Polarization effects in the diffraction of light by a planar chiral structure
Polarization effects in the diffraction of light by a planar chiral structure
We analyze polarization changes of light diffracted on a planar chiral array from the standpoint of the Lorentz reciprocity lemma and find biorthogonality in the polarization eigenstates for waves diffracting though the grating in the opposite direction. Both reciprocal and nonreciprocal components in the polarization azimuth rotation of the diffracted light are identified. The structural chirality of the array arrangement and the chirality of individual elements of the array give rise to polarization effects.
Prosvirnin, S.L.
Zheludev, N.I.
Prosvirnin, S.L.
Zheludev, N.I.
Prosvirnin, S.L. and Zheludev, N.I.
Polarization effects in the diffraction of light by a planar chiral structure.
Physical Review E, 71 (3), .
We analyze polarization changes of light diffracted on a planar chiral array from the standpoint of the Lorentz reciprocity lemma and find biorthogonality in the polarization eigenstates for waves diffracting though the grating in the opposite direction. Both reciprocal and nonreciprocal components in the polarization azimuth rotation of the diffracted light are identified. The structural chirality of the array arrangement and the chirality of individual elements of the array give rise to polarization effects.
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Published date: 2005
Local EPrints ID: 28960
URI: http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/id/eprint/28960
ISSN: 1539-3755
PURE UUID: e5f5fdd4-a187-4461-8d28-4b97c13c599a
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Date deposited: 08 May 2006
Last modified: 16 Mar 2024 02:43
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S.L. Prosvirnin
N.I. Zheludev
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