uos logoC:\Users\debra\Pictures\edshareV1 6-dullBlue.png


Benefits Summary


Dimension 1

Direct Benefits

Indirect Benefits

New educational opportunities

No re-creation of educational resources

Communication between educators

No loss of future educational opportunities

Re-purposing and re-use of resources

Lower future preservation costs

Increasing return on investment for education

Re-purposing resources for new audiences

Stimulating new networks/collaborations

Re-purposing methodologies

Improved skills for developing resources

Use by different audiences

Increasing applicability of resources

Protecting returns on earlier investments

Verification of educational approaches


Fulfilling funding/institutional requirements


Dimension 2

Near Term Benefits

Long Term Benefits

Value to teachers and students

Secures value to future teachers and students

Continuity of access during staff turnover


Short-term re-use of well curated resources


Secure storage for educational resources


Availability of resources underpinning educational programmes

Adds value over time as collection expands and acquires critical mass

Dimension 3

Private Benefits

Public Benefits

Benefits to public/funder/institutions/repository

Input for future educational programmes

Benefits to teacher

Motivating new educational programmes/learners

Fulfil funding obligations

Catalysing new learners and resources

Increased visibility and sharing


Commercialising education



Debra Morris

February 2010