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Students’ reasoning and decision making about a socioscientific issue: a cross-context comparison

Students’ reasoning and decision making about a socioscientific issue: a cross-context comparison
Students’ reasoning and decision making about a socioscientific issue: a cross-context comparison
It has been argued that decision making about socioscientific issue (SSIs)necessitates informal reasoning, which involves multiperspective thinking and moral judgment. This study extends the scope of the literature concerning students’ reasoning on SSIs to a cross-contextual study by comparing decisions made on avian flu by 12–13-year-old Chinese students in two different contextual settings using a prescribed decision-making
framework. The findings reveal differences between students in the two settings with respect to their reasoning perspectives, evidence perceived to be useful to gather, decision making criteria, and postactivity decisions.When coupled with cross-contextual exchange,the prescribed decision-making framework was found to have an impact on both multiperspective reasoning and metacognitive reflection on the multifaceted nature of decision making.
Lee, Yeung Chung
Grace, Marcus
Lee, Yeung Chung
Grace, Marcus

Lee, Yeung Chung and Grace, Marcus (2012) Students’ reasoning and decision making about a socioscientific issue: a cross-context comparison. Science Education, 96 (5), 787-807. (doi:10.1002/sce.21021).

Record type: Article


It has been argued that decision making about socioscientific issue (SSIs)necessitates informal reasoning, which involves multiperspective thinking and moral judgment. This study extends the scope of the literature concerning students’ reasoning on SSIs to a cross-contextual study by comparing decisions made on avian flu by 12–13-year-old Chinese students in two different contextual settings using a prescribed decision-making
framework. The findings reveal differences between students in the two settings with respect to their reasoning perspectives, evidence perceived to be useful to gather, decision making criteria, and postactivity decisions.When coupled with cross-contextual exchange,the prescribed decision-making framework was found to have an impact on both multiperspective reasoning and metacognitive reflection on the multifaceted nature of decision making.

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Published date: September 2012
Organisations: Mathematics, Science & Health Education


Local EPrints ID: 347971
ISSN: 0036-8326
PURE UUID: 58273a9a-34b8-4142-9e32-7fa3128c0aea
ORCID for Marcus Grace: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 05 Feb 2013 10:16
Last modified: 15 Mar 2024 02:44

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Author: Yeung Chung Lee
Author: Marcus Grace ORCID iD

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