(2001/2003) For Whom the Gate Tolls?
Published as:
Harnad, Stevan (2003)
Open Access
to Peer-Reviewed Research Through
Author/Institution Self-Archiving:
Maximizing Research Impact by Maximizing
Online Access.
In: Law, Derek
& Judith Andrews, Eds. Digital Libraries:
Policy Planning
and Practice.
Publishing 2003.
version: Harnad S. (2003)
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
[French version:
Harnad, S. (2003)
Ciélographie et ciélolexie: Anomalie post-gutenbergienne
comment la résoudre.
Origgi, G.
& Arikha, N. (eds) Le texte à
l'heure de
l'Internet. Bibliotheque Centre
Pp. 77-103.
For Whom the Gate Tolls?
How and Why to Free the Refereed Research Literature
Online Through Author/Institution Self-Archiving, NowStevan Harnad
Intelligence/Agents/Multimedia Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton
http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/ABSTRACT: All refereed journals will soon be available online; most of them already are. This means that anyone will be able to access them from any networked desk-top. The literature will all be interconnected by citation, author, and keyword/subject links, allowing for unheard-of power and ease of access and navigability. Successive drafts of pre-refereeing preprints will be linked to the official refereed draft, as well as to any subsequent corrections, revisions, updates, comments, responses, and underlying empirical databases, all enhancing the self-correctiveness, interactivity and productivity of scholarly and scientific research and communication in remarkable new ways. New scientometric indicators of digital impact are also emerging (http://opcit.eprints.org) to chart the online course of knowledge. But there is still one last frontier to cross before science reaches the optimal and the inevitable: Just as there is no longer any need for research or researchers to be constrained by the access-blocking restrictions of paper distribution, there is no longer any need to be constrained by the impact-blocking financial fire-walls of Subscription/Site-License/Pay-Per-View (S/L/P) tolls for this give-away literature. Its author/researchers have always donated their research reports for free (and its referee/researchers have refereed for free), with the sole goal of maximizing their impact on subsequent research (by accessing the eyes and minds of fellow-researchers, present and future) and hence on society. Generic (OAi-compliant) software is now available free so that institutions can immediately create Eprint Archives in which their authors can self-archive all their refereed papers for free for all forever (http://www.eprints.org/). These interoperable Open Archives (http://www.openarchives.org) will then be harvested into global, jointly searchable "virtual archives" (e.g., http://arc.cs.odu.edu/). "Scholarly Skywriting" in this PostGutenberg Galaxy will be dramatically (and measurably) more interactive and productive, spawning its own new digital metrics of productivity and impact, allowing for an online "embryology of knowledge."
2. The Optimal and Inevitable for Researchers
3. Two useful acronyms, one new distinction, and one new ally
6. How to
get around restrictive copyright legally ("Preprint+corrigenda
7. What you can do now to free the refereed
literature online
8. Zeno's Prima-FaQs "I worry about self-archiving
11. APPENDIX B: Some Relevant Chronology and URLs
What is wrong with this Picture?
1. A brand-new PhD recipient proudly tells his mother he has just published his first article. She asks him how much he was paid for it. He makes a face and tells her "nothing," and then begins a long, complicated explanation...
2. A fellow-researcher at that same university sees a reference to that same article. He goes to their library to get it: "It's not subscribed to here. We can't afford that journal. (Our subscription/license/loan/copy budget is already overspent)"
3. An undergraduate at that same university sees the same article cited on the Web. He clicks on it. The publisher's website demands a password: "Access Denied:Only pre-paid subscribing/licensed institutions have access to this journal."
4. The undergraduate loses patience, gets bored, and clicks on Napsterto grab an MP3 file of his favourite bootleg CD to console him in his sorrows.
5. Years later, the same PhD is being considered for tenure. His publications are good, but they're not cited enough; they have not made enough of a "research impact." Tenure denied.
6. Same thing happens when he tries to get a research grant: His research findings have not had enough of an impact: Not enough researchers have read, built upon and cited them. Funding denied.
7. He decides to write a book instead. Book publishers decline to publish it: "It wouldn't sell enough copies because not enough universities have enough money to pay for it. (Their purchasing budgets are tied up paying for their inflating annual journal subscription/license/loan costs...)"
8. He tries to put his articles up on the Web, free for all, to increase their impact. His publisher threatens to sue him and his server-provider for violation of copyright.
9. He asks his publisher: "Who is this copyright intended to protect?" His publisher replies: "You!"
What is wrong with this picture?
(And why is the mother of the PhD whose give-away work people cannot steal, even though he wants them to, in the same boat as the mother of the recording artist whose non-give-away work they can and do steal, even though he does not want them to?)
In order to understand what is wrong with the picture, you first have to make five critical distinctions. If you fail to make any one of these distinctions, it will be impossible to make sense of the picture or to resolve the anomaly, an anomaly completely unique to the online era of "Scholarly Skywriting" (Harnad 1990) in the "PostGutenberg Galaxy" (Harnad 1991).
The litmus test for whether a piece of writing falls in the small give-away sector of the literature or the much larger non-give-away sector is: "Does the author seek a royalty or fee in exchange for his writings?" If the answer is yes (as it is for virtually all books [cf. Harnad, Varian & Parks 2000] and newspaper or magazine articles), then the writing is non-give-away;if the answer is no,then it is give-away.
None of what follows here is applicable to non-give-away writing, but the non-give-away model is the one that most people have in mind for all of writing. So it is not surprising that that small fraction of writing that the more general model does not fit should seem anomalous.
As most institutions cannot afford the access-fees to most refereed research journals, this means that most research papers cannot be accessed by most researchers (Harnad 1998b): Currently, all that potential impact is simply lost.
Note that although researchers do not derive income from the sale of their refereed research papers ("imprint income"), they do derive income from the impact of those papers ("impact income").
The simple reason why researchers, unlike non-give-away authors, do not seek imprint-income for their refereed research is that the access-tolls for collecting imprint-income are barriers to impact-income (research grants, salaries, promotion, tenure, prizes), which is by far the more important reward for researchers, most of whose refereed papers are so esoteric (Harnad 1995b) as to have no imprint-income market at all.
Eprint archives, consisting of research papers self-archived online by their authors, are not, and have never been, merely "preprint archives" for unrefereed research. Authors can self-archive therein all the embryological stages of the research they wish to report, from pre-refereeing, through successive revisions, till the refereed, journal-certified postprint, and thence still further, to any subsequent corrected, revised, or otherwise updated drafts (post-postprints), as well as any commentaries or responses linked to them. These are all just way-stations along the scholarly skywriting continuum.
All of this will come to pass. The only real question is "How Soon?" Will we still be compos mentis and fit to benefit from it, or will it only be for the napster generation? Future historians, posterity, and our own still-born scholarly impact are already poised to chide us in hindsight (Harnad 1999b).
- The entire full-text refereed corpus online
- On every researcher's desktop, everywhere
- 24 hours a day
- All papers citation-interlinked
- Fully searchable, navigable, retrievable
- For free, for all, forever
What can the research community do to hasten the optimal and inevitable? Here are some recent concepts that may help:
Beware of the language of obligatory "value-added," with which the peer-reviewed literature must, by implication, continue to be inextricably wrapped. The only essential service still provided by journal publishers (for this anomalous, author-give-away literature in the PostGutenberg era) is peer review itself.
The rest -- on-paper versions, PDF on-line page images, deluxe online enhancements -- are all potentially valuable features, to be sure, but only as take-it-or-leave-it options. In the on-line era there is no longer any necessity, hence no longer any justification whatsoever, for continuing to hold the refereed research itself hostage to access-tolls and whatever add-ons they happen to pay for.
Beware also of any attempt to trade off S for L or L for P: Pick your poison, all three are access-barriers, hence impact-barriers, and hence all three must go -- or rather, they must all now become only the price-tags for the add-on, deluxe options that they buy for the researcher and his institution, but no longer also for the peer-reviewed essentials, which can now be self-archived for free for all.
But the peers who review it for the journals are the researchers themselves, and they review it for free, just as the researchers report it for free. So it must be made quite clear that the only real peer-review cost is that of implementing the peer review, not actually performing it.
Estimates (e.g., Odlyzko
1998) as well as the real experience of online-only journals (e.g.,
Journal of High Energy Physics http://jhep.cern.ch/;
have shown that the peer-review implementation cost is quite low -- about 10-30%%
of the total amount that the world's institutional libraries (or rather,
the small subset of them that can afford any given journal at all!) are
currently paying annually per article in access-tolls .
Once the 70-90% Toll-based add-ons become optional, the essential 10-30% peer-review cost could easily be paid out of the 100% toll savings -- if ever the world's libraries decide they no longer need the add-ons. (The other 70-90% savings can be used to buy other things, e.g., books, which are not, and never will be, author give-aways.)
All researchers can free their own refereed research now, virtually overnight, by taking the matter into their own hands; they can self-archive it in their institutional Eprint Archives: http://www.eprints.org. Access to the eprints of their refereed research is then immediately freed of all toll-barriers, forever.
Because of their OAI-compliance, the papers in all registered Eprints Archives can be harvested and searched by Open Archive Services such as Cite-Base http://cite-base.ecs.soton.ac.uk/help/index.php3 and the Cross Archive Searching Service http://arc.cs.odu.edu/, providing seamless access to all the eprints, across all the Eprint Archives, as if they were all in one global, virtual archive.
However, it is likely that there will be some changes as a consequence of the freeing of the literature by author/institution self-archiving. This is what those changes might be:
Note that it is quite possible that there will always continue to be a market for the toll-based options (on-paper version, publisher's on-line PDF, deluxe enhancements) even though most users use the free versions. Nothing hangs on this.
If the toll-access market stays large enough, nothing else need change.
But if publishers do need to abandon providing the toll-based products and to scale down instead to providing only the peer-review service, then universities, having saved 100% of their annual access-toll budgets, will have plenty of annual windfall savings from which to pay for their own researchers' continuing (and essential) annual journal-submission peer-review costs (10-30%); the rest of their savings (70-90%) they can spend as they like (e.g., on books -- plus a bit for Eprint Archive maintenance).
But the producers of refereed research reports do not wish to have protection from "theft" of this kind; on the contrary, they wish to encourage it. They have no royalties to gain from preventing it; they have only research impact to lose from access-blockage of any kind.
The producers of refereed research reports, in contrast, wish to give their work away; hence fair-use issues are moot for this special give-away literature.
(The intuitive model for this is advertisements: what advertiser wants to lose his right to give away his ads for free, diminishing their potential impact by charging for access to them!)
Well, there is no need for the authors of refereed research to worry about exercising their give-away rights, for they can do it, legally, even under the most restrictive copyright agreement, by using the following strategy.
[Note that some journals have, apart from copyright policies, which are a legal matter,embargo policies," which are merely policy matters (nonlegal). Invoking the "Ingelfinger (Embargo) Rule," some journals state that they will not referee (let alone publish) papers that have previously been "made public" in any way, whether through conferences, press releases, or on-line self-archiving. The Ingelfinger Rule, apart from being directly at odds with the interests of research and researchers and having no intrinsic justification whatsoever -- other than as a way of protecting journals' current revenue streams -- is not a legal matter, and unenforceable. So researchers are best advised to ignore it completely (Harnad 2000a, 2000b), exactly as the authors of the 150,000 papers in the Physics Archive have been doing for 10 years now. The "Ingelfinger Rule" is under review by journals in any case; Nature has already dropped it, and there are indications that Science may soon follow suit too.]
Some publishers (about 10-30%) already explicitly
allow self-archiving of the refereed postprint (e.g., the American Physical
). Most other publishers (perhaps 70%) also accept this clause, but only
if you explicitly propose it yourself (they will not formulate it
on their own initiative).
Some journals (about 20%), however, will respond that they decline to publish your paper unless you sign their copyright transfer agreement verbatim. In such cases, sign their agreement and proceed to the next step:
Everyone chuckles at this point, but the reason it is so easy is that this is the author give-away literature. No non-give-away author would ever dream of doing such a thing (archiving the prepublication draft for free, along with the corrigenda). And copyright agreements (and copyright law) are designed and conceived to meet the much more representative interests of non-give-away authors and their much larger body of royalty/fee-based work. Hence this simple and legal expedient for the special, tiny, anomalous, give-away literature has no constituency anywhere else.
Yet this simple, risible strategy is also feasible, and legal (Oppenheim 2001) -- and sufficient to free the entire current refereed corpus of all access/impact barriers immediately!
This is why it is hoped that (with the help of the
institutional archive-creating software) distributed,
institution-based self-archiving, as a powerful and natural complement
to central, discipline-based self-archiving, will now broaden and accelerate
the self-archiving initiative, putting us all over the top at last, with
the entire distributed corpus integrated by the glue of interoperability
As to the past (retrospective) literature: The preprint+corrigenda strategy will not work there, but as the retrospective journal literature brings virtually no revenue, most publishers will agree to author self-archiving after a sufficient period (6 months to 2 years) has elapsed. Moreover, for the really old literature, it is not clear that on-line self-archiving was covered by the old copyright agreements at all.
And if all else fails for the retrospective literature, a variant of the Preprint+corrigenda strategy will still work: Simply do a revised 2nd edition! Update the references, rearrange the text (and add more text and data if you wish). For the record, the enhanced draft can be accompanied by a "de-corrigenda" file, stating which of the enhancements were not in the published version.
(And of course the starting point for the revised, enhanced 2nd edition, if you no longer have the digital text in your word processor, can be scanned and OCR'd from the journal; by thus distributing it, authors can do for their own work for-free what JSTOR http://www.jstor.org/ is only able to do for the work of others for-fee.)
For researchers who profess to be too busy, tired, old, or inexpert to self-archive their papers for themselves, a modest start-up budget to pay library experts or students to do it for them would be a small amount of money very well-invested. It will only be needed to get the first wave over the top; from then on, the momentum from the enhanced access and impact will maintain itself, and self-archiving will become as standard a practise as email.
But what needs energetic initial promotion and support is the first wave. If (i) the enhanced access of their own researchers to the research of others and (ii) the enhanced visibility (Lawrence 2001a, 2001b) and the resulting enhanced impact of their own research on the research of others are not incentive enough for universities to promote and support the self-archiving initiative energetically, they should also consider that it will be an investment in (iii) a potential solution to their serials crisis and the possible recovery of 70-90% of their annual serials (toll-access) budget.
(Note that the success of the self-archiving initiative is predicated on the same Golden Rule on which both refereeing and research themselves are predicated: If we all do our own part for one another, we all benefit from it. Give in order to receive...)
Libraries can also facilitate a stable transition through their collective, consortial power ( SPARC : http://www.arl.org/sparc), providing leveraged support for publishers who are prepared to commit themselves to a scheduled for downsizing to the essentials only (the peer review service, to the author/institution). And individually they can also be preparing in advance for the restructuring that will come if their windfall toll savings grow; about 10-30% of their annual savings will need to be redirected to cover their university's own authors' peer-review charges per paper. The remaining 70-90% is theirs to use in any way they see fit!
A much better policy is to concede on the optimal and inevitable for research, and plan on the possibility of separating the provision of the essential peer review service to the author-institution (peer review implementation charges, per paper) from the provision of all other add-on products (e.g., on-paper version, on-line version, other added-values), which should be sold as options, rather than used to try to keep holding the essentials (the refereed final draft) hostage to access-tolls.
There will still be a permanent niche for journal publishers. What remains to be seen is whether that will entail downsizing to peer-review service-provision alone, or whether there will also continue to be a market for toll-based add-ons even after the refereed drafts are available free through the Eprint Archives.
The beneficiaries will not just be research and researchers, but society itself, inasmuch as research is supported because of its potential benefits to society. Researchers in developing countries and at the less affluent universities and research institutions of developed countries will benefit even more from barrier-free access to the research literature than will the better-off institutions, but it is instructive to remind ourselves that even the most affluent institutional libraries cannot afford most of the refereed journals! None have access to more than a small subset of the entire annual corpus (http://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/arl/index.html). So free access to it all will benefit all institutions (Odlyzko 1999a, 1999b).
And on the other side of barrier-free access to the work of others, all researchers, even the most affluent, will benefit from the barrier-free impact of their own work on the work of others. Moreover, a freed, interoperable, digital research literature will not only radically enhance access, navigation (e.g., citation-linking) and impact, hence research productivity and quality, but it will also spawn new ways of monitoring and measuring that impact, productivity and quality (e.g., download impact, links, immediacy, comments, and the higher-order dynamics of a citation-linked corpus that can be analyzed from preprint to post-postprint, to yield an "embryology of knowledge" (Harnad & Carr 2000).
Researchers, librarians, publishers and university administrators have so far been held back from self-archiving by certain prima facie worries, all of which are easily shown to be groundless.
These worries are rather like "Zeno's Paradox": "I cannot walk across this room, because before I can walk across it, I must first walk half-way across it, and that takes time; but before I can walk half-way across it, I must walk half-half-way across it, and that too takes time; and so on; so I how can I ever even get started?" This condition might better be called "Zeno's Paralysis."
Each of the following worries can easily be shown to be groundless (and has been shown to be groundless, by myself and many others, many times). Yet the very same prima facie worries keep resurging elsewhere, like mushrooms, no matter how decisively they are uprooted in each instance. It will be a matter for future historians to explain the puzzle of why we were needlessly held back for so long from the optimal and inevitable even when it was well within reach, by these gratuitous worries (despite the "Los Alamos Lemma," which is that whatever alleged obstacle was not sufficient to deter physicists from self-archiving 130,000 papers to date should not be holding back the rest of us either!).
Here are rebuttals to the most common of these prima facie worries; in future they can be used as FAQs to reply by number: They are brief and to the point, because there are no long, complex, hidden issues in any of these cases. Hence it is best to get to the point in the simplest, most direct way possible. There is also a good deal of overlap and redundancy between them:
"I worry about self-archiving because archived eprints may not continue to exist or to be accessible in perpetuo on-line, the way they were on-paper."
To put this worry into perspective, we must remember
that print-on-paper is not permanent either. The only relevant parameter
is the probability of future access. The on-paper probability, such
as it is, is achieved by generating (a) multiple copies, (b) geographically
distributed, (c) in a (relatively) robust medium, (d) visible to
the human eye.
All four of these properties can be (and have been) achieved on-line too, and the resulting preservation probability can be made as good as, or even better than, the current probability on-paper.
That should be the end of the story: For once this concern is no longer grounded in actual, objective probabilities, but only in prior habits and attendant intuitions, then we are talking about biasses and superstitions and not about actual risks.
There are a few side issues: People worry about global power-failures, or global dictatorships. They should remind themselves that these are matters of probability too, and have their equivalents in paper.
People also, by analogy with current unreadable documents in obsolete word-processors or peripherals, worry about whether the digital code, even if preserved, will always be accessible and visible to the eye.
The answer is again probability: The reason print-on-paper has been faithfully preserved across generations (when it has been) is that the literate world's collective interests were vested in ensuring that it should do so. This same continuity of collective interests will exist for the digital corpus too, for the same reasons, except that digital code will be much easier to keep uploading to every successive new technology than print on-paper to every successive building or regime ever was.
(And there is always the option for those who are still not confident enough in the technology, despite the odds, of printing out hard copies as back-up: Indeed, that is a good way to put the magnitude of one's Zeno's worries to the test: Who will still feel the need to make hard copies, and of how much of the corpus, once it's all on-line and accessible to everyone, everywhere, at all times?)
In short, preservation measures as a practical pursuit
by digital librarians is an eminently worthy one; but as a basis for any
hesitation or delay whatsoever about proceeding with self-archiving right
now, it is completely irrational (particularly as, for the time being,
self-archiving is merely a supplement to, not a substitute
for, the existing Gutenberg modes of preservation).
"I worry about self-archiving because you can never be sure whether you are reading the definitive version of an eprint on-line, the way you can be sure on-paper."
Again, the rational way to put this into context and
proportion is to remind ourselves that the authenticity of an on-paper
version is just a matter of probability too, and that the very same factors
that maximize that probability on-paper can maximize it on-line too.
Indeed, if we wish, we can make both the probability and the verifiability
of authenticity on-line much higher than it currently is on-paper through
techniques such as public
hash/time-stamping and encryption.
Nor should the authentication issue be confused with the issue of Peer-Review (7) or Journal Certification (5) (separate questions), nor with the question of "version control" (there will be self-archived preprints, revised drafts, final accepted, published drafts (postprints), updated, corrected post-postprints, peer comments, author replies, revised second editions. In all of this, the refereed, accepted final draft is one crucial "milestone," but not the only one, in the embryology of knowledge (and not even always the best one).
And last, some of the "authentication" worries arise from conflating self-archiving and self-publication. To say it in longhand: The main objective of the self-archiving initiative is the freeing of the refereed drafts from access/impact barriers. The refereed draft has already been "authenticated" by the journal that peer-reviewed it. Do not confuse that authentication with some worry you may have about whether this self-archived draft is indeed what the author purports it to be. The only thing the author is "self-certifying" in this case is that this is indeed the journal-certified final draft. There is of course always a possibility that it is not the journal-certified final draft; but that was also true when the author sent you an on-paper reprint. The probabilities can, as usual, be tightened to make them as high as we feel comfortable with in either case. And in the case of preservation, self-archiving is at this stage merely a supplement, not a substitute for existing forms of authentication.
So, again, there are no rational authentication concerns
whatsoever to deter us from self-archiving immediately.
"I worry about self-archiving because eprints can be altered
or otherwise corrupted on-line in ways they could not be corrupted on-paper."
Again, the answer is that simple and effective means are available to ensure that an on-line draft is uncorrupted with as high a probability as we feel we need. So this too is a non-problem. (Nor should it, again, be conflated with self-publication issues, which are irrelevant to the self-archiving of refereed, journal-published papers.) Whatever level of incorruptibility we feel we need, we can have it for self-archived papers too.
Consequently, corruptibility worries provide no rational basis whatsoever for deterring us from self-archiving immediately.
"I worry about self-archiving because there is already
too much to read, and it is already too hard to navigate it on paper; adding
eprints will just make this situation even worse."
The primary objective of self-archiving is to free the refereed journal literature from access-tolls on-line. That literature is already being published on-paper. (If you think it should not be, it is with the journals and their referees that you need to take issue, not with self-archiving or the on-line medium!) When it is all accessible free on-line, there is no need for anyone to feel any more (or less) obliged to read the refereed literature than they did on-paper. Keeping it off-line is certainly no cure for the information glut (if there is one); it merely makes the existing access-tolls the arbitrary arbiters of whether or not one reads something, rather than the reader's own rational judgement. (And unrefereed preprints can of course always be ignored altogether, if the reader wishes, on-line just as on-paper.)
In short, no rational deterrent at all to immediate self-archiving from concerns about navigation or information glut.
"I worry about self-archiving because papers are not certified
on-line, the way they are in a journal on-paper."
Again, no rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in the certification worry.
"I worry about self-archiving because there is no evaluative
process on-line as there is on-paper."
So there is no rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving anywhere in the evaluation worry.
"I worry about self-archiving because on-line eprints are not refereed, as they are on-paper: What will become of peer review?"
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in the
peer-review worry.
"I worry about self-archiving because someone surely has to pay for all this: you can't get something for nothing!"
There are many fallacies embedded in this worry, among
them misunderstandings about the nature of global networked communication.
Internet connectivity, at very low cost, is now part of the infrastructure
of most of the world's universities and research institutions. If you are
not equally worried about who pays for your emails, websites, and web-browsing,
you should not be worrying about your self-archiving either. In
any case, paying access-tolls is not paying the pertinent piper here anyway!
The refereed research literature is minuscule compared to the rest of the traffic on the Web (http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/how-much-info/summary.html).It is the flea on the tail of the dog. Worry about the storage and band-width for the growing daily creation and use of audio, video, and multimedia (most of it non-research use!) by researchers at universities and research institutions before even beginning to fret about the refereed flea. As usual, there is also some of the archiving/publishing conflation here, thinking that we must find some sort of counterpart for the printing/distribution costs, somewhere. But there isn't any. The price per-paper of permanent online archiving is virtually zero, yet everyone, everywhere, has access to it all, forever. This is a Gutenberg expense that has simply vanished in the PostGutenberg Galaxy, leaving only the Cheshire Cat's Grin.
There is indeed one essential publishing cost that still needs to be paid, but it has nothing to do with Internet use: It is the cost of implementing peer review. That cost, however,as discussed in the Peer Review section (3.3), is only 10-30% of the access-toll costs currently being paid, and hence could easily be paid out of the annual savings.
The last of the "who-pays-the-piper" worries is, I think, a variant of the Capitalism (14) worry. The best way to dispel it is is to note that refereed publishing in the PostGutenberg Galaxy, once the literature has been freed through self-archiving, is likely (apart from whatever optional add-on products and services there may still be a market for) to downsize into a service (peer review), provided to the author-institution, instead of the toll-based product (the text) that was provided to the reader-institution in the Gutenberg era.
Nothing hinges on this, however, for as long as the world wants to keep paying for the toll-based product, even after the refereed literature has been self-archived, the piper will be fully paid, yet the literature will be free of all its access/impact barriers.
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in the
who-pays-the-paper worries.
"I worry about self-archiving because it may force journal publishers to shrink to a non-sustainable size, and then where would we be?"
No one can predict with certainty the evolutionary
path that scientific/scholarly journal publishing will take once the refereed
corpus has been freed online by self-archiving. The toll-based market for the
on-paper version, for the publisher's on-line version or for other options
may continue indefinitely, or it might shrink but re-stabilize at a lower
level, or it might disappear altogether -- and this could happen relatively
slowly or relatively quickly.
It is not clear in advance which of the current established journal publishers will want to continue doing what, under what conditions. The bottom line is that the only remaining essential service will be peer review. If and when that is the only service for which there remains a market, either current journal publishers will be able and willing to downsize to that niche, or they will terminate journal operations, in which case their titles (that is, each journal's editor, editorial board, referees, and authorship) will simply migrate to new on-line only journal publishers who are ready to adapt to the new niche [e.g., the Institute of Physics's New Journal of Physics (http://www.njp.org/) and BioMed Central (http://www.biomedcentral.com/)].
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries
about publisher downsizing.
"I worry about self-archiving because it is illegal, it
violates copyright agreements, and can jeopardize career and livelihood."
In brief, many journals will agree to author self-archiving if the author asks, and for those that don't, self-archiving the preprint before submission and a "corrigenda" file after acceptance is sufficient, and completely legal. What career and livelihood depend on is peer review and impact, and all self-archiving authors continue to have both; neither needs to be sacrificed for the other.
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in copyright worries.
"I worry about self-archiving because it is so much easier
to steal someone else's text on-line, and publish it as one's own, than
it is to do so on-paper."
Depending on how important we find it to do so, we can make escape from detection so improbable on-line that it becomes harder to plagiarize on-line than on-paper. It is not clear, however, whether it is even all that important to do so. Worries about plagiarism are usual based on the archiving/publishing conflation: Once one's findings have been refereed and published, it is hard for anyone else to derive any benefit from them at the expense of the author (the peer-reviewed version settles all subsequent authorship disputes).
Pre-refereeing preprints are another story; they are dealt with partly in the prior discussion of Authentication (2), and partly under Priority (12), below.
For refereed postprints, however, refraining from self-archiving them because of worries about plagiarism would be no more rational than refraining from publishing them on-paper in the first place, for the very same reason.
"I worry about self-archiving because one cannot establish
priority on-line as one can on-paper."
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in priority worries.
"I worry about self-archiving because censors could decide
what can and cannot appear on-line."
It is true that one's on-line literary goods are at the mercy of the archives and archivists. But one's analog on-paper literary goods were likewise at the mercy of the libraries. They could have chosen to "censor" our work too.
Again, it is just a matter of deciding how tight we wish to make the probabilities in this medium. Mirroring, caching/harvesting and distributed coding already go some way toward taking it out of any potentially sinister local hands.
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about censorship.
"I worry about self-archiving because access-tolls are
hallmarks of capitalism, market economics, supply and demand, free enterprise.
Give-aways smack either of socialism, or market interference, or non-sustainability."
Nor is there any market interference in self-archiving one's own refereed research: If institutions and individuals want to pay for toll-access to the on-paper version, or the publisher's PDF, or further options, they can still do so; but there is no longer any need or justification for continuing to hold the essentials (the peer-reviewed draft) hostage to those toll-based options in the PostGutenberg era, any more than there was any need or justification for continuing to hold the essentials of long-distance communication hostage to postal transport costs in the era of telephony. (Rather than capitalism being under assault from self-archiving, trying to prevent researchers from benefiting from this new, more efficient and economical way of disseminating and maximizing the impact of their refereed research smacks of protectionism.)
Two variants on the capitalism-worry arise from scepticism about the eventual transition from providing an toll-based product to the reader-institution to providing a peer-review service to the author-institution. Note that, strictly speaking, it is not even necessary to answer these worries, as this eventual transition is hypothetical, whereas freeing the refereed literature now through self-archiving is not; but here are replies anyway:
Question 1: "Won't paying directly for the peer-review service lead to inflated peer-review costs by the most prestigious journals?"
Question 2: "Won't peer-review revenues lower standards, so that lower-quality work is accepted in order to get more peer-review revenue?"
The answer to both is similar: Referees referee for free, and journal quality and prestige (and impact) depend on rejection rates. Trying to inflate revenue by lowering acceptance thresholds simply lowers quality, thereby favoring the competition, with higher standards. It is a built in counter-weight. Likewise for raising peer-review rates: As referees referee for free, there is no reason one journal should charge more than another, and if they do, they risk driving not only the authors but the the unpaid referees to the competition. Because the competitive commodity in this anomalous give-away domain is quality, and nothing else.
A proposal has occasionally been voiced to keep preserve toll-barriers by buying authors off from self-archiving, by offering to share the revenue with them (royalty payments). But the trade-off between imprint-income and impact-income is so disproportionate for this anomalous domain that there is not faintly enough money available to make others prefer sacrificing their potential impact in exchange.
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about capitalism.
"I worry about self-archiving because it is inconvenient
to read texts on screen, and hard on the eyes. It is also not suitable
for bed, beach or bathroom reading."
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about readability.
"I worry about self-archiving because on-line graphics
have coarser resolution than on-paper and require too much storage capacity
and transmission time."
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about graphics.
"I worry about self-archiving because of what it might
do to journal publishers' future."
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about publishers' future.
"I worry about self-archiving because of what it might do to libraries' and librarians' future."
The serials literature is all going on-line anyway,
irrespective of the speed or success of the self-archiving initiative.
If this requires restructuring of some librarian skills and functions,
this will take place in any case. Some have thought that managing digital
serials collections will fill the gap, but it is not clear how much management
those will need, apart from paying the annual toll-bills! Author/Institution
Eprint Archives, on the other hand, will call for more digital librarian
skills, in everything from helping researchers to do the self-archiving,
to maintaining the institution's Eprint Archive and seeing to its continued
interoperability with the rest of the world's Eprint Archives, its upgrading,
and its preservation.
Moreover, in implementing and maintaining the institutional Eprint Archives, Libraries will be investing in the solution of their serials crisis. Of the 100% annual toll budget that this can potentially save, after 10-30% of it has been redirected to cover author-institution peer-review costs, the remaining 70-90% can be used to fund other librarians' activities, including the purchase of non-give-away materials such as books (whether on-paper or on-line).
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about libraries'/librarians future.
"I worry about self-archiving because of what it might
do to Learned Societies' future."
But many of them are also journal publishers, and hence may be facing downsizing pains. Unlike commercial publishers, however, their first and last allegiance will of course be to research and researchers, that is, us. We will hear rationalizations about needing the toll revenues to fund "good works" such as meetings, scholarships and lobbying. But it will quickly become evident that, on the one hand, some of these good works are not essentials either, and certainly nothing that we would want to sacrifice research impact for; and the subset of them that really is essential (such as meetings) will prove to be able to fund itself other ways too, rather than needing to be subsidized at the expense of research impact.
Learned Societies (and perhaps also University Presses) are also natural candidates for taking over the serials titles of commercial journal publishers who prefer to discontinue journal operations rather than scale down to just becoming peer-review service providers.
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about Learned Societies' future.
"I worry about self-archiving because I worry that universities
may have other plans for their researchers' writings, such as Eprint Archive
We should not forget that the give-away refereed literature is esoteric, with virtually no "market" per paper. So whereas there might be a basis for suspicion about what our hard-pressed universities might like to do if they could get their hands on our exoteric, non-give-away work (royalty-bearing books and textbooks), there's not much they could do to squeeze revenue out of our no-market, give-away refereed research reports even if they wanted to. On the contrary, our universities, like ourselves, benefit far more from the potential impact-income of such work -- maximized by removing all access-barriers -- than from any potential imprint-income that could be squeezed out of it by co-opting the "P" from the publishers' S/L/P tolls and using it to charge institutional archive access-tolls.
Moreover, our universities' potential toll savings, and relief from their serials crises, are completely dependent on freeing access to our research. Any sign of university-levied archive-access tolls would simply serve to keep the current access-tolls in place.
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about University conspiracy.
"I worry about self-archiving because of those lucky happenstances
that happen only when browsing index cards, library shelves, and journal
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about loss of serendipity.
"I worry about self-archiving because it does not count
as refereed publication, and might even interfere with the chances for
refereed publication."
The other half of this worry is probably a variant of the Copyright (10) concerns (q.v.) as well as concerns about Embargo policies (Harnad 2000a, 2000b), both of which are groundless.
No rational deterrent to immediate self-archiving in worries about tenure/promotion.
It is very important to clearly distinguish and distance the two, because any inadvertent or willful conflation of the self-archiving initiative with napster can only retard the progress of the self-archiving initiative toward the optimal and inevitable.
("Information is free" is nonsense: There is and always was both give-away and non-give-away information. Steal the latter and you simply kill the incentive to provide it in the first place.)
Hence current peer review reform or elimination proposals
are merely speculative hypotheses at this time, and red herrings insofar
as the freeing of the peer-reviewed literature is concerned: The self-archiving
initiative is directed at freeing the current peer-reviewed literature,
such as it is, from the impact/access barriers of S/L/P access-tolls, now.
It is not directed at freeing the literature from peer review, or at testing
or implementing untested alternatives to peer review (Cf.
and http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Ebiomed/com0509.htm#harn45).
The benefits of freeing the refereed literature now are a sure thing; the benefits (if any) from future alternatives to peer review (if any) are purely hypothetical, and certainly nothing to hold as back from self-archiving to wait for.
At Southampton, we took this to heart, and applying
our experience with the CogPrints archive, designed the generic eprints.org
software that fits this bill. A public beta version has been released and
has taken over operations at the CogPrints site <http://cogprints.soton.ac.uk/>.
The operational release (December 2000) is free and will be open sourced
(and over 100 prospective users worldwide are already signed up).
The eprints.org software is a feature-rich, easily installed, eprint archive system. It runs right "out of the box" with a comprehensive default setup that should serve most institutions' and individuals' needs as it stands. It has also been designed to make it extensively and flexibly re-configurable for customised needs; almost any aspect of the archive's operation can be adapted to suit a particular requirement.
The archive supports the OAI protocol, allowing it to interoperate with other open archives and open archive services, and to be readily upgraded to keep up with OAI revisions.
This adaptability is achieved by using a modular design methodology. The system is divided into two main components: The core archive component, which provides the functionality required for all open archives, and the site-specific component, providing details about exactly what is stored in the archive, how it is presented and how it may be searched. The system is supplied with a richly featured site- specific component that requires minimal changing to set up a fully working, interoperable open archive. When updated revisions of the software become available, the core archive component can be upgraded, and the site retains its identity and data in the site-specific component.
10.1 The many aspects of the software
that can be configured by an institution include:
The software also has the following features:
It is simple to add extra functionality
to an archive in the site-specific component of the software. This means
that the archive can be used by institutions, individuals, journals or
any other organisation wishing to interoperate with Open Archive services.
11. APPENDIX B: Some Relevant Chronology and URLs
(see also Peter Suber's fuller timeline at the Free Online Scholarship site: http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/timeline.htm )Psycoloquy (Refereed On-Line-Only Journal) (1989)
http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/psycoloquy"Scholarly Skywriting" (1990)
http://cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Harnad/harnad90.skywriting.htmlPhysics Archive (1991)
http://arxiv.org"PostGutenberg Galaxy" (1991)
http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Harnad/harnad91.postgutenberg.html"Interactive Publication" (1992)
http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Harnad/harnad92.interactivpub.htmlSelf-Archiving ("Subversive") Proposal (1994)
http://www.arl.org/scomm/subversive/toc.html"Tragic Loss" (Odlyzko) (1995)
http://www.research.att.com/~amo/doc/tragic.loss.txt"Last Writes" (Hibbitts) (1996)
http://www.law.pitt.edu/hibbitts/lastrev.htmNCSTRL: Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (1996)
http://cs-tr.cs.cornell.eduUniversity Provosts' Initiative (1997)
http://library.caltech.edu/publications/ScholarsForum/CogPrints: Cognitive Sciences Archive (1997)
http://cogprints.soton.ac.ukJournal of High Energy Physics (Refereed On-Line-Only Journal) (1998)
http://jhep.cern.ch/Science Policy Forum (1998)
http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/281/5382/1459American Scientist Forum (1998)
http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Hypermail/Amsci/subject.htmlOpCit:Open Citation Linking Project (1999)
http://opcit.eprints.orgE-biomed: Varmus (NIH) Proposal (1999)
http://www.nih.gov/about/director/pubmedcentral/pubmedcentral.htmOpen Archives Initiative (1999)
http://www.openarchives.orgCross-Archive Searching Service (2000)
http://arc.cs.odu.eduEprints: Free OAI-compliant Eprint-Archive-creating software (2001)
http://www.eprints.orgFOS: Free Online Scholarship Movement (2001)
http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/timeline.htmBOAI: Budapest Open Access Initiative (2002)
http://www.soros.org/openaccessHarnad Home Pages
Duranceau, E. & Harnad, S. (1999) Electronic Journal Forum: Resetting
Our Intuition Pumps for the Online-Only Era: A Conversation With Stevan
Harnad. Serials Review 25(1): 109-115
Garfield, E., (1955) Citation Indexes for Science: A New Dimension in Documentation through Association of Ideas. Science 122: 108-111 http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/papers/science_v122(3159)p108y1955.html
Harnad, S. (1990) Scholarly Skywriting and the Prepublication Continuum of Scientific Inquiry. Psychological Science 1: 342 - 343 (reprinted in Current Contents 45: 9-13, November 11 1991). http://cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Harnad/harnad90.skywriting.html
Harnad, S. (1991) Post-Gutenberg Galaxy:
The Fourth Revolution in the Means of Production of Knowledge. Public-Access
Computer Systems Review 2 (1): 39 - 53 (also reprinted in PACS Annual
Review Volume 2 1992; and in R. D. Mason (ed.) Computer Conferencing: The
Last Word. Beach Holme Publishers, 1992; and in: M. Strangelove & D.
Kovacs: Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion
Lists (A. Okerson, ed), 2nd edition. Washington, DC, Association of Research
Libraries, Office of Scientific & Academic Publishing, 1992); and in
Hungarian translation in REPLIKA 1994; and in Japanese in "Research and
Development of Scholarly Information Dissemination Systems" 1994-1995.
Harnad, S. (1992) Interactive Publication:
Extending American Physical Society's Discipline-Specific Model for Electronic
Publishing. Serials Review, Special Issue on Economics Models for Electronic
Publishing, pp. 58 - 61.
Harnad, S. (1994) A Subversive Proposal.
In: Ann Okerson & James O'Donnell (Eds.) Scholarly Journals at the
Crossroads: A Subversive Proposal for Electronic Publishing. Washington,
DC., Association of Research Libraries, June 1995.
Harnad, S. (1995a) The PostGutenberg
Galaxy: How to Get There From Here. Information Society 11(4) 285-292.
Also appeared in: Times Higher Education Supplement. Multimedia. P. vi.
12 May 1995
Harnad, S. (1995b) Sorting the Esoterica
from the Exoterica: There's Plenty of Room in Cyberspace: Response to Fuller.
Information Society 11(4) 305-324. Also appeared in: Times Higher Education
Supplement. Multimedia. P. vi 9 June 1995
Harnad, S. (1995c) Interactive Cognition:
Exploring the Potential of Electronic Quote/Commenting. In: B. Gorayska
& J. L. Mey (Eds.) Cognitive Technology: In Search of a Humane Interface.
Elsevier P. 397-414.
Harnad, S. (1995d) Electronic Scholarly Publication: Quo Vadis? Serials
Review 21(1) 70-72 (Reprinted in Managing Information 2(3) 1995).
Harnad, S. (1996) Implementing Peer Review on the Net: Scientific Quality
Control in Scholarly Electronic Journals.
In: Peek, R. & Newby, G. (Eds.) Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic
Frontier. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Pp 103-108.
Harnad, S. (1997a) How to Fast-Forward Serials to the Inevitable and
the Optimal for Scholars and Scientists. Serials Librarian 30: 73-81. http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Harnad/harnad97.learned.serials.html
(Reprinted in C. Christiansen & C. Leatham, Eds. Pioneering New
Serials Frontiers: From Petroglyphs to CyberSerials. NY: Haworth Press,
and in French translation as Comment
Accelerer l'Ineluctable Evolution des Revues Erudites vers la Solution
Optimale pour les Chercheurs et la Recherche http://www.enssib.fr/eco-doc/harnadinteg.html
Harnad, S (1997b) The
Paper House of Cards (And Why It is Taking So Long to Collapse). Ariadne
8: 6-7. Longer version
Harnad, S. (1997c) Learned Inquiry and the Net: The Role of Peer Review,
Peer Commentary and Copyright. Learned Publishing 11(4) 283-292. Short
version appeared in 1997 in Antiquity 71: 1042-1048. Excerpts also appeared
in the University of Toronto Bulletin: 51(6) P. 12. http://citd.scar.utoronto.ca/EPub/talks/Harnad_Snider.html
Harnad, S. (1998a) For Whom the Gate
Tolls? Free the Online-Only Refereed Literature. American Scientist Forum.
Harnad, S. (1998b) On-Line Journals and Financial Fire-Walls. Nature 395(6698): 127-128 http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/nature.html
Harnad, S. (1998/2000) The invisible
hand of peer review. Nature [online] (5 Nov. 1998) http://helix.nature.com/webmatters/invisible/invisible.html
Longer version in Exploit Interactive 5 (2000):
Harnad, S. (1999a) The Future of Scholarly Skywriting. In: Scammell,
A. (Ed.) "i in the Sky: Visions of the information future" Aslib, November
Harnad, S. (1999b) Free at Last: The Future of Peer-Reviewed Journals. D-Lib Magazine 5(12) December 1999 http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december99/12harnad.html
Harnad, S. (1999c) Advancing Science By Self-Archiving Refereed Research.
Science dEbates [online] 31 July 1999.
Harnad, S. (2000a) E-Knowledge: Freeing
the Refereed Journal Corpus Online. Computer Law & Security Report
16(2) 78-87. [Rebuttal to Bloom Editorial in Science and Relman Editorial
in New England Journal of Medicine]
Harnad, S. (2000b) Ingelfinger Over-Ruled:
The Role of the Web in the Future of Refereed Medical Journal Publishing.
The Lancet Perspectives 256 (December Supplement): s16.
Harnad, S., Carr, L. & Brody, T. (2001)
and Why To Free All Refereed Research
From Access- and Impact-Barriers Online, Now.
Harnad, S. (2001a) AAAS's Response: Too Little,
Too Late.
Science dEbates [online] 2 April 2001.
Fuller version:
Harnad, S. (2001b) The Self-Archiving Initiative.
410: 1024-1025
Nature WebDebatesversion:
Fuller version:
Harnad, S. (2001c) The Self-Archiving Alternative.
Harnad, S. (2001d) The (Refereed) Literature-Liberation
Movement. New Scientist.
Fuller version:
Harnad, S. (2001e) Research Access, Impact and
Assessment. Times Higher Education Supplement.
Harnad, S. & Carr, L. (2000) Integrating,
Navigating and Analyzing Eprint Archives Through Open Citation Linking
(the OpCit Project). Current Science 79(5): 629-638.
Harnad, S. & Hemus, M. (1997) All or None: there Are No Stable Hybrid
or Half-Way Solutions for Launching the Learned Periodical Literature in
the PostGutenberg Galaxy In Butterworth, I. (Ed.) The Impact of Electronic
Publishing on the Academic Community. London: Portland Press.
Harnad, S., Varian, H. & Parks, R. (2000)
Academic publishing in the online era: What Will Be For-Fee And What Will
Be For-Free? Culture Machine 2 (Online Journal) http://www.cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/Varian/new1.htm
Hayes, P., Harnad, S., Perlis, D. & Block, N. (1992) Virtual Symposium
on Virtual Mind. Minds and Machines 2(3) 217-238.
Hitchcock, S. Carr, L., Jiao, Z., Bergmark, D., Hall, W., Lagoze, C.
& Harnad, S. (2000) Developing services for open eprint archives: globalisation,
integration and the impact of links. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference
on Digital Libraries. San Antonio Texas June 2000.
Lawrence, S. (2001a) Online or Invisible? Nature
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Lawrence, S. (2001b) Free online availability substantially increases a paper's impact. Nature Web Debates. http://www.nature.com/nature/debates/e-access/Articles/lawrence.html
Light, P., Light, V., Nesbitt, E. & Harnad,
S. (2000) Up for Debate: CMC as a support for course related discussion
in a campus university setting. In R. Joiner (Ed) Rethinking Collaborative
Learning. London: Routledge (in press).
Odlyzko, A.M. (1998) The economics of electronic
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Univ. Calif. Press, 1998.
Odlyzko, A.M. (1999a) Competition and cooperation:
Libraries and publishers in the transition to electronic scholarly journals,
A. M. Odlyzko. Journal of Electronic Publishing 4(4) (June 1999) and in
J. Scholarly Publishing 30(4) (July 1999), pp. 163-185. The definitive
version to appear in The Transition from Paper: A Vision of Scientific
Communication in 2020, S. Berry and A. Moffat, eds., Springer, 2000.
Odlyzko, A.M. (2002) The rapid evolution of
scholarly communication." Learned Publishing 15: 7-19
Oppenheim, C. (2001) The legal and regulatory
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