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Eprints: Electronic Preprints and Postprints

Eprints: Electronic Preprints and Postprints
Eprints: Electronic Preprints and Postprints
Preprints are drafts of a research paper before peer review and postprints are drafts of a research paper after peer review. Researchers have always given away their preprints and postprints in order to increase the impact of their work. The online age has at last made it possible for researchers to maximize their work's visibility, usage and impact by self-archiving their preprints and postprints in institutional Eprint Archives, making them openly accessible to all would-be users worldwide.
Marcel Dekker
Harnad, Stevan
Harnad, Stevan

Harnad, Stevan (2003) Eprints: Electronic Preprints and Postprints. In, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science (01/12/03) Marcel Dekker.

Record type: Book Section


Preprints are drafts of a research paper before peer review and postprints are drafts of a research paper after peer review. Researchers have always given away their preprints and postprints in order to increase the impact of their work. The online age has at last made it possible for researchers to maximize their work's visibility, usage and impact by self-archiving their preprints and postprints in institutional Eprint Archives, making them openly accessible to all would-be users worldwide.

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Published date: December 2003
Venue - Dates: Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, 2003-12-01
Organisations: Web & Internet Science


Local EPrints ID: 257721
PURE UUID: a4dadf04-0e8b-4700-b9a3-57ac5c75ec27
ORCID for Stevan Harnad: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 19 Jun 2003
Last modified: 15 Mar 2024 02:48

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Author: Stevan Harnad ORCID iD

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