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FREMA method for describing Web Services in a Service Oriented Architecture.

FREMA method for describing Web Services in a Service Oriented Architecture.
FREMA method for describing Web Services in a Service Oriented Architecture.
Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) are increasingly deployed to achieve distributed systems that are modular, flexible and extensible. Designing for a SOA can be difficult, however. There are issues involving the granularity of the cooperating services, and there are no currently accepted conventions for describing a service or its interactions at an abstract level. This paper presents the Service Responsibility and Interaction Design Method (SRI-DM), a light-weight agile method for engineering a Web service design, based on capturing a scenario as a use-case, factoring this into a set of Service Responsibility and Collaboration Cards (SRCs), and constructing a Sequence diagram illustrating their interactions in fulfilling the scenario. The paper presents the notation for each step and describes with the aid of an example how this process is being used to create a service design within the domain of e- assessment.
Web Service Design, SRC, Sequence diagrams, Assessment
Millard, David E.
Howard, Yvonne
Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed
Chennupati, Swapna
Davis, Hugh C.
Gilbert, Lester
Wills, Gary B.
Millard, David E.
Howard, Yvonne
Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed
Chennupati, Swapna
Davis, Hugh C.
Gilbert, Lester
Wills, Gary B.

Millard, David E., Howard, Yvonne, Jam, Ehtesham-Rasheed, Chennupati, Swapna, Davis, Hugh C., Gilbert, Lester and Wills, Gary B. (2006) FREMA method for describing Web Services in a Service Oriented Architecture.

Record type: Monograph (Project Report)


Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) are increasingly deployed to achieve distributed systems that are modular, flexible and extensible. Designing for a SOA can be difficult, however. There are issues involving the granularity of the cooperating services, and there are no currently accepted conventions for describing a service or its interactions at an abstract level. This paper presents the Service Responsibility and Interaction Design Method (SRI-DM), a light-weight agile method for engineering a Web service design, based on capturing a scenario as a use-case, factoring this into a set of Service Responsibility and Collaboration Cards (SRCs), and constructing a Sequence diagram illustrating their interactions in fulfilling the scenario. The paper presents the notation for each step and describes with the aid of an example how this process is being used to create a service design within the domain of e- assessment.

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Published date: March 2006
Keywords: Web Service Design, SRC, Sequence diagrams, Assessment
Organisations: Web & Internet Science, Electronic & Software Systems


Local EPrints ID: 263706
ISBN: 0854328513
PURE UUID: 3d2915aa-c324-4045-bd69-dd7405a1cfcf
ORCID for David E. Millard: ORCID iD
ORCID for Hugh C. Davis: ORCID iD
ORCID for Gary B. Wills: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 15 Mar 2007
Last modified: 15 Mar 2024 02:59

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Author: David E. Millard ORCID iD
Author: Yvonne Howard
Author: Ehtesham-Rasheed Jam
Author: Swapna Chennupati
Author: Hugh C. Davis ORCID iD
Author: Lester Gilbert
Author: Gary B. Wills ORCID iD

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