge from the Semantic Web |
2000 |
Acquisition |
Knowledge Engineering and Management |
2000 |
Management |
Table2. Example
of new-system profile for Shadbolt
Topic |
Interest |
Technology\Knowledge Management |
1.5 |
Technology\Ontology |
1.0 |
AI\Agents\Recommender Systems |
1.0 |
Knowledge Technology\Knowledge Acquisition |
0.5 |
At a later stage,
after Quickstep has been running for a while, a new user registers with email
address sem99r@ecs.soton.ac.uk. OntoCoPI identifies this email account as that
of Stuart Middleton, a PhD candidate within the department, and returns the
ranked and normalised communities of practise list displayed in table 3. This
communities of practise list is identified using relations on conference
attendance, supervision, authorship, research interest, and project membership,
using the weights 0.4, 0.7, 0.3, 0.8, and 0.5 respectively. De Roure was found
to be the closest person as he is Middleton�s supervisor, and has one joint
publication co-authored with Middleton and Shadbolt. The people with 0.82
values are other supervisees of De Roure. Alani attended the same conference
that Middleton went to in 2001.
Table 3. OntoCoPI
results for Middleton
Person |
value |
Person |
value |
DeRoure |
1.0 |
Alani |
0.47 |
Revill |
0.82 |
Shadbolt |
0.46 |
Beales |
0.82 |
The communities
of practise list is then sent to Quickstep, which searches for matching user
profiles. These profiles will be more accurate and up to date than those
initially created profiles based on publications. Quickstep manages to find the
profiles in table 4 in its logs.
Table 4. Profiles
of similar people to Middleton
Person |
Topic |
Interest |
DeRoure |
Systems |
1.2 |
Systems � |
0.73 |
Revill |
Agents |
1.0 |
Systems � |
0.4 |
Beals |
Technology\Knowledge Devices |
0.9 |
Agents � |
0.87 |
Alani |
Technology\Ontology |
1.8 |
Technology\Knowledge Management\ CoP � |
0.7 |
Shadbolt |
Technology\Knowledge Management |
1.5 |
Systems � |
1.0 |
These profiles
are merged to create a profile for the new user, Middleton, using the �new-user
initial profile� algorithm with a g value of 2.5. For example, Middleton has a
publication on �Recommender Systems� that is 1 year old and DeRoure, Revill and
Shadbolt have interest in �Recommender Systems� � this topics value is
therefore 1/1 + 2.5/5 * (1.0*0.73+0.82*0.4+0.46*1.0) = 1.76. Table 5 shows the
resulting profile.
Table 5. New-user
profile for Middleton
Topic |
Interest |
Systems |
1.76 |
Agents |
0.77 |
Systems |
0.6 |
Technology\Ontology |
0.42 |
Technology\Knowledge Devices |
0.37 |
Technology\Knowledge Management |
0.35 |
Technology\Knowledge Management\ CoP |
0.16 |
� |
Every day Quickstep�s
profiles are updated and automatically fed back to the ontology, where they are
used to populate the research interest relationships of the relevant people.
In order to evaluate
the effect both the new-system and new-user initial profiling algorithms have
on our integrated system, we conducted an experiment based around the browsing
behaviour logs obtained from the Quickstep [18] user trials. The algorithms
previously described are used, as per the example in the previous section, and
the average performance for all users calculated.
Users were selected
from the Quickstep trials whom had entries within the departmental publication
database. We selected nine users in total, with each user typically having one
or two publications.
The URL browsing logs
of these users, extracted from 3 months of browsing behaviour recorded during
the Quickstep trials, were then broken up into weekly log entries. Seven weeks
of browsing behaviour were taken from the start of the Quickstep trials, and an
empty log created to simulate the very start of the trial.
Eight iterations of
the integrated system were thus run, the first simulating the start of the
trial and others simulating the following weeks 1 to 7. Interest profiles were
recorded after each iteration. Two complete runs were made, one with the
�new-system initial profiling� algorithm and one without. The control run
without the �new-system initial profiling� algorithm started with blank
profiles for each of its users.
An additional
iteration was run to evaluate the effectiveness of the �new-user initial
profile� algorithm. We took the communities of practice for each user, based on
data from week 7, and used the �new-user initial profile� algorithm to compute
initial profiles for each user as if they were being entered onto the system at
the end of the trial. These profiles were recorded. Because we are using an
early prototype version of OntoCoPI, communities of practice confidence values
were not available; we thus used confidence values of 1 throughout this
In order to evaluate
our algorithms effect on the cold-start problem, we compared all recorded
profiles to the benchmark week 7 profile. This allows us to measure how quickly
profiles converge to the stable state existing after a reasonable amount of
behaviour data has been accumulated. The quicker the profiles move to this
state the quicker they will have overcome the cold-start.
Week 7 was chosen as
the cut-off point of our analysis since after about 7 weeks of use the
behaviour data gathered by Quickstep will dominate the user profiles. The
effects of bootstrapping beyond this point would not be significant. If we were
to run the system beyond week 7 we would simply see the profiles continually
adjusting to the behaviour logged each week.
Two measurements were
preformed when comparing profiles to the benchmark week 7 profile. The first,
profile precision, measures how many topics were mentioned in both the current
profile and benchmark profile. Profile precision is an indication of how
quickly the profile is converging to the final state, and thus how quickly the
effects of the cold-start are overcome. The second, profile error rate,
measures how many topics appeared in the current profile that did not appear
within the benchmark profile. Profile error rate is an indication of the errors
introduced by the two bootstrapping algorithms. Figure 11 describes these
It should be noted
that we are not measuring the absolute precision and error rate of the profiles
� only the relative precision and error rate compared to the week 7 steady
state profiles. Measuring absolute profile accuracy is a very subjective
matter, and we do not attempt it here; we are only interested in how quickly
profiles reach their steady states. A more complete evaluation of Quickstep�s
overall profiling and recommendation performance can be found in [18].
Figure 11.
Evaluation metrics
The results of our
experimental runs are detailed in figures 12 and 13. The new-user results
consist of a single iteration, so appear on the graphs as a single point.
At the start, week 0,
no browsing behaviour log data is available to the system so the profiles
without bootstrapping are empty. The new-system algorithm, however, can
bootstrap the initial user profiles and achieves a reasonable precision of 0.35
and a low error rate of 0.06. We found that the new-system profiles accurately
captured interests users had a year or so ago, but tended to miss current
interests. This is because publications are generally not available for
up-to-date interests.
As we would expect,
once the weekly behaviour logs become available to the system the profiles
adjust accordingly, moving away from the initial bootstrapping. On week 7 the
profiles converge to the benchmark profile.
The new-user algorithm
result show a more dramatic increase in precision to 0.84, but comes at the
price of a significant error rate of 0.55. The profiles produced by the
new-user algorithm tended to be very inclusive, taking the set of similar user
interests and producing a union of these interests. While this captures many of
the new users real interests, it also included a large number of interests not
relevant to the new user but which were interesting to the people similar to
the new user.
Figure 12.
Profile precision
Figure 13.
Profile error rate
Since error rate is
measured relative to the final benchmark profile of week 7, all the topics seen
in the behaviour logs will be present within the benchmark profile. Incorrect
topics must thus come from another source � in this case bootstrapping on week
0. This causes error rates to be constant over the 7 weeks, since the incorrect
topics introduced on week 0 remain for all subsequent weeks.
Cold-starts in
recommender systems and interest acquisition in ontologies are serious
problems. If initial recommendations are inaccurate, user confidence in the
recommender system may drop with the result that not enough usage data is
gathered to overcome the cold-start. In regards to ontologies, up-to-date
interests are not generally available from periodically updated information
sources such as web pages, personal records or publication databases.
Our integration of the
Quickstep recommender system, AKT ontology and OntoCoPI system has demonstrated
one approach to reduce both the cold-start and interest-acquisition problems.
Our practical work suggests that using an ontology to bootstrap user profiles
can significantly reduce the impact of the recommender system cold-start
problem. It is particularly useful for the new-system cold-start problem, where
the alternative is to start with no information at all. Regularly feeding the
recommender systems interest profiles back to the ontology also clearly assists
in the acquisition of up-to-date interests. A number of issues have, however,
arisen from our integration.
The new-system
algorithm produced profiles with a low error rate and a reasonable precision of
0.35. This reflects that previous publications are a good indication of users
current interests, and so can produce a good starting point for a bootstrap
profile. Where the new-system algorithm fails is for more recent interests,
which make up the remaining 65% of the topics in the final benchmark profile.
To discover these more recent interests, it is possible that the new-system
algorithm could be extended to take some of the other information available
within the ontology into account, such as the projects a user is working on. To
what degree these relationships will help is difficult to predict however,
since the ontology itself has great difficulty in acquiring knowledge of recent
For the purposes of
our experiment, we selected those users who had some entries within the
universities on-line publication database. There were some users who had not
entered their publications into this database or who have yet to publish their
work. For these users there is little information within the ontology, making
any new-system initial profiles of little use. In a larger scale system, more
sources of information would be needed from the ontology to build the
new-system profiles. This would allow some redundancy, and hence improve
robustness in the realistic situation where information is sparsely available.
The community of practice for a user was found not to be always relevant based on our selection of relationships and weights. For example, Dave de Roure supervises Stuart Middleton, but Dave supervises a lot of other students interested in mobile agents. These topics are not relevant to Stuart, which raises the question of how relevant the supervision relationship is to our requirements, and how best to weight such a relationship. Further experiments are needed to identify the most relevant settings for community of practice identification. The accuracy of our communities of practice are also linked to the accuracy of the research interest information as identified by the recommender system.
The new-user algorithm
achieved good precision of 0.84 at the expense of a significant 0.55 error
rate. This was because both the communities of practice generated for users
were not always precise, and because of the new-user algorithm included all
interests from the similar users. An improvement would be to only use those
interests held by the majority of the people within a community of practice.
This would exclude some of the less common interests that would otherwise be
included into the new-user profile.
The new-user initial
profile algorithm defines the constant g, which determines the proportional
significance of previous publications and similar users. Factors such as the
availability of relationship data within the ontology and quality of the
publication database will affect the choice of value for g. We used a value of 2.5, but empirical
evaluation would be needed to determine the best value.
There is an issue as
to how best to calculate the �semantic distance� between topics within the is-a
hierarchy. We make the simplifying assumption that all is-a links have equal
relevance, but the exact relevance will depend on each topic in question. If
individual weightings were allowed for each topic, a method for determination
of these weights would have to be considered. Alternatively the is-a hierarchy
could be carefully constructed to ensure equal semantic distance.
A positive feedback
loop exists between the recommender system and ontology, making data incest a
potential problem. For new users there are no initial interest entries within
the ontology, so new user profiles are not incestuous. If the recommender
system were to use the communities of practice for more than just initial
profiles, however, a self-confirming loop would exist and interest calculations
would be incestuous.
Finally, a question
still remains as to just how good an initial profile must be to fully overcome
the effects of the cold-start problem. If initial recommendations are poor
users will not use the recommender system and hence it will never get a chance
to improve. We have shown that improvements can be made to initial profiles,
but further empirical evaluation would be needed to evaluate exactly how much
improvement is needed before the system is �good enough� for users to give it a
The next step for the
integrated system is to continue to improve the set of relationships and
weights used to calculate communities of practice, and find a more selective
�new-user initial profile� algorithm. With more precise communities of practice
the new-user bootstrapping error rate should fall substantially. We could then
conduct a set of further user trials. This would allow the assessment of user
up-take and use of the integrated system, and reveal how improving initial
profiles affect overall system usage patterns.
The Quickstep
recommender system is currently being extended to explore further the idea of
using ontologies to represent user profiles. A large-scale trial is under way
over a full academic year to evaluate the new system, which is called the
Foxtrot recommender system.
This work is funded by EPSRC studentship award number 99308831 and the Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration In Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project GR/N15764/01.
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