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top of pageABSTRACT

The paper describes a pilot system for the detailed management of domestic electricity consumption aimed at minimizing demand peaks and consumer cost. Management decisions are made both interactively by consumers themselves, and where practical, automatically by computer. These decisions are based on realtime pricing and availability information, as well as current and historic usage data. The benefits of the energy strategies implied by such a system are elaborated, showing the potential for significant peak demand reduction and slowing of the need for growth in generation capacity. An overview is provided of the component technologies and interaction methods we have designed, but the paper focuses on the communication of real-time information to the consumer through a combination of specific and ambient visualizations. There is a need for both overview information (eg how much power is being used right now; how much energy have we used so far today; what does it cost?) and information at the point-of-use (is it OK to turn this dryer on now, or should I wait until later?). To assist the design of these visualizations, a survey is underway aimed at establishing people's understanding of power and energy concepts.

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Author image not provided  Paul Monigatti

No contact information provided yet.

Bibliometrics: publication history
Publication years2010-2010
Publication count1
Citation Count0
Available for download1
Downloads (6 Weeks)11
Downloads (12 Months)97
View colleagues of Paul Monigatti

Author image not provided  Mark Apperley

No contact information provided yet.

Bibliometrics: publication history
Publication years1989-2010
Publication count32
Citation Count213
Available for download14
Downloads (6 Weeks)59
Downloads (12 Months)575
View colleagues of Mark Apperley

Author image not provided  Bill Rogers

No contact information provided yet.

Bibliometrics: publication history
Publication years1996-2010
Publication count14
Citation Count24
Available for download11
Downloads (6 Weeks)46
Downloads (12 Months)514
View colleagues of Bill Rogers

top of pageREFERENCES

Note: OCR errors may be found in this Reference List extracted from the full text article. ACM has opted to expose the complete List rather than only correct and linked references.

Apperley, M. D. and Rogers, W. 2009. Informed demand-side electricity load management. NERI 2009 On-line Proceedings. {27 October, 2009}
Backlund, S., Gyllensw$#228;rd, M., Gustafsson, A., Hjelm, S. I., Maz$#233;, R., and Redstr$#246;m, J. 2006. STATIC! The aesthetics of energy in everyday things. Paper presented at the DRS Wonderground conference, 1--4 November, 2006. {31 December, 2009}.
Caterinicchia, D. 2008. Energy use cut if savings are apparent, study finds, 13 January. {27 October 2009}.
DEHEMS Digital Environment Home Energy Management System. {31 December, 2009}
EIA Annual Energy Review 2008. {30 October, 2009}
Electricity Demand-side Management, Treasury Report, October 2005. Available as {31 December, 2009}
Frew, W. 2006. Smart metering cuts costs, 28 January. {27 October, 2009}.
Google PowerMeter. {30 November, 2009}
Isaacs N. P., Camilleri M., French L., Pollard A., Saville-Smith K., Fraser R., Rossouw P. & Jowett J. H. 2006. Energy Use in New Zealand Households: Report on the Year 10 Analysis for the Household Energy End-use Project (HEEP). Judgeford, Porirua: BRANZ Ltd (Study Report 155)
Monigatti, P. 2009. Design and implementation of an electricity management system. COMP520 Project Report, University of Waikato, 2009.

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Title AVI '10 Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces table of contents
Editor Giuseppe Santucci Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy
Pages 325-328
Sponsors Consulta Umbria SRL
In-Cooperations SIGCHI ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction
SIGMULTIMEDIA ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia
PublisherACM New York, NY, USA ©2010
ISBN: 978-1-4503-0076-6 doi>10.1145/1842993.1843052
Conference AVIAdvanced Visual Interfaces AVI logo
Paper Acceptance Rate 27 of 133 submissions, 20%
Overall Acceptance Rate 59 of 260 submissions, 23%
Year Submitted Accepted Rate
AVI '06 127 32 25%
AVI '10 133 27 20%
Overall 260 59 23%

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top of pageTable of Contents

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
Table of Contents
previousprevious proceeding |no next proceeding
SESSION: Invited speakers
Advanced visual analytics interfaces
Daniel A. Keim, Peter Bak, Enrico Bertini, Daniela Oelke, David Spretke, Hartmut Ziegler
Pages: 3-10
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Advanced visual interfaces, like the ones found in information visualization, intend to offer a view on abstract data spaces to enable users to make sense of them. By mapping data to visual representations and providing interactive tools to explore and ...
Aesthetics and trust: visual decisions about web pages
Patrick J. Lynch
Pages: 11-15
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Eyetracking studies seem to suggest that users do not look at large expressive graphics on web pages [1,2], as seen in the relatively few gaze fixations such graphics attract from users in task-driven eyetracking studies. However, many studies show that ...
Architecting next-generation user interfaces
Daniel Wigdor
Pages: 16-22
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Emerging technologies provide platforms for new devices, applications, and user interfaces. These technologies have shown potential in early research, but their true utility and measures of success lie in their ability to reflect and enhance the capabilities ...
SESSION: Visual analytics
A new weaving technique for handling overlapping regions
Martin Luboschik, Axel Radloff, Heidrun Schumann
Pages: 25-32
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The use of transparencies is a common strategy in visual representations to guarantee the visibility of different overlapping graphical objects, especially, if no visibility-deciding order is given (e.g., importance, depth). Alpha-blending, however, ...
Wakame: sense making of multi-dimensional spatial-temporal data
Clifton Forlines, Kent Wittenburg
Pages: 33-40
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As our ability to measure the world around us improves, we are quickly generating massive quantities of high-dimensional, spatial-temporal data. In this paper, we concern ourselves with datasets in which the spatial characteristics are relatively static ...
Finding business information by visualizing enterprise document activity
Xiaoyu Wang, Bill Janssen, Eric Bier
Pages: 41-48
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In an enterprise environment, business information, such as project proposals and product discussions, is dynamic and often embedded in documents and document activities (e.g, emails, Web pages and office documents). Because this information is essential ...
Visual quality metrics and human perception: an initial study on 2D projections of large multidimensional data
Andrada Tatu, Peter Bak, Enrico Bertini, Daniel Keim, Joern Schneidewind
Pages: 49-56
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Visual quality metrics have been recently devised to automatically extract interesting visual projections out of a large number of available candidates in the exploration of high-dimensional databases. The metrics permit for instance to search within ...
SESSION: Visual interaction I
iChase: supporting exploration and awareness of editing activities on Wikipedia
Nathalie Henry Riche, Bongshin Lee, Fanny Chevalier
Pages: 59-66
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To increase its credibility and preserve the trust of its readers. Wikipedia needs to ensure a good quality of its articles. To that end, it is critical for Wikipedia administrators to be aware of contributors' editing activity to monitor vandalism, ...
A visual tool for using design patterns as pattern languages
Paloma Díaz, Ignacio Aedo, Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll
Pages: 67-74
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Design patterns document successful solutions to recurrent problems in a specific software development domain. However, finding the patterns you need can be difficult, often requiring the designer to comprehend a long narrative description to understand ...
Gameplay on a multitouch screen to foster learning about historical sites
C. Ardito, M. F. Costabile, R. Lanzilotti
Pages: 75-78
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The use of gameplay has been shown to be an excellent educational tool, especially if such games are supported by innovative and engaging technologies. This paper presents two new games implemented on a large multitouch screen, designed to support young ...
SESSION: Visual interaction II
Exploring the design space of multiscale 3D orientation
James McCrae, Michael Glueck, Tovi Grossman, Azam Khan, Karan Singh
Pages: 81-88
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Recently, research in 3D computer graphics and interaction has started to move beyond the narrow domain of single object authoring and inspection, and has begun to consider complex multiscale objects and environments. This generalization of problem scope ...
Task-driven service discovery and selection
Kyriakos Kritikos, Fabio Paternò
Pages: 89-92
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Services are becoming more and more widely used. When designing interactive applications based on services one important issue is how to identify those services most relevant for the application functionalities. The proposed approach takes as input a ...
Towards an environment for designing and evaluating multimedia art guides
Augusto Celentano, Renzo Orsini, Fabio Pittarello
Pages: 93-96
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We discuss the design and implementation environment of a family of multimedia guides for art exhibitions on Apple iPod touch devices. The project aims at developing a unique framework adaptable to different content types and presentation styles, while ...
3-D interaction with a large wall display using transparent markers
Akito Hyakutake, Koichiro Ozaki, Kris Makoto Kitani, Hideki Koike
Pages: 97-100
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In this paper we proposed a new interface for interacting with large displays via small video devices such as a cell phone. We estimate the location of the camera relative to the display using a matrix of transparent markers embedded on display. As a ...
SESSION: Visual interaction & collaboration
Designing a cross-channel information management tool for workers in enterprise task forces
Gregorio Convertino, Sanjay Kairam, Lichan Hong, Bongwon Suh, Ed H. Chi
Pages: 103-110
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This paper presents a research project on the design of a cross-channel information management tool for knowledge workers: we focus on IT services professionals in a large enterprise who work in multiple ad hoc task forces. Through three rounds of investigation, ...
CompUTE: a runtime infrastructure for device composition
Jakob E. Bardram, Christina Fuglsang, Simon C. Pedersen
Pages: 111-118
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In this paper, we present the idea of a composite device, which is one device made up of a composition of several separate devices working together in concert. We present the CompUTE architecture as a runtime infrastructure for device composition. ...
Design TeamMate: a platform to support design activities of small teams
Jean-Bernard Martens, Frans Parthesius, Berke Atasoy
Pages: 119-126
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Traditional desktop computers are known to offer insufficient functionality to designers. They are often complemented by pen-based tablet devices in order to better support key activities such as sketching and modeling. However, even such extended systems ...
Complete fashion coordinator: a support system for capturing and selecting daily clothes with social networks
Hitomi Tsujita, Koji Tsukada, Keisuke Kambara, Itiro Siio
Pages: 127-132
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For some people, selecting the clothes you wear is sometimes tedious, difficult and requires you to remember what you have previously worn. While there are many fashion SNS (Social Networking Services) sites and related research devoted to addressing ...
User requirements for a web based spreadsheet-mediated collaboration
Athula Ginige, Luca Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Richa Shrodkar, Giuliana Vitiello
Pages: 133-136
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This paper reports the initial results of a research project to investigate how to develop a web based spreadsheet mediated business collaboration system that could notably enhance the business processes presently carried out by Small to Medium sized ...
SESSION: Controlled studies
Lift-and-drop: crossing boundaries in a multi-display environment by Airlift
Thomas Bader, Astrid Heck, Jürgen Beyerer
Pages: 139-146
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Many of the interactive environments surrounding us today consist of multiple mobile and/or stationary visual displays. However, interaction with such multi-display environments is still dominated by the personal computer paradigm - one user interacts ...
Knotty gestures: subtle traces to support interactive use of paper
Theophanis Tsandilas, Wendy E. Mackay
Pages: 147-154
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We introduce the knotty gesture, a simple yet powerful technique for interacting with paper. Knots are tiny circles that can be added to any gesture. Users can leave subtle marks that permit both immediate interaction in the flow of writing and ...
Supporting menu design with radial layouts
Krystian Samp, Stefan Decker
Pages: 155-162
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One of the ways of decreasing selection times in displayed menus is through the use of radial layouts which shorten distances to the items and increase the item sizes. Previous work on radial menus does not demonstrate that radial layouts are beneficial ...
Structured laser pointer: enabling wrist-rolling movements as a new interactive dimension
Yongqiang Qin, Yuanchun Shi, Hao Jiang, Chun Yu
Pages: 163-166
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In this paper, we re-visit the issue of multi-point laser pointer interaction from a wrist-rolling perspective. Firstly, we proposed SLP---Structured Laser Pointer, and detects a laser pointer's rotation along its emitting axis. SLP adds ...
The effect of stereoscopy and motion cues on 3D interpretation task performance
Boris W. van Schooten, Elisabeth M. A. G. van Dijk, Elena Zudilova-Seinstra, Avan Suinesiaputra, Johan H. C. Reiber
Pages: 167-170
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We study the effectiveness of stereoscopy and smooth motion as 3D cues for medical interpretation of vascular structures as obtained by 3D medical imaging techniques. We designed a user study where the user has to follow a path in a mazelike solid shaded ...
SESSION: Iterfaces to go
Wavelet menus on handheld devices: stacking metaphor for novice mode and eyes-free selection for expert mode
Jérémie Francone, Gilles Bailly, Eric Lecolinet, Nadine Mandran, Laurence Nigay
Pages: 173-180
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This paper presents the design and evaluation of the Wavelet menu and its implementation on the iPhone. The Wavelet menu consists of a concentric hierarchical Marking menu using simple gestures. The novice mode, i.e. when the menu is displayed, is well ...
Text entry for mobile devices using ad-hoc abbreviation
Stefano Pini, Sangmok Han, David R. Wallace
Pages: 181-188
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This paper presents a new method for improving the number of keystrokes and time required for text entry on mobile devices using ad-hoc abbreviations. The approach is easy-to-use because: users are not required to learn any pre-defined abbreviation rules; ...
Bimanual handheld mixed reality interfaces for urban planning
Markus Sareika, Dieter Schmalstieg
Pages: 189-196
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Tabletop models are common in architectural and urban planning tasks. We report here on an investigation for view navigation in and manipulation of tracked tabletop models using a handheld Mixed Reality interface targeted at a user group with varying ...
SESSION: Evaluation
An heuristic set for evaluation in information visualization
Camilla Forsell, Jimmy Johansson
Pages: 199-206
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Evaluation is a key research challenge within the international Information Visualization (InfoVis) community, and Heuristic Evaluation is one recognized method. Various sets of heuristics have been proposed but there remains no consensus as to which ...
GPS and road map navigation: the case for a spatial framework for semantic information
Ginette Wessel, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Remco Chang, Eric Sauda
Pages: 207-214
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Urban environments require cognitive abilities focused on both spatial overview and detailed understanding of uses and places. These abilities are distinct but overlap and reinforce each other. Our work quantitatively and qualitatively measures the effects ...
Implied dynamics in information visualization
Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Robert Kosara
Pages: 215-222
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Information visualization is a powerful method for understanding and working with data. However, we still have an incomplete understanding of how people use visualization to think about information. We propose that people use visualization to support ...
SESSION: Information visualization
MIAOW: a 3D image browser applying a location- and time-based hierarchical data visualization technique
Ai Gomi, Takayuki Itoh
Pages: 225-232
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Browsing techniques for large image collections become increasingly important for locating and retrieving images. We had a questionnaire result saying that many photograph collectors think that time and location are useful information to organize, browse, ...
An automatic generation of schematic maps to display flight routes for air traffic controllers: structure and color optimization
Christophe Hurter, Mathieu Serrurier, Roland Alonso, Gilles Tabart, Jean-Luc Vinot
Pages: 233-240
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Aircraft must follow strict Air Traffic Control (ATC) rules. One of these rules is that aircraft have to fly over pre-defined Flight Routes (FR). Current ATC visualizations do not display FRs because they are numerous and run into each other, and thus ...
Tracing genealogical data with TimeNets
Nam Wook Kim, Stuart K. Card, Jeffrey Heer
Pages: 241-248
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We present TimeNets, a new visualization technique for genealogical data. Most genealogical diagrams prioritize the display of generational relations. To enable analysis of families over time, TimeNets prioritize temporal relationships in addition to ...
Video abstraction and detection of anomalies by tracking movements
Paolo Buono, Adalberto L. Simeone
Pages: 249-252
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The increasing adoption of video surveillance makes it possible to watch over sensitive areas and identify people responsible for damage, theft and violence. However, when such events are not detected immediately, the subsequent video analysis can be ...
Setting the bar for set-valued attributes
Kent Wittenburg
Pages: 253-256
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In this paper, we present an interactive visualization method for set-valued attributes that maintains the advantages of item-oriented views and interactions found in parallel multivariate visualizations such as bargrams (equal-height histograms). The ...
SESSION: Interaction
Multi-con: exploring graphs by fast switching among multiple contexts
Ying Tu
Pages: 259-266
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Focus+Context is a popular and effective technique for graph exploration. While previous works concentrate on studying how to display focal nodes with a single context, we argue that it is often difficult to select an optimal context for a complex graph ...
Pac-pac: pinching gesture recognition for tabletop entertainment system
Kentaro Fukuchi, Toshiki Sato, Haruko Mamiya, Hideki Koike
Pages: 267-273
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We present our new interaction technique for tabletop system and video game application using it. This technique is for recognizing a pinching gesture performed with the thumb and forefinger and tapping gestures with them by a ceiling camera above the ...
Social robots and ECAs for accessing smart environments services
Berardina De Carolis, Irene Mazzotta, Nicole Novielli, Sebastiano Pizzutilo
Pages: 275-278
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As far as interaction is concerned Ambient Intelligence (AmI) research emphasizes the need of natural and friendly interfaces for accessing services provided by the environment. In this paper we present the result of an experimental study aiming at understanding ...
SESSION: Interface design
Comic Engine: interactive system for creating and browsing comic books with attention cuing
Hiroaki Tobita
Pages: 281-288
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Comic Engine is an interactive comic creation system that uses a unique Attention Cuing technique. Our system focuses on both comic creation and comic browsing. To enhance both functions, we use a unique Attention Cuing technique, which is a kind of ...
Jelly: a multi-device design environment for managing consistency across devices
Jan Meskens, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx
Pages: 289-296
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When creating applications that should be available on multiple computing platforms, designers have to cope with different design tools and user interface toolkits. Incompatibilities between these design tools and toolkits make it hard to keep multi-device ...
A reflex in eye-hand coordination for calibrating coordinates of a tabletop display
Makio Ishihara, Yukio Ishihara
Pages: 297-300
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This manuscript introduces a technique for pointing on large tabletop displays for collaborative work. In an environment of large tabletop displays, some contents might be out of the users' reach and the coordinates of the screen might not be aligned ...
POSTER SESSION: Posters: May, 26th
Visual, in-place data flow modeling
Uwe Jugel
Pages: 303-306
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The graphical UI-builder is a type of tool that has been implemented for many programming frameworks and programming languages, and it utilizes many useful and intuitive concepts facilitating easy UI-modeling and thus faster development of applications. ...
A design pattern language for accessible web sites
Daniela Fogli, Loredana Parasiliti Provenza, Cristian Bernareggi
Pages: 307-310
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Dynamic web sites and rich internet applications have recently got widespread. An important challenge is guaranteeing their accessibility to all potential users regardless of physical and cognitive disabilities as well as hardware and software limitations. ...
An architecture and a visual interface for tagging the 3D web
Fabio Pittarello
Pages: 311-315
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Content classification performed by end users is spreading through the web. Most of the work done so far is related to the hypermedia web. In spite of that, there is a growing mass of 3D content that is not associated to high-level information. This ...
MetroNG: multimodal interactive scheduling interface
David Bednárek, Jiří Dokulil, Jakub Yaghob, Filip Zavoral
Pages: 317-320
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Scheduling of lectures at a large university or a college is a complex and specialized task with many rules but no ideal solution and no formal model and quality measure for the result. This prevents the use of any automated scheduling system, requiring ...
Adjustable context adaptations for user interfaces at runtime
Veit Schwartze, Marco Blumendorf, Sahin Albayrak
Pages: 321-324
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The definition of different variants of a user interface at design time does not seem to be flexible enough to address future needs. Context sensitivity, user preferences and unforeseen situations require new means for automatic adaptation at runtime ...
Power and energy visualization for the micro-management of household electricity consumption
Paul Monigatti, Mark Apperley, Bill Rogers
Pages: 325-328
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The paper describes a pilot system for the detailed management of domestic electricity consumption aimed at minimizing demand peaks and consumer cost. Management decisions are made both interactively by consumers themselves, and where practical, automatically ...
POSTER SESSION: Posters: May, 27th
An infrastructure for creating graphical indicators of the learner profile by mashing up different sources
Luca Mazzola, Riccardo Mazza
Pages: 329-332
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The procedures to collect information about users are well known in computer science till long time. They range from getting explicit information from users, required in order to enable some functionalities, to the gathering of user behaviors, collected ...
Synchronous cooperation and visualization for social bookmarking systems
Maxime Collomb, Mountaz Hascoët
Pages: 333-336
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In this paper, our aim is to facilitate synchronous and co-present interaction with social bookmarking systems for groups of related users meeting to discuss and share their collections of tags and bookmarks. Our work results in a system called Orchis ...
Creating a virtual archery experience
Sebastian Göbel, Christian Geiger, Christin Heinze, Dionysios Marinos
Pages: 337-340
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In this paper we describe the design of a virtual reality simulator for traditional intuitive archery. Traditional archers aim without a target figure. Good shooting results require an excellent body-eye coordination that allows the user to perform identical ...
A multi-layered aesthetical web-portal interface for governmental integration issues
Linn Gustavsson Christiernin, Anneli Martin
Pages: 341-344
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The County Administrative Board, a governmental authority in The West Region of Sweden, has in collaboration with the local Counties asked us for advice in presenting information in an official and simple way on the web for the foreign person or refugee, ...
3D attentional maps: aggregated gaze visualizations in three-dimensional virtual environments
Sophie Stellmach, Lennart Nacke, Raimund Dachselt
Pages: 345-348
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Gaze visualizations hold the potential to facilitate usability studies of interactive systems. However, visual gaze analysis in three-dimensional virtual environments still lacks methods and techniques for aggregating attentional representations. We ...
Enhanced navigation and focus on TileBars with barycenter heuristic-based reordering
Vinh Tuan Thai, Siegfried Handschuh
Pages: 349-352
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The classic TileBars paradigm has been used to show distribution information of query terms in full-text documents. However, when used to show the distribution of a large number of entities of interest to users within a document, it hinders users' quick ...
Doughnut crumbs: visual navigation for data hierarchies
Teruhiko Teraoka
Pages: 353-356
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Efficient hierarchy navigation is essential in information systems. Various techniques have been developed in research on user interfaces and information visualization. However, a universally accepted technique has not been developed yet for navigating ...
POSTER SESSION: Posters: May, 28th
Gestures as a "creation" mechanism for tabletop interfaces
Mohammed Belatar, François Coldefy
Pages: 357-360
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Gestures are usually used as a means of communication between a user and an interactive system. In this paper, we extend command gestures to "creation" gestures. The user can perform a simple analogical gesture to add graphical components (windows, widgets, ...
Deep Diffs: visually exploring the history of a document
Ross Shannon, Aaron Quigley, Paddy Nixon
Pages: 361-364
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Software tools are used to compare multiple versions of a textual document to help a reader understand the evolution of that document over time. These tools generally support the comparison of only two versions of a document, requiring multiple comparisons ...
"Wheels of web" visual user interface
Sravanthi Kollukuduru, Kamalakar Karlapalem
Pages: 365-368
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The primary goal of the work in this paper is to present a novel visual user interface design that can be used by even novice users without much effort. The design of the user interface needs to ensure that the users require short learning curve. A compact ...
Improving the performance and usability for visual menu interface on mobile computers
Yaohua Yu, Zhengjie Liu
Pages: 369-372
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The paper presents an approach to improve the menu interface of mobile computers by supporting the user with audio information. The experiment that compared the standard menu with the sonically-enhanced menu on mobile computers was conducted. The results ...
EVEREVIS: event recognizer in video scenes
Rodrigo Silva Oliveira, Tiago Oliveira Cunha, Fillipe Dias Moreira de Souza, Júlia Epischina Engrácia de Oliveira, Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo
Pages: 373-376
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This paper proposes a content-based video analysis system called EVEREVIS (Event Recognizer in Video Scenes), implemented as a Web-based system. In this prototype, news broadcast videos are segmented into indoor and outdoor scenes in order to facilitate ...
Showtime: increasing viewer understanding of dynamic network visualisations
Ross Shannon, Aaron Quigley, Paddy Nixon
Pages: 377-380
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Visualisations of dynamic networks are animated over time, reflecting changes in the underlying data structure. As viewers of these visualisations, it is up to us to accurately perceive and keep up with the constantly shifting view, mentally noting as ...
Virtual-ICSI: a visual-haptic interface for virtual training in intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
A. F. Abate, M. Nappi, S. Ricciardi, G. Tortora, S. Levialdi, M. De Marsico
Pages: 381-384
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Virtual simulators have been used in the last twenty years for applications ranging from flight simulation to computer-based training, just to name a few. More recently a new level of simulation has been introduced thanks to haptic interfaces able to ...
BrainyHand: a wearable computing device without HMD and it's interaction techniques
Emi Tamaki, Takashi Miyak, Jun Rekimoto
Pages: 387-388
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Existing wearable devices like an eyeglass-type head-mounted display(HMD) are very bulky and cannot be worn everyday. On the other hand, the earphone is popular wearable device, bacause it is small. However, the earphone cannot be used as an interaction ...
Interacting annotations in MADCOW 2.0
Danilo Avola, Paolo Bottoni, Stefano Levialdi, Emanuele Panizzi
Pages: 389-390
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MADCOW 2.0 is a system for annotation of Web content, supporting the production and exploration of personal and public annotations on text, images and videos in a Web page. Its design starts from the main requirement that the annotation activity does ...
Don't touch me: multi-user annotations on a map in large display environments
Andrea Bellucci, Alessio Malizia, Paloma Diaz, Ignacio Aedo
Pages: 391-392
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Touchless interaction techniques do not require physical contact while interacting with a system so to allow natural interaction with digital information, made tangible in the physical world through pervasive screen displays. In this project we explore ...
Visual analysis of financial crimes: [system paper]
Emilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Giuseppe Liotta, Pietro Palladino
Pages: 393-394
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This paper shortly describes a system, called VisForFraud, that uses Information Visualization techniques for the discovery of financial crimes.
Experience with interactive multimedia art guides
Giuseppe Barbieri, Augusto Celentano, Valeria Finocchi, Marek Maurizio, Renzo Orsini, Fabio Pittarello
Pages: 395-396
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We present the results of an experience in design and evaluation of multimedia guides for art exhibitions based on Apple iPod-class devices, gesture based interaction and rich multimedia content. Design is based on decoupling between content, interface ...
EnforManga: interactive comic creation with deformation
Hiroaki Tobita
Pages: 397-398
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The EnforManga is an interactive system for creating comic books based on the simple manipulation of images. To create a comic book that is similar to an actual comic book, the system provides two types of deformations: background and character, which ...
Advanced brain computer interface for communication and control
F. Aloise, F. Schettini, P. Aricò, L. Bianchi, A. Riccio, M. Mecella, F. Babiloni, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti
Pages: 399-400
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The brain computer interface (BCI) technology allows a direct connection between brain and computer without any muscular activity required, and thus it offers a unique opportunity to enhance and/or to restore communication and actions into external word ...
End-user development of software services and applications
Maria Francesca Costabile, Boris De Ruyter, Nikolay Mehandjiev, Piero Mussio
Pages: 403-407
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End-User Development (EUD) has traditionally been focusing on non-programmers tailoring or even creating software artifacts, often in organizational context. Some examples of successful EUD concepts include spreadsheet and word processing macros and ...
Visual workflow composition through semantic orchestration of web services
Barbara R. Barricelli, Piero Mussio, Stefano Valtolina, Marco Padula, Paolo L. Scala, Antonio Piccinno
Pages: 405-405

There is an increasing request by organizations to allow people outside the IT department to create, shape and adapt the software artifacts they use as they do with real ones in their work practice. Moreover, organizations have recently become aware ...
Seeing the self in the washing machine: the deep affordance of 2.0 philosophy in the household appliance domain
Caterina Calefato, Enrico Frumento, Monica Milani, Roberto Montanari
Pages: 405-405

The acceleration of rhythm of everyday life requires efficiency and flexibility in daily routines. The real expectations and needs of people concerning intelligent home devices should be carefully researched. The project Moon 2.0 by Indesit Company presents ...
About composing our own smart home
Joëlle Coutaz, Emeric Fontaine, Nadine Mandran, Alexandre Demeure
Pages: 405-406

This paper reports on an empirical study performed to validate a theoretical model about the composition of smart artifacts by end-users. We have solicited 17 families and used a combination of interviews and a playful cultural probe. Results show that ...
Metadesigning e-government services: a case study in a local agency
Daniela Fogli, Loredana Parasiliti Provenza, Sergio Colosio
Pages: 406-406

This paper describes the ongoing collaboration between the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Brescia and a local government agency. The goal is to create the socio-technical conditions for transferring the ability to develop ...
Future development environments for computational scientists
Andreas Heil, Matthew J. Smith, Alexander Brändle
Pages: 406-406

Computational Scientists are both creators and end-users of scientific models. Different aspects to their work target different audiences and generally require different development approaches. The research of computational scientists typically involves ...
A community based metaphor supporting EUD within communities
Marco P. Locatelli, Carla Simone
Pages: 406-406

The paper proposes an approach to EUD focusing on communities: on the one hand, users are considered as a community of cooperating actors; on the other hand, applications and devices are considered as a (artificial) community that, by interacting with ...
Wizard-based process modeling for business users
Jean-Philippe Lombardi, Jürgen Vogel
Pages: 406-406

Modeling the business processes of an organization for the purpose of documentation, optimization, or execution is a vital application in many domains. However, a general issue with existing process modeling (PM) tools is a lack of modeling methodologies ...
User task-based development of multi-device service-oriented applications
Fabio Paternó, Carmen Santoro, Lucio Davide Spano
Pages: 407-407

In this paper, we present a method and the associated tool support able to exploit Web services in model-based user interface development, starting with the results of a task analysis phase, and using the content of Web service annotations. The resulting ...
A comparison of three service composition approaches for end users
Usman Wajid, Abdallah Namoune, Nikolay Mehandjiev
Pages: 407-407

This paper compares user preferences for three alternative approaches to service composition, namely: control flow, data flow, and assisted composition approach. The end user perspective is gathered by organizing three focus groups that include discussions ...
Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces
Alan Dix, Aaron Quigley, Sriram Subramanian, Lucia Terrenghi
Pages: 408-410
Full text: PdfPdf

Interactive displays are increasingly distributed in a broad spectrum of everyday life environments: They have very diverse form factors and portability characteristics, support a variety of interaction techniques, and can be used by a variable number ...
Experiences with mouse control in multi-display environments
Manuela Waldner, Dieter Schmalstieg
Pages: 411-411
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It is now increasingly common to extend private workstations with large public displays into a shared multi-display environment (MDE). Mouse-based interaction across multiple displays provides a convenient way to quickly shift between private work on ...
Primitive interaction tasks for multi-display environments (PrIME): a hands-on approach
Mahsa Jenabi, Harald Reiterer
Pages: 412-412
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Cross-display interaction is a challenge for HCI researchers, because a naive adaptation of mechanisms in single-display workspaces might be inappropriate for teamwork in multi-user multi-display environments. In this paper, we identify a set of primitive ...
Investigating distributed user interfaces across interactive large displays and mobile devices
Matthias Finke, Nima Kaviani, Ivy Wang, Vincent Tsao, Sidney Fels, Rodger Lea
Pages: 413-413
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The use of a dual mobile and large screen approach offers a number of intriguing possibilities including a potential solution to the problem of managing conflicts that arise when a large screen is shared in a public setting. Here, we report on a series ...
Partial web interface migration
Giuseppe Ghiani, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro
Pages: 414-414
Full text: PdfPdf

We discuss our solution for partial Web migration from large screens to mobile devices. It is based on multiple UI abstraction levels and some transformations that allow the migration of selected UI components to another device.
Fridge fridge on the wall: what can I cook for us all?: an HMI study for an intelligent fridge
Manuela Bucci, Caterina Calefato, Sergio Colombetti, Monica Milani, Roberto Montanari
Pages: 415-415

New technologies have changed our life, making everyday tasks easier and faster. This new style of living requires a new kind of distribution of cognitive processes, resources and information. Trends in appliance design propose more sophisticated control ...
WallShare: a multi-pointer system for portable devices
Pedro G. Villanueva, José A. Gallud, Ricardo Tesoriero
Pages: 416-416
Full text: PdfPdf

WallShare introduces a new system to improve the collaboration possibilities among the participants in face-to-face meetings and working groups. It defines an novel interaction device and platform to develop collaborative applications. The system provides ...
Labeling large displays for interaction with mobile devices: recognition of symbols for pairing techniques
Umer Rashid, Lucia Terrenghi, Aaron Quigley
Pages: 417-417
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Large interactive displays are an effective means to exchange contents with mobile devices for co-located collaboration in offices and schools. It is very important that the users are able to easily comprehend and learn the interaction techniques to ...
Delegating the visual interface between a tablet and a TV
Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, Francisco Javier Burón Fernández, Enrique García Salcines, Carlos de Castro Lozano
Pages: 418-418
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The introduction and wide adoption of small and powerful mobile computers, such as smart phones and tablets, has raised the opportunity of employing them into multi-device scenarios and blending the distinction between input and output devices. In particular, ...
Exploring gesture-based interaction techniques in multi-display environments with mobile phones and a multi-touch table
Tanja Döring, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Albrecht Schmidt
Pages: 419-419
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In this paper, we explore the potential of combining shared and interactive displays (e.g. a multi-touch table) with personal devices (e.g. mobile phones) as an important class of heterogeneous multi-display environments. Within six case studies applications ...
Digital hospitality: expressing hospitality towards guests in smart homes using private and domestic displays
Rasmus Gude
Pages: 420-420
Full text: PdfPdf

For more than a decade the use of ubiquitous computing technologies in the domestic space -- the so-called smart homes - has been a subject for research. While research has focused on smart homes and its inhabitants in various incarnations, little or ...
Interactive data exploration and knowledge discovery
Elena Zudilova-Seinstra, Jean-Bernard Martens, Tony Adriaansen
Pages: 421-422
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People have always relied on visual tools such as maps, charts and diagrams to better understand problems and solve them in less time. Continuous improvements in computer processing power and graphics capabilities have made it possible to incorporate ...
Exploring concepts collaboratively: considering how Wii interact
Christopher Foster, Liz Burd, Andrew Hatch
Pages: 423-423
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This abstract describes ongoing research on human to human interaction between early career Computer Scientists as they explore a complex collaborative concept mapping task performed by a collocated group using a large wall-screen projected display. ...
Generation of roadside panoramic images without obstacles
Shunichiro Tsuji, Yasuyuki Kono
Pages: 424-424
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This paper presents the method for generating panoramic image(s) from plural in-vehicle camera images. Our real-world map system employing the proposed method has the following features: 1) it puts the generated panoramic images of the real-world to ...
Human-information interaction in epistemic activities
Kamran Sedig
Pages: 425-425
Full text: PdfPdf

We use, work, and think with information to be able to make decisions, solve problems, plan, analyze, forecast, and learn. These information-based activities can be classified as epistemic activities (EAs), as they all involve or are related to ...
Role of externalization and composite interactions in the exploration of complex visualization spaces: a usability study
Hai-Ning Lia, Kamran Sedig
Pages: 426-426
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Complex visualization spaces are not easy to explore. This is especially true of exploring 4D mathematical structures due to occlusion and visual clutter. In this paper, we present preliminary results involving a usability study of two strategies for ...
Evaluating the utilization of clustering methods connected with multivariate visualizations
Barbara Scheuner
Pages: 427-427
Full text: PdfPdf

Visualization software in all fields becomes increasingly interactive with more and more elements to support users. Elements that help an observer to interpret given data sets by computing certain properties of the data to enrich their visualization ...
Virtual environment for the navigation of ideas and concepts in education (V.E.N.I.C.E)
Simon Foley
Pages: 428-428
Full text: PdfPdf

This paper reports on current research into the development of an interactive visualisation tool for postgraduate research students. The aim of the research is to construct a virtual environment that allows students to navigate ideas, which they can ...
Seeing more than the graph: evaluation of multivariate graph visualization methods
Andrew Cunningham, Kai Xu, Bruce Thomas
Pages: 429-429
Full text: PdfPdf

Many real-world networks are multivariate, i.e., they have attributes associated with nodes and/or edges. Examples include social networks whose nodes represent people and edges represent relationships. There is usually information about each ...
An interactive exploration environment for complex process design
Eric S. Fraga
Pages: 430-430
Full text: PdfPdf

Process design requires the solution of complex models. These models are typically nonlinear and non-convex. The design optimisation problem is also often combinatorial in nature. An example is the design of thermally integrated process plants for energy ...

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