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Robot control with biological cells

Robot control with biological cells
Robot control with biological cells
At present there exists a large gap in size, performance, adaptability and robustness between natural and artificial information processors for performing coherent perception-action tasks under real-time constraints. Even the simplest organisms have an enviable capability of coping with an unknown dynamic environment. Robots, in contrast, are still clumsy if confronted with such complexity. This paper presents a bio-hybrid architecture developed for exploring an alternate approach to the control of autonomous robots. Circuits prepared from amoeboid plasmodia of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum are interfaced with an omnidirectional hexapod robot. Sensory signals from the macro-physical environment of the robot are transduced to cellular scale and processed using the unique micro-physical features of intracellular information processing. Conversely, the response form the cellular computation is amplified to yield a macroscopic output action in the environment mediated through the robot’s actuators.
Autonomous robots, Molecular computing, Coupled oscillators, Biologically inspired robotics
Tsuda, Soichiro
Zauner, Klaus-Peter
Gunji, Yukio-Pegio
Tsuda, Soichiro
Zauner, Klaus-Peter
Gunji, Yukio-Pegio

Tsuda, Soichiro, Zauner, Klaus-Peter and Gunji, Yukio-Pegio (2007) Robot control with biological cells. Biosystems, 87, 215-223.

Record type: Article


At present there exists a large gap in size, performance, adaptability and robustness between natural and artificial information processors for performing coherent perception-action tasks under real-time constraints. Even the simplest organisms have an enviable capability of coping with an unknown dynamic environment. Robots, in contrast, are still clumsy if confronted with such complexity. This paper presents a bio-hybrid architecture developed for exploring an alternate approach to the control of autonomous robots. Circuits prepared from amoeboid plasmodia of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum are interfaced with an omnidirectional hexapod robot. Sensory signals from the macro-physical environment of the robot are transduced to cellular scale and processed using the unique micro-physical features of intracellular information processing. Conversely, the response form the cellular computation is amplified to yield a macroscopic output action in the environment mediated through the robot’s actuators.

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Published date: 2007
Keywords: Autonomous robots, Molecular computing, Coupled oscillators, Biologically inspired robotics
Organisations: Agents, Interactions & Complexity


Local EPrints ID: 263582
PURE UUID: 9136bc1f-df7c-42f6-a2be-77e53c2f1647

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Date deposited: 21 Feb 2007
Last modified: 14 Mar 2024 07:35

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Author: Soichiro Tsuda
Author: Klaus-Peter Zauner
Author: Yukio-Pegio Gunji

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