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Weyl's Wedges

Weyl's Wedges
Weyl's Wedges
The semiclassical Weyl series for an arbitrary-angle, zero-potential, circular-wedge quantum billiard with Dirichlet boundary conditions is derived. The goal is to study the effect of non-smooth boundaries on a conjecture of Berry and Howls (1994) concerning the high orders. The dominant behaviour of the late terms is identified, together with correction terms. The factorial-over-power and correction behaviour is found to be in accordance with an extension of the work of Berry and Howls. As might be expected, the only dominant contributions from the polygonal corner are to the 'length' and 'constant' terms of the Weyl series. The same is not true for the other angles. Surprisingly, only one periodic orbit arising from the wedge geometry affects the Weyl series for arbitrary angle of opening, although there is a subdominant residue from a memory of the circular symmetry. The prefactor of this residue is proportional to. Nevertheless, with one exception, the analytic behaviour of the Weyl series conspires to force the appearance of only the expected wedge periodic orbits in the exponential corrections.
Howls, C.J.
Trasler, S.A.
Howls, C.J.
Trasler, S.A.

Howls, C.J. and Trasler, S.A. (1998) Weyl's Wedges. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 31 (8), 1911-1928. (doi:10.1088/0305-4470/31/8/005).

Record type: Article


The semiclassical Weyl series for an arbitrary-angle, zero-potential, circular-wedge quantum billiard with Dirichlet boundary conditions is derived. The goal is to study the effect of non-smooth boundaries on a conjecture of Berry and Howls (1994) concerning the high orders. The dominant behaviour of the late terms is identified, together with correction terms. The factorial-over-power and correction behaviour is found to be in accordance with an extension of the work of Berry and Howls. As might be expected, the only dominant contributions from the polygonal corner are to the 'length' and 'constant' terms of the Weyl series. The same is not true for the other angles. Surprisingly, only one periodic orbit arising from the wedge geometry affects the Weyl series for arbitrary angle of opening, although there is a subdominant residue from a memory of the circular symmetry. The prefactor of this residue is proportional to. Nevertheless, with one exception, the analytic behaviour of the Weyl series conspires to force the appearance of only the expected wedge periodic orbits in the exponential corrections.

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Published date: 1998
Organisations: Applied Mathematics


Local EPrints ID: 29203
ISSN: 0305-4470
PURE UUID: 48e9d8a9-c42b-4d5f-b5e6-47a7d23f326e
ORCID for C.J. Howls: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 03 May 2007
Last modified: 10 Jan 2025 02:39

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Author: C.J. Howls ORCID iD
Author: S.A. Trasler

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