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Role of the Indian Ocean on the southern oscillation, atmospheric circulation indices and monsoon rainfall over India

Role of the Indian Ocean on the southern oscillation, atmospheric circulation indices and monsoon rainfall over India
Role of the Indian Ocean on the southern oscillation, atmospheric circulation indices and monsoon rainfall over India
The relationship between the sea surface temperature (SST) in a small region (0-5 N; 80-85 E) in the Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean and Indian monsoon rainfall and monsoon Indices (M1, U200) has been examined. The role of SSTA in the Southern Oscillation and ENSO is also examined. Indian monsoon rainfall is strongly and positively correlated with the SST of November month (0.77; statistically significant at 99% level) of the preceding calendar year. Monsoon indices (M1, U200) are strongly correlated (0.70 and -0.76) with the February SST of the previous year. Summer OLR anomaly field over south Indian Ocean is negatively and strongly (-0.68) correlated with January SST of the previous calendar year. OLR anomalies over south Asian and North African sectors are strongly correlated with the November SST of the previous year. The influence of SST anomalies in the study area on SOI is seen at a lag of 25 months. A sharp fall in SST from September to December in the Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean is noticed several months before the mature phase of ENSO. The study indicates that the remote forcing from the SST in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean is playing an important role in the ocean-atmosphere coupling over Pacific and north Australia Indonesia regions, through the eastward propagating low frequency convective systems and the Walker circulation in the zonal wind field
Sadhuram, Y.
Wells, N.C.
Sadhuram, Y.
Wells, N.C.

Sadhuram, Y. and Wells, N.C. (1999) Role of the Indian Ocean on the southern oscillation, atmospheric circulation indices and monsoon rainfall over India. Global Atmosphere-Ocean System, 7, 47-72.

Record type: Article


The relationship between the sea surface temperature (SST) in a small region (0-5 N; 80-85 E) in the Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean and Indian monsoon rainfall and monsoon Indices (M1, U200) has been examined. The role of SSTA in the Southern Oscillation and ENSO is also examined. Indian monsoon rainfall is strongly and positively correlated with the SST of November month (0.77; statistically significant at 99% level) of the preceding calendar year. Monsoon indices (M1, U200) are strongly correlated (0.70 and -0.76) with the February SST of the previous year. Summer OLR anomaly field over south Indian Ocean is negatively and strongly (-0.68) correlated with January SST of the previous calendar year. OLR anomalies over south Asian and North African sectors are strongly correlated with the November SST of the previous year. The influence of SST anomalies in the study area on SOI is seen at a lag of 25 months. A sharp fall in SST from September to December in the Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean is noticed several months before the mature phase of ENSO. The study indicates that the remote forcing from the SST in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean is playing an important role in the ocean-atmosphere coupling over Pacific and north Australia Indonesia regions, through the eastward propagating low frequency convective systems and the Walker circulation in the zonal wind field

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Published date: 1999
Organisations: Physical Oceanography


Local EPrints ID: 360522
ISSN: 1023-6732
PURE UUID: 9307f848-456c-420f-9f4e-0c1fd84a8929

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Date deposited: 11 Dec 2013 17:08
Last modified: 09 Jan 2022 07:12

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Author: Y. Sadhuram
Author: N.C. Wells

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