A study in biomimetics: nanometer-scale, high-efficiency, dielectric diffractive structures on the wings of butterflies and in the silicon chip factory

Due to the size of this document it has been split into one PDF per chapter.

Title page (36 kb)
Abstract (36 kb)
Table of contents (41 kb)
List of figures, tables, symbols and acronyms (117 kb)
Preface (21 kb)
Chapter 1. Introduction and literature review (849 kb)
Chapter 2. Theory of layered photonic structures (759 kb)
Chapter 3. Fabrication of volume diffractive structures (1257 kb)
Chapter 4. Visible to near-infrared spectroscopy and device characterisation (1958 kb)
Chapter 5. Numerical modelling of layered two-dimensional photonic structures (1372 kb)
Chapter 6. Discussion (554 kb)
Conclusion (31 kb)
Appendix A. Plane wave method (106 kb)
Appendix B. Process paramenters for nanofabrication (37 kb)
Appendix C. Transfer matrix method for isotropic thin films (82 kb)
Appendix D. Design of goniometer for spectroscopic applications (303 kb)
Bibliography (59 kb)
Acknowledgements (59 kb)