�����@����@����@����@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ASCII SPSS PORT FILE                    
uvwxyz .<(+0&[]!$*);^-/|,%_>?`:#@'="000000~000000000000000000000{}\0000000000000
6431O/IBM SPSS Statistics 20.041T/5B/70/8/TOTALTIM5/B/0/5/B/0/CG/Total Time Take
PRDMS1_45/B/0/5/B/0/CC/PRDM-S1.Q3.578F/5/S1.FT1/8F/0/1/8F/0/C1/ 70/8/PDMS2.Q15/B
 712/7/AYS3.Q11/12/0/1/12/0/C9/AY-S3.Q1 78F/7/AYS3.Q21/8F/0/1/8F/0/C9/AY-S3.Q2 7
description and the potential conflict or otherwise with emerging concepts such 
as RDA.6/6/6/6/6/6/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes6/6/3/3/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes4/6
/6/6/5/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/ 7/Library18/I manage teams who support resear
chers3/Yes2/No2/No2/NoP/Not part of my core role.K/Describing your data76/Becaus
e of of the dichotomy between description for specialists and the preservation o
f context and description for those who may not be specialists but who also need
 to know that ther data is 'important' or 'useful'1/ 7G/Not convinced that the U
niversity's research support services (other than the Library) are working throu
gh this consistently and thoroughly.  The responsibility should be institutional
 and embedded but that's not where we are.1NM/2/2/2/1/1/1/1/1/2/2/1/1/1/1/1/8F/I
 can't really identify any specific areas that I need training in  other than to
 say "everything"!||I have a fair amount of IT expertise  so I would find this a
rea interesting to explore - but I certainly do not have the requisite knowledge
 at the momentB39/B39/3/3/2/1/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes2/2/B39/B39/3/Yes3/Y
es3/Yes3/Yes1/2/1/1/2/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/ 7/LibraryQ/Academic Liaison Li
brarian2/No2/No3/Yes2/No1/ S/Security and storage of data1/ 1/ 1/ A0/1/2/3/3/3/1
/2/4/2/2/3/2/3/1/2/1/ 6/6/7/6/6/7/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes6/7/7/7/3/Yes3/Y
es3/Yes3/Yes7/7/7/7/7/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/ 7/Library1M/Library manager  n
ot directly supporting researchers2/No2/No3/Yes2/NoP/Not expected from my role17
/Funder requirements for research data13/Most likely to come up in my work1/ 1/ 
S2/6/6/2/4/4/5/5/5/6/5/5/5/4/4/4/16/Legal issues|Requirements of fundersB39/B39/
5/5/5/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes29/iSolutions services - what they offer etc.|RIS
 - what they offer etc.7/LibraryQ/Academic Liaison Librarian3/Yes2/No2/No2/No5E/
Lack of a requirement for data management planning from EPSRC/STFC.|The key issu
e is storage - which is an iSolutions issue  and there is a serious lack of capa
city10/Legal issues and research data12/The area I know the least about!1/ 1/ 1A
F/3/1/2/1/1/1/1/2/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/ 1/1/1/1/1/1/2/No2/No3/Yes3/Yes2/No2/No1/1/2/2
/2/No2/No2/No2/No1/1/1/1/1/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No1/ 7/Library9/Librarian2/No2/No3/
Yes2/No1B/Researchers I deal with haven't asked me.10/Legal issues and research 
data1/ 1/ 1/ HR/2/2/4/4/4/2/1/2/4/4/3/3/4/2/4/1/ 5/5/5/6/6/6/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/N
o2/No6/6/5/5/2/No2/No2/No2/No3/3/4/1/2/3/Yes2/No3/Yes2/No2/No1/ 7/Library1/ 2/No
2/No3/Yes2/No1/ S/Security and storage of data1/ 1/ 1/ 18A/2/1/2/3/2/1/2/3/1/2/3
/1/2/1/2/30/I think I need training on everything that I could realistically be 
expected to advise on.5/5/5/5/5/7/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes5/5/5/6/3/Yes3/Y
es3/Yes3/Yes5/5/5/4/5/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes28/Guidance in all areas we're li
kely to be asked about would be useful7/Library6E/I support staff and PGRs withi
n the Faculties I liaise with.  I try to help them with anything they ask  inclu
ding basic library use  literature searching, Endnote and finding data for analy
sis.3/Yes2/No2/No2/No30/I don't think staff/PGRs see this as my role at present.
  And I have next to no expertise.L/Data Management Plans20/Because this will be
come part of my role in the near future.1/ 1/ 146/3/3/1/2/3/2/1/1/3/3/1/1/1/1/2/
37/Answers that are at level 3 depend on me using the useful information on our 
Uos Library webpages5/5/1/2/6/6/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes2/1/5/5/3/Yes3/Yes
3/Yes3/Yes1/1/2/1/4/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/ 7/Library1L/Providing journals  
occasional advice on publishing2/No2/No3/Yes2/No1/ K/Describing your data1/ 1/ 6
N/Our excellent web pages help me to get some understanding or the elements of d
ata management to share with researchers and I'm confident of referring research
ers appropriately to get more detailed advice12Q/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/4/4/1/1/1/1/1/G
/All of the above1/1/1/1/1/1/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/1/4/4/2/No2/No3/Yes
3/Yes1/1/1/1/1/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes2/No2/No1/ 7/Library1/ 2/No2/No3/Yes2/No1M/Not see
n as my role by academic research colleagues.K/Describing your data1/ 1/ 1/ 1HB/
3/2/1/1/3/1/1/1/3/3/1/1/1/1/3/1/ 3/3/2/1/4/4/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/1/3
/3/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/1/1/1/3/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/ 7/Library3/ALL2/No2
/No3/Yes2/No8F/I think that people would approach the main ALL for the subject a
rea for this type of information. I think that NERC staff would first approach t
he Research and Contract Support Office as the teams role is to provide advice a
nd support on research fundingK/Describing your data1R/I think this is the area 
where I could be most effective.1/ 66/I think that I would find it useful to hav
e training to raise my awareness of all the issues around RDM and to know where 
to direct new reserchers to find the information that they need.JQ/1/2/2/2/1/2/3
/3/2/2/2/1/*.2/1/1C/I have little involvement in Research Data5/5/5/5/5/5/2/No2/
I feel that people in iSolutions should be involved in this processA/iSolutions1
7/Not usually involved with researchers2/No2/No3/Yes2/No32/My role is Education 
& Student Experience. There is separate identified support for Research10/Legal 
issues and research data1K/To help identify liability should I come across it1/ 
1/ PI/1/2/4/3/1/2/1/5/1/1/2/1/1/1/1/1/ 2/3/6/3/1/3/2/No2/No3/Yes3/Yes2/No3/Yes1/
B39/1/1/2/No3/Yes2/No2/No1/1/3/1/1/2/No2/No3/Yes2/No2/No2G/Applicable legal  con
tractual and cegulatory requirements for safety of dataA/iSolutionsK/Information
 Security2/No2/No3/YesM/Yes  more than 5 times1/ S/Security and storage of data1
T/This is the area in which I am expected to contribute most.1/ 8F/While the sub
ject of a particular piece of work is unique  the way the data is handled and se
cured will often follow common methods.|It should be possible to identify these 
and provide guidance and information on data safety practices  enabling them to 
beSK/5/5/4/6/2/2/3/3/2/2/3/1/2/3/1/3F/1. Specific funders' requirements|2. Licen
sing and long-term preservation issues|3. Data management plans6/6/7/7/7/3/3/Yes
Yes3/Yes1J/1. Identifying the costs associated with the dataA/iSolutions12/Busin
ess Relationship Management2/No2/No3/YesM/Yes  between 2-5 times1/ L/Data Manage
ment Plans5P/They are required for research grant bids and I don't know how to g
o about writing one - I could try to assist  but have no idea what a "good" data
 management plan looks like.1/ 8F/In my experience so far it seems that most res
earchers do not really spend much time thinking about it - they're more concerne
d about getting the bid for funding written and the project started than how to 
deal with the data they might produce. I think thD0/3/4/1/2/4/1/4/3/3/3/3/1/3/1/
2/1/ 5/5/5/5/5/5/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No5/5/5/5/2/No2/No2/No2/No5/5/5/5/5/2/No2
/No2/No2/No2/No1/ A/iSolutions2H/I am a co-manager of a team that provides deskt
op PC support for researchers.2/No2/No3/Yes2/No49/I don't have much contact with
 researchers and when I do  it wouldn't be about research data management (at le
ast not initially).1/ 2H/If I were to get involved in this area  I would need tr
aining in all aspects.1/ 1/ M7/1/5/4/5/2/4/6/7/5/5/7/3/6/7/2/38/Clear summary of
 all funders requirements|Clear statement on University policy for data manageme
2/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes73/Surely everyone involved in this area of the Unive
rsity (apart from new starters) should know who can help them with each of these
 areas? So  I think everyone needs the guidance so that everyone has the knowled
ge.1/ 1/ 2/No3/Yes2/NoM/Yes  between 2-5 times1/ L/Data Management Plans5A/Only 
selected this because it is all encompassing - if we are serious about data mana
gement  we need to be serious about all the elements in the drop down list.1/ 1/
 AE/1/1/1/3/1/1/3/5/4/3/5/1/6/4/1/1/ 2/1/1/2/1/1/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No3/6/3/2
/2/No2/No2/No2/No4/1/5/2/1/2/No2/No3/Yes2/No2/No1/ A/iSolutionsA/operations2/No2
/No3/YesM/Yes  more than 5 times1/ S/Security and storage of data1A/provision of
 physical storage technology1/ 1/ 11E/2/2/2/2/1/1/2/4/2/1/1/1/3/2/1/3/ALLB39/B39
PRORIATE USEFUL SUBJECT RESOURCES2/No2/No3/Yes2/No1/ S/Security and storage of d
ata1/ 1/ 1/ 2CK/1/1/3/1/1/1/1/1/3/3/1/1/1/1/*.1/ 1/1/5/1/*.1/2/No2/No3/Yes2/No2/
No2/No1/1/4/4/2/No2/No3/Yes3/Yes1/1/1/1/1/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No1/ 7/Library20/Ver
y traditional Literature searching help and bibliometrics2/No2/No3/Yes2/No2I/The
y know about it already or they don't know that they need to know about it.12/Ma
king data available for re-use1/ 1/ R/Any training would be great1BM/1/1/2/2/2/1
/1/1/1/1/2/1/2/1/2/1/ 1/1/2/3/2/1/3/Yes2/No3/Yes2/No3/Yes2/No1/1/2/2/2/No2/No3/Y
es3/Yes2/1/2/1/2/3/Yes2/No3/Yes2/No2/No1/ 7/Library1/ 2/No2/No3/Yes2/No1F/Not cu
rrently within my work responsibilitiesK/Describing your data1/ 1/ 1/ 105/6/6/6/
6/6/5/6/5/6/6/5/6/4/3/5/36/Preservation and archiving|Costings for data creation
  storage  dissemination and preservation!!7/7/7/7/7/7/3/Yes2/No3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3
/Yes7/5/7/7/2/No3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes7/7/5/4/7/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes2/No3/YesP/Costings ques
tion  again!7/Library5H/Member of University Library staff -support specific dis
ciplinary community and also active in the area of changing professional practic
e and emerging "open" services.3/Yes2/No2/NoE/Yes  once only1/ S/Security and st
orage of data56/I feel that this is both an area of weakness on my part as well 
as an area in which I would expect to be better informed so as to be able to sup
port others.1/ 7B/This is an issue which requires really effective cross institu
tional collaboration so that we can best support the whole academic community.  
We are such a large institution that this should be possible for us to achieve.G
K/5/5/4/6/6/6/4/3/5/5/5/4/3/3/6/1/ 4/4/7/4/7/7/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes6/6
/4/4/2/No3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes4/5/4/4/6/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes2/No3/Yes1/ 7/Library1I/support
 research data management and open access2/No2/No2/NoM/Yes  more than 5 times1/ 
L/Data Management Plans1/ 1/ 1/ 1T2/3/2/1/4/5/5/3/3/4/2/5/3/3/1/6/1B/file format
s for longer term preservation2/2/4/2/B39/B39/3/Yes2/No3/Yes3/Yes2/No2/No5/6/B39
/B39/3/Yes3/Yes2/No2/No2/5/2/2/B39/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes2/No2L/file handling incl
uding version control  advice on ethics/handling sensitive data7/Library1S/respo
nding to research enquries  supporting the researcher3/Yes2/No2/NoM/Yes  more th
an 5 times1/ K/Describing your data2O/Want to understand some of discipline diff
erences in what is needed to describe data1/ 8F/I think our role is about helpin
g researchers identify the resources they need  consider their methods and best 
practice by asking the right questions and pointing to the best advise. I think 
this is transferring our research information skills techniquesD2/3/3/3/4/4/3/6/
6/3/3/4/4/4/4/4/1/ 4/4/3/3/4/4/2/No2/No2/No3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes5/5/3/3/3/Yes3/Yes2/No
2/No3/3/3/5/4/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes6P/Useful to have a summary of data manag
ement and sharing so useful to have an overview of the requirements (particularl
y around sharing).  Also useful to know more about regulatory and ethical requir
ements.A/iSolutions4N/Business Relationship Manager  usually first point of cont
act in the Faculties (Medicine and Health Sciences) with enquiries on data manag
ement2/No2/No3/YesM/Yes  more than 5 times1/ 10/Legal issues and research data1/
 1/ 5R/A good overview of all the issues and requirements around data management
 would be really helpful for me particularly as I work with researchers in Medic
ine and Health Sciences.14N/1/1/6/5/5/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/5/1/ 4/4/7/7/B39/7/2/No2
/Yes1/ 12/Research and Innovation Services11/Senior Research Support Officer2/No
2/No3/YesE/Yes  once only1/ 17/Funder requirements for research data1/ 1/ 3B/Dat
a management queries for grant proposals are all referred to the Library or Isol
utions for support99/*.*.6/6/4/5/*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.1/ *.*.B39/B39/*.B39/2/No2/No
3/Yes3/Yes2/No3/Yes*.*.*.*.2/No2/No2/No2/No*.*.*.*.*.2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No1/ 12/R
esearch and Innovation Services11/Senior Research Support Officer2/No2/No3/Yes2/
No1/ 10/Legal issues and research data1/ 1/ 7S/The majority of this questionnair
e is not relevant in my role. I have answered the few relevant questions  but re
search data management is not part of my remit and therefore most questions are 
not applicable. I have left these unanswered.1MK/1/1/1/2/3/3/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/2/1
/ 1/1/1/1/1/1/2/No2/No2/No2/No3/Yes3/Yes1/1/1/1/2/No2/No2/No2/No1/1/1/1/1/2/No2/
No2/No2/No2/No16/Writing data mgt plans for proposals12/Research and Innovation 
Services12/Supporting on research proposals3/Yes3/Yes2/NoM/Yes  between 2-5 time
s1/ 17/Funder requirements for research data1D/& how to write data mgt plans for
 proposals1/ 1/ 123/1/1/1/1/1/1/4/3/1/1/1/1/2/2/1/1/ 1/1/1/1/1/1/2/No2/No2/No2/N
o2/No3/Yes3/3/3/3/3/Yes3/Yes2/No2/No1/1/4/4/1/2/No2/No3/Yes3/Yes2/No1/ A/iSoluti
ons12/Business Relationship Management2/No2/No3/YesM/Yes  more than 5 times1/ S/
Security and storage of data1/ 1/ 1/ 12O/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/3/1/1/3/1/3/1/1/8F/Servic
eLine support all users of all systems  but it is clear from this questionnaire 
that we know little of the research side of the Uni's business and how to suppor
t potential users.  That may not be a problem as the support should be provided 
/1/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes2/No2/NoP/All of the 'should knows'A/iSolutions5G/In a team of
 IT systems and services support staff.  We are a frontline service assisting to
 fix where possible or referring on to specialist support staff where not.2/No2/
No3/Yes2/No21/I don't deal directly with support but I manage staff who do.S/Sec
urity and storage of data6A/Storage issues are commonplace and one we are most o
ften queried on.  The matter of storage for researchers is a confusing and reall
y needs to be clarified to ensure we can give good advice.1/ 1/ 1RQ/1/1/4/4/5/2/
1/2/1/1/2/1/2/1/5/6C/Advise on writing data management plans for submitting with
 bids/research proposals to specific funders||Advise on the issues associated wi
th the longer-term preservation and archiving of data1/1/B39/7/B39/B39/2/No2/No3
esP/Long term storage of data12/Research and Innovation ServicesO/Research Suppo
rt Officer2/No2/No3/YesE/Yes  once only1/ L/Data Management Plans8F/Data managem
ent plans now form an essential part of funding applications (for the likes of E
SRC etc) and it is becoming essential that we can advise academics on what is  r
equired for these parts of the application (for example  some standard statement
s r1/ 1/ BD/2/2/3/3/6/2/4/4/3/3/5/2/4/5/5/1/ 2/2/2/2/5/2/2/No2/No2/No2/No3/Yes2/
No2/2/2/2/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/*.2/2/2/2/No2/No2/No2/No3/Yes1/ 7/Library1H/Strategi
c perspective on data management issues3/Yes2/No2/NoM/Yes  between 2-5 times1/ L
/Data Management Plans45/Planning is an area where the Library can act in an adv
ice capacity and it would be useful to know exemplars and requirements1/ 1/ 9S/3
/3/3/6/2/2/4/3/4/4/3/2/2/1/1/1/ 3/3/3/5/2/2/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes4/3/4/
4/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/3/3/2/1/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/ 7/Library1/ 3/Yes3/Y
es2/NoE/Yes  once only1/ L/Data Management Plans1/ 1/ 1/ 8I/3/3/5/2/5/1/1/1/3/3/
2/1/1/1/5/1/ 3/3/5/2/B39/1/2/No3/Yes3/Yes2/No3/Yes2/No2/2/5/3/2/No2/No3/Yes2/No2
/2/2/2/2/3/Yes2/No3/Yes2/No3/Yes1/ 7/Library1/ 2/No2/No3/YesE/Yes  once only1/ L
/Data Management Plans1/ 1/ 1/ 2N7/6/6/6/6/5/4/6/6/5/6/6/6/5/4/4/1/ 4/4/5/5/5/5/
s3/Yes3/Yes29/1)Research Data Storage options|2)Data Access Management and Shari
ng|7/Library1/ 2/No2/No3/Yes2/No1/ 12/Making data available for re-use1/ 1/ 1/ 1
QH/1/1/3/2/3/2/1/1/1/1/1/2/1/1/2/8F/training on version control for file names -
 would be helpful for so many parts of what we do||training on ethical issues of
 using research data  to assist with supporting ethics committees||training on a
greements for licensing data for re-use - queries o1/1/6/6/5/7/2/No2/No3/Yes3/Ye
s3/Yes3/Yes1/1/1/1/2/No2/No2/No2/No1/4/1/1/2/2/No3/Yes2/No2/No3/Yes34/guidance o
n use of data post-award. My role is entirely focussed on pre-award research sup
port12/Research and Innovation ServicesO/Research Support Officer2/No3/Yes2/NoM/
Yes  between 2-5 times1/ L/Data Management Plans3R/Part of pre-award bid support
.||Second on the list would be ethics issues as we service the faculty ethics co
mmittees1/ 8F/Recurring issue in ethics committee is where and how to store cons
ent forms. A particular query is who is respondible for collating and storing co
nsent forms  and should they be electronic or hard copy - would be useful to hav
e these issues included in th1K6/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/3/3/1/1/1/1/1/1/ 5/5/6/5/6/5/2/
No2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No5/3/5/5/2/No2/No2/No2/No5/4/5/3/4/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No1/ 7
/LibraryH/Liaison librarian2/No2/No3/Yes2/No64/From the communication channels I
 have access to  coupled with the fact that no researchers have approached me fo
r information it appears WSA is not actively engaging in this currentlyL/Other  
please specify1/ 51/I feel I would need to understand what RDM means the area I 
support before tackling the specifics. Interestingly a one day course is being r
un on this.1/ C5/7/7/4/6/3/3/5/4/3/3/3/2/2/2/2/1/ 7/7/5/6/3/3/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/
No3/Yes5/5/5/5/2/No2/No2/No2/No5/5/5/5/5/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No1/ 12/Research and 
Innovation ServicesO/Research Support Officer2/No2/No3/YesM/Yes  between 2-5 tim
es1/ 10/Legal issues and research data1/ 1/ 1/ HN/5/4/4/5/3/2/3/3/4/4/4/2/2/2/2/
1/ 5/4/5/3/3/3/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No2/No4/3/3/3/2/No2/No2/No2/No3/3/3/3/3/2/No2/N
o2/No2/No2/No1/ 7/Library9/librarian2/No2/No3/Yes2/No1/ 10/Legal issues and rese
arch data1/ 1/ 1/ F9/2/2/4/5/3/1/1/1/1/1/3/2/1/1/1/1/ 4/*.7/7/6/4/2/No2/No3/Yes3
/Yes3/Yes3/Yes2/3/2/2/2/No2/No2/No2/No2/3/3/3/4/2/No2/No2/No2/No3/Yes1/ 12/Resea
rch and Innovation Services21/Support on contracts  bid applications to funders 
and ethics.2/No3/Yes2/NoE/Yes  once only1/ 17/Funder requirements for research d
ata1H/May afffect our ability to apply in the future.1/ 1/ 4C/1/1/2/3/1/1/1/1/1/
1/1/1/1/1/1/1/ 1/1/1/6/1/1/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/1/1/1/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes
3/Yes1/1/1/1/1/3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes3/Yes1/ 12/Research and Innovation Services11
/Senior Research Support Officer2/No2/No3/YesM/Yes  more than 5 times1/ 17/Funde
r requirements for research data1/ 1/ 1/ JF/1/2/3/3/3/1/1/1/1/1/2/2/1/1/2/1/ 2/2
/Yes2/No3/Yes3/Yes1/ 12/Research and Innovation ServicesO/Research Support Offic
er2/No2/No3/YesM/Yes  between 2-5 times1/ 17/Funder requirements for research da