Memorandum from Professor Rob Merkin,
Professor of Commercial Law, University of Southampton
1.1 The Third Parties (Rights against Insurers)
Act 1930 was passed in tandem with the Road Traffic Act 1930,
the latter for the first time making motor liability insurance
compulsory in the UK. The purpose of the former was to ensure
that the injured victim of a negligent driver, whose claim would
almost certainly render the negligent driver insolvent, would
not be in the position that his claim generated sums which would
simply go into the bankrupt's estate so that he would at best
obtain a share of them: that was the position at common law (Hood's
Trustees v Southern Union [1928] Ch 793; Re Harrington
Motor Co [1928] Ch 105). The 1930 Act, a very short measure,
provided that if the victim had obtained judgment against the
wrongdoer, which had not been satisfied, then the victim could
enforce that judgment against the insurers. The Road Traffic Act
1934 created a specific right of this type in motor insurance
(which still exists), and since that date the 1930 Act has operated
to support other forms of compulsory and voluntary liability insurance.
It has proved to be particularly significant in employment personal
injury claims, where insurance has since 1972 been compulsory
but the regime is far less impressive than that which applies
to motor accidents under what is now the Road Traffic Act 1988.
But for the 1930 Act many asbestos victims would have gone uncompensated.
1.2 The 1930 Act has proved to have many
deficiencies, and the most blatant of themthe inability
of an injured victim to bring an action against a defunct company
so as to provide the trigger for a claim against its liability
insurers (exposed in Bradley v Eagle Star [1989] 2 WLR
568)was commendably reversed with retroactive effect by
the Companies Act 1989 which provided a mechanism for the revival
of defunct companies. There have been other minor amendments to
deal with new forms of insolvency and the statutory creation of
limited liability partnerships. The measure for the first time
attracted the attention of the Law Commissions when it was preparing
the report which led to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)
Act 1999, and the deficiencies of the 1930 Act led the Law Commissions
to produce their 2001 Reports and Draft Bill (Law Commission No
272; Scottish Law Commission No 184).
1.3 Following the publication of those Reports,
a series of cases involving the 1930 Act were decided by the English
courts, and something of a sea-change in attitude is evidenced
in the decisions: a number of the Law Commissions' recommendations
were, in other ways, effectively implemented by the courts. The
judicial revisions were ad hoc and imperfect, and there remains
a clear need for the implementation of the Law Commissions' recommendations.
1.4 The 2009 Bill is a little different
in structure from that drafted in 2001, but remains faithful to
most of the drafting of the original. It should be stressed that
there is no general dispute that a reformed 1930 Act is essential:
equivalent measures exist in most, if not all, common law jurisdictions,
and in many of those jurisdictions the 1930 Act has been adopted
as a model but with modifications making it more effective. There
is some room for dispute as to whether the 2009 Bill goes far
enough in all respects, but no room for dispute that the measure
should go ahead. In my opinion the Bill is fit for purpose, and
I have only very minor suggestions for its improvement.
1.5 The 1930 Act works on the basis that
if a third party has established and quantified the liability
of the insured, and the insured is or becomes insolvent, the third
party is given a direct claim against the insured's liability
insurer. The third party has no rights against the insurers in
advance of the insured becoming insolvent, so that the Act by
its terms does not countenance the possibility of the insured
obtaining information about the policy from the insurers in advance
of the claim against the insured being established and quantified,
and it also does not set out any mechanism by which the third
party can establish whether or not the insurers are liable to
satisfy any judgment that the third party might obtain against
the insured. To overcome these deficiencies, the courts have developed
the idea that a third party pursuing an insolvent insured has
"contingent" rights against the insurer as soon as the
insured becomes insolvent (Cox v Bankside [1995] 2 Lloyd's
Rep 437; Spriggs v Wessington [2005] Lloyd's Rep IR 474;
Re T & N (No 4) [2006] EWHC 1447 (Ch)). Those contingent rights
give the third party the right to obtain insurance information
in advance of any judgment against the insured (Re OT Computers
[2004] EWCA Civ 653), the right to prevent the insurer from varying
the terms of the policy once the insured has become insolvent
(Centre Reinsurance International v Freakley [2005] EWCA
Civ 105), to be joined to any proceedings in which the insurer
seeks a declaration of non-liability under the policy (Chubb
Insurance v Davies [2005] Lloyd's Rep IR 1) and, arguably,
the right to seek declaratory relief at an early stage. The 2009
Bill provides for the same form of transfer of rights following
the insolvency of the insured, but removes much of the need for
the "contingent rights" fiction, by expressly conferring
upon the third party the right to obtain information and declaratory
relief in advance of insolvency. However, there is nothing in
the Bill which is inconsistent with the contingent rights principle,
and it may prove to be important in some of the situations outlined
in this paragraph.
2.1 The Bill preserves the two key uses
of the 1930 Act. The first is the right of a third party who wishes
to pursue an insolvent insured, to turn to the insured's insurer
once a judgment has been obtained. The second is the ability of
the third party to use the 1930 Act as a method of enforcing a
judgment against a solvent insured. The third party can bring
an action against the insured, obtain a judgment and, if it is
not satisfied, then insolvency proceedings can be initiated against
the insured, thereby giving TP direct access to the insured's
liability insurer.
2.2 Under clause 1(1) there is a transfer
of rights if "a relevant person" (RP): (a) incurs liability
against which there is insurance; or (b) an insured person having
incurred liability becomes a "RP". The concept of "RP"
is defined in clauses 4 to 7, and in essence means a person who
has become subject to an insolvency procedure (referred to for
convenience in what follows, as having become insolvent). So clause
1(2) has the effect that if a person is insolvent and has incurred
liability, or has incurred liability and then becomes insolvent
(probably because he has been made the subject of insolvency proceedings
by the third party (TP)), there is a transfer of the RP's rights
to the person to whom liability was incurred (TP) and a direct
action can be brought against RP's insurer.
2.3 Under clause 1(3), TP can bring proceedings
in respect of transferred rights against the insurers without
having established and quantified RP's liability, but TP cannot
enforce those rights without having established and quantified
that liability. The insured's liability can be established or
quantified, under clause 1(4) by: obtaining a judgment against
the insured; obtaining an arbitration award against the insured;
entering into a settlement with the insured (although a settlement
can ultimately be challenged by the insurer on the ground that
it is not in full or in part made on the basis of legal liability);
or obtaining a declaration to that effect under clause 2. This
is at the heart of the Bill. Under the 1930 Act, TP has to establish
and quantify the insured's liability, and then show that the insured
is insolvent, as a precondition to bringing an action against
the insurer under the policy: an immediate action against the
insurer pending the determination of the insured's liability is
not possible (Post Office v Norwich Union [1967] 1 All
ER 577). Under the Bill, once there is insolvency, TP can turn
his attention to the insurer in order to establish the insurer's
liability, but he cannot actually enforce the insured's rights
until he has established and quantified RP's liability. He may
do this by separate proceedings against the insured, or, more
likely, by seeking a declaration as to the insured's liability
in the same proceedings as have been brought to establish the
insurer's liability under the policy. In practice, therefore,
once the insured has become insolvent, TP will seek to establish
and quantify the insured's liability to TP as a matter of law,
and to establish liability under the policy, in a single set of
2.4 It has been held under the 1930 Act
that a TP who obtains a judgment on liability against the insured,
with damages to be assessed, can obtain an interim award from
the insurer under the Civil Procedure Rules Part 23. It is not
clear whether the Bill preserves this position.
2.5 Clause 8 is concerned with the case
in which the insured's liability to TP is less than the amount
of the liability of the insurer to the insured, eg, because the
policy covers defence costs. Clause 8 provides that the transfer
of rights to TP is only for the former amount.
3.1 The Bill applies only if the insured
has become a RP by becoming subject to one or other insolvency
provision. A good deal of consultation has taken place to make
sure that the list of statutory insolvency procedures is exhaustive.
Most significantly, the Bill has been extended to individual voluntary
arrangements, a lacuna under the 1930 Act (Re Greenfield
1998, unreported). The Bill does not cover contractual insolvencies,
as where a receiver is appointed under a floating charge following
the occurrence of an event which causes the floating charge to
crystallise. The need for change here was considered but rejected
by the Law Commission, on the basis that neither TP nor the insurers
would be aware of crystallisation.
3.2 As regards individuals, clause 4(1)
lists the relevant insolvency procedures. The clause does not
deal with a discharged bankrupt, as the clause is limited to the
situation in which a bankruptcy order is "in force".
However, the position of a discharged bankrupt was dealt with
by the Court of Appeal in Law Society v Shah [2007] EWHC
2841 (Comm), it there being held that if a bankrupt has been discharged
then the claim against him is not extinguished but simply becomes
unenforceable against him, so that it remains open to TP to establish
and quantify the liability of a discharged bankrupt for the purpose
of obtaining judgment against the bankrupt's insurer. In the light
of this decision the Law Commissions' original Bill, which referred
to discharged bankrupts, has been modified. A deceased insured
is to be treated in the same way as a live one (clause 5).
3.3 As regards legal persons (both companies
and partnerships), clause 6(1)-(2) lists the relevant insolvency
procedures. Clause 6(1)(a) is concerned with arrangements with
creditors: the company remains the RP until its liabilities are
transferred, at which point the transferee becomes the RP (clause
6(5)). As far as a company is concerned, clause 6(1)(b) provides
that if the company has been dissolved and not restored to the
register, it remains a RP. The effect is that proceedings can
be initiated against a dissolved company's insurer in order to
establish its liability (under clause 2(2)(b) without the need
to apply to the court for the restoration of the company to the
register, as is required under the existing law.
4.1 The Bill applies only to rights under
a contract of insurance (clause 1(5)). This term is not defined,
but it may be assumed that it encompasses P&I Club rules which
technically do not qualify as contracts of insurance to the extent
that the Club does not undertaken any legal liability to pay but
rather merely has a discretion to do so.
4.2 The Bill does not apply to reinsurance
(clause 15, continuing the policy of the 1930 Act). The clause
may give rise to problems in a very small number of cases, as
it is not always clear whether an insurer's liability has arisen
under a contract of insurance or under some other form of arrangement
(eg, a captive insurer, a bond or an extended consumer warrantythe
latter was discussed inconclusively in Re OT Computers
[2004] EWCA Civ 653). These issues are quite properly left to
be resolved as and when they arise.
4.3 However, under clause 16, the Bill does
apply to a liability whether or not voluntarily incurred. The
purpose is to catch liability only in contract as well as liability
in tort. Most liability policies do not extend to liabilities
voluntarily incurred, unless there is a parallel tortious action,
but the Bill brings such claims within its scope where the policy
covers them. The provision codifies the decision of the Court
of Appeal in Re OT Computers [2004] EWCA Civ 653, which
extended the 1930 Act to legal expenses incurred under contract.
It may be noted that at the time of the Law Commissions' Reports
the 1930 Act was thought not to cover voluntarily incurred liabilities
(Tarbuck v Avon Insurance [2002] Lloyd's Rep IR 393), a
decision which the Law Commissions thought should be reversed.
The Court of Appeal in Re OT Computers did just that, anticipating
the 2009 Bill.
5.1 Where the insured's rights have been
transferred to TP, clause 14(1) prevents TP from enforcing his
claim against the insured itself insofar as the claim is covered
by insurance. The claim has to be brought against the insurer
for the insured sum, and a claim against the insured remains only
in respect of uninsured sums. Thus the assured can proceed against
the insured only for the amount of any deductible under the policy
and also in respect of the amount by which liability exceeds the
amount of the insurer's liability (clause 14(6)(b)). If there
is some arrangement with creditors, then clause 14(2)-(3) take
the insured sums outside those arrangements and confer upon TP
a prior claim on the policy moneys.
5.2 If the insurer has insufficient funds
to meet a claim, TP may also proceed against the insured for the
relevant sum (clause 14(6)(a)) but under clause 14(7) only to
the extent that TP's claim is not protected by the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme (which applies when an insurer becomes unable
to pay claims).
6.1 A person (P) who claims that rights
have been transferred to him under a contract of insurance but
who has not yet established and quantified the insured's liability,
has the right to seek declaratory relief: clause 2(1), (6) and
(8). The clause refers to an "insured" rather than to
a "relevant person", to distinguish between an insured
who has become insolvent and one who has not, thereby making the
point that clause 2 is triggered by a mere claim that the insured
has become insolvent. In the same way, it is to be assumed that
clause 2 refers to P rather than TP, because a TP is a person
who has established that rights have been transferred to him.
6.2 P is entitled to seek a declaration
in respect of: (a) the liability of the insured to P; or (b) the
insurer's potential liability to P (clause 2(2)). Clause 2(2)(a)
is concerned with the validity of P's claim against the insured,
and clause 2(2)(b) is concerned with whether the insured has become
insolvent (failing which there cannot be a transfer) and whether
there is liability under the policy (see clause 2(11)). The effect
is that the liability of the insured, and the liability of the
insurers, can be resolved in a single set of proceedings. Clause
2(6) allows the court to give an "appropriate judgment"
in conjunction with a declaration, which will generally mean a
money judgment. All of this means that there is no longer a need
for the insured to initiate separate preliminary proceedings to
resurrect a defunct insured's company in order to attempt to establish
and quantify its liability so that the claim can be pressed against
the company's insurer and can lead to judgment.
6.3 The right to a declaration (the court
has no power to refuse) is, under clause 2(3), subject to any
defence on which the insurer may rely, In relation to (a) the
defence will be in respect of the substantive claim or its quantum,
and in relation to (b) it will be the absence of the insured's
insolvency or a defence under the policy. These points are amplified
later in the clause. If declarations under both heads are sought,
the insurer may be faced by the possibility of being forced to
run conflicting defences. An example may be a product liability
matter, where the defence to the claim by P against the insured
is that the product was not defective, and the defence to the
claim by the insured under the policy is that the defect in question
is excluded by the policy wording. In such a case the insurer
is perfectly entitled to run alternative defences.
6.5 If a declaration is sought against the
insurer in respect of the insured's liability to P under clause
2(2)(a), then clause 2(4) states that the insurer can rely upon
any defence that would have been open to it in proceedings brought
against the insured. However, clause 2(5) provides that this is
subject to clause 12. Clause 12(1) applies to the situation in
which P has commenced proceedings against the insured within the
limitation period applicable to the claim (the statutory limitation
period for a claim in contract or tort, as the case may be) and
the claim has not been resolved (clause 12(3)), but the limitation
period has expired in the course of those proceedings. In such
a case, clause 12(2) provides that the insurer cannot rely upon
the expiry of the limitation period to defeat a further action
by P against the insurer to seek a declaration as to the liability
of the insured to P.
6.6 Clause 2(9) provides that the insured
can be made a defendant to the proceedings, which may have procedural
advantages in respect of evidence and documents, and joinder also
only binds the insured of there is joinder (clause 2(10)) which
may be useful if the declaration relates to the insured's liability
to P but there is loss outwith the policy. If the insured is a
company which has been dissolved and not restored to the register,
there is no need for P to apply to have the company restored to
the register so that it can be joined to the proceedings. The
action against the insurers can simply go ahead (by way of contrast
to the present position). It is possible to contemplate the situation
in which TP's claim against the insured arises under a contract
containing an arbitration clause, or is a claim in tort which
is nevertheless subject to arbitration, or which has become the
subject of an ad hoc submission to arbitration once the dispute
has arisen. If a direct claim is brought against the insurer for
a declaration that the insured is liable to TP, the arbitration
clause is irrelevant because the insurer is not a party to the
arbitration clause. However, if TP has a residual claim against
the insured, or for procedural reasons wishes to join the insured,
the arbitration clause presents a potential bar to such joinder.
The Bill does not reconcile this conflict.
6.7 If a declaration is sought in respect
of the insurer's liability under the policy, in accordance with
clause 2(2)(b), he will have to do so within the limitation period,
namely, six years from the date on which the insured's liability
has been established and quantified. The Bill does not permit
the insured to be joined to the proceedings if clause 2(2)(b)
is the sole ground of application: I wonder whether there may
be situations in which it would be useful to join the insured,
so that all policy issues can be resolved in a single set of proceedings.
As I understand it, CPR is to be amended to permit the insured
to seek to be joined as co-defendant.
6.8 If the policy contains an arbitration
clause, the position under the 1930 Act and also the Bill is that
P is also bound by it (Freshwater v Western Australia Insurance
[1933] 1 KB 515). By clause 2(7) (which is clumsily drafted),
at the same time as P seeks a declaration from the arbitrators
as to the scope of the policy, he may also seek a declaration
as to the insured's liability to P. The Law Commissions discussed
this matter and concluded that such an approach was necessary
to preserve the integrity of the arbitration. I am not sure about
the wisdom of this. The arbitrator may be an expert on insurance
law, but mayat P's optionbe faced with quite separate
issues arising under, eg, a construction contract, alleged breach
of a copyright licence leading to allegations of infringement,
or a personal injury claim. Again, the tribunal may be appropriately
constituted for an insurance dispute (a legally qualified chairman
and two market "wingmen" is typical), but a three-arbitrator
tribunal may be wholly inappropriate for the liability matter
in question. The insured, through its insurers, may find himself
defending an arbitration in the absence of any arbitration agreement
(particularly ifand this is not clearclause 2(9)
permits the insured to be joined the proceedings where the arbitrator
is asked to deal with clause 2(2)(a) issues). Also, there may
be aspects of the arbitration agreement which are inappropriate
to a hearing on liability, eg, an agreement to exclude judicial
review for error of law under section 69 of the Arbitration Act
1996. Finally, an arbitration clause is unenforceable in a consumer
contract, but P may be a consumer who could not as a matter of
law be required to pursue his dispute in arbitration: the Bill
removes that protection.
6.9 The Bill does not deal with the situation
in which the insurer takes pre-emptive action in advance of any
judgment in favour of P against the insured, and seeks a declaration
that it is not under any liability for any claim which may be
made by P against the insured. Chubb Insurance v Davies
[2005] Lloyd's Rep IR 1 recognises the right of P to be joined
to such proceedings, in order to prevent a default judgment where
the insured has no interest in defending them. Presumably this
right is retained where the insured has, or where P asserts that
the insured has, become insolvent.
7.1 A major problem with the 1930 Act has
proved to be non-compliance with claims conditions. There are
numerous cases in which the insured has failed to give required
information to the insurer in respect of a third party claim,
often because the insured has become insolvent and has no interest
in whether or not the claim is defended, and the insurer has been
able to rely upon a breach of the claims condition. The only weapon
open to the courts in this situation is to construe the claims
condition as one which does not make compliance a condition precedent
to liability, so that breach does not give a defence to a claim.
Clause 9 is concerned in general with conditions imposed upon
the insured's own rights under the policy (and also other conditions,
although it is not clear what is caught by this category). The
(unstated) basic rule is that TP has no better rights than the
assured, but there are three modifications to this principle in
respect of claims information.
7.2 The first is that if TP satisfies the
condition, then it cannot be relied upon (clause 9(2)). Some conditions
require personal performance, so this provision is needed.
7.3 The second is that any condition which
requires the insured to provide information or assistance to the
insurer is to be disregarded where the insured cannot comply because
it is a dissolved corporation or a deceased individual (clause
9(3)). This would typically be the case under an occurrence or
events policy which relates to an exposure or injury affecting
TP occurring years in the past, and in respect of which a claim
is made by TP at a much later date (clause 9(3)).
7.4 The third is that, although any condition
requiring the insured to provide information or assistance to
the insurers remains in force insofar as the insured has not died
or been dissolved, that condition is ineffective insofar as it
requires the insured to notify a claim to the insurer (clause
7.5 The effect of all of this is as follows.
7.6 Take, first, a claims made liability
policy. This will typically state that coverage for a policy year
is triggered if either: (a) the insured notified to the insurer
within the currency of the policy (and as soon as is reasonably
practicable) any circumstances which may give rise to a claimany
later claim is then deemed to have been made in the policy year;
or (b) a claim is actually made against the insured in the policy
year. Nothing in the Bill prevents the insurer from denying liability
for circumstances arising in the currency of the policy if those
circumstances have not been notified. This will not matter if
a claim arising out of those circumstances is subsequently made
against the insured in the policy year, because the insured can
rely upon (b) and cover is provided by reason of the claim and
there is authority for the proposition that (a) and (b) are distinct
heads of cover so that a breach of (a) does not prevent recovery
under (b). However, it will matter if the claim against the assured
is not made until a later year, because a later year's policy
may exclude claims arising out of circumstances that could have
been notified under an earlier policy. So, where notifiable circumstances
have not been notified under an earlier year, a later policy may
not respond to the actual claim made against the insured and there
is nothing that TP can do about it. One possibility might be to
prevent an insurer from relying on this type of clause if an insolvent
insured has failed to notify circumstances in an earlier year.
If, however, a claim under (b) has been made against the insured,
and it is not notified, then clause 9(4) in effect wipes out the
obligation to notify the claim. A claims made cover is, therefore,
likely to be preserved only in the absence of circumstances notifiable
under a previous policy year. Once a claim has been notified,
the insured will be under a duty to co-operate with the insurer
in defending the claim, by providing information and documents.
The Bill allows the insurer to rely upon a condition precedent
to recovery in the case of breach, although the Bill operates
on the assumption (which is not necessarily accurate) that TP
will, having exercised rights to obtain insurance information,
be aware of the problem and will itself co-operate so as to bring
itself within clause 9(2).
7.7 Alternatively, the policy may be in
exposure or injury form, thereby imposing long-tail cover on the
insurer. The issues are slightly different, in that the insurer's
obligation to indemnify does not rest upon a claim being made
but upon an exposure or injury having taken place. Nevertheless,
there will be a notification clause, and it is only notification
of the claim itself that is protected, by clause 9(4). Thereafter,
TP has obtain the necessary insurance information as soon as possible
and then to act so as to bring itself within clause 9(2). Clause
9 is thus of limited effect.
7.8 In some situations, the relevant information
is provided by the insured to a broker, and the broker fails to
communicate the information to the insurer. Plainly the insured
has a claim against the broker in such a case, but it is far from
obvious that the broker owes a duty of care to TP, and it is only
rights under the policyas opposed to claims against othersthat
are transferred under the Bill. This issue is outside the scope
of the Bill.
8.1 P&I Club rules are written on a
"pay to be paid" basis, so that the insured cannot recover
from the insurer unless and until it has paid TP. Such clauses
have been upheld under the 1930 Act (The Fanti and the Padre
Island [1990] 2 All ER 705), with the effect that TP can rely
upon a direct claim against the insurer only in the case where
such a claim is not needed, ie where TP has been paid. Clause
9(5) retains that position generally, but clause 9(6) lays down
an exception in the case of a marine policy where the claim is
one for death or personal injury: in such a case pre-payment is
not an enforceable requirement. Pay to be paid provisions are
rarely (and possibly never) found outside P&I Club rules,
so confining the exception to marine insurance is not problematic.
A distinction is nevertheless drawn between personal injury claims
and other claims, eg, cargo losses, collision liabilities, pollution
liabilities and other risks covered by P&I Clubs. This may
cause a difficulty where insurance is compulsory under international
maritime conventions, although those conventions for the most
part contain their own direct action rules. Clause 19 could be
utilised for this purpose if necessary.
9.1 Clause 10 is concerned with unpaid premiums
or other sums due to the insurer under the policy. Clause 10 provides
that if the insurer possesses a right of set-off, then that can
be enforced against TP. This codifies the position under the 1930
Act: Cox v Bankside [1995] 2 Lloyd's Rep 435. It is to
be noted that clause 10 does not permit the insurer to exercise
anything other than contractual set-off in respect of the "policy":
that means that there is no set-off of sums payable by the insured
under separate contracts, or indeed under earlier years of cover
in respect of which the premium remains outstanding. It is also
to be noted that the Bill does not rescue TP if the payment of
premiums is not simply a debt obligation but rather is a condition
precedent to the inception or continuation of cover (or even,
in marine cases, a warranty). It is only where non-payment has
no impact on cover but merely creates a debt that clause 10 is
of assistance. Any modification of the Bill to override payment
conditions would, however, contravene the principle that TP has
no better rights than the insured.
10.1 Other policy conditions, eg, warranties,
fraudulent claims, compliance with statutory obligations and the
like are unaffected by the Bill. This is the position under the
1930 Act (see, eg, Cleland v London General (1935) 51 Ll
LR 156). The principle remains that TP is no better position than
the insured would have been, unless TP is himself in a position
to remedy the breach under clause 9(2). Equally, under a P&I
Club or other mutual policy, the only right of the insured is
to have a claim fairly and properly considered, so that TP has
the same right and not an absolute right to be paid (see CVG
Siderugicia v London Steamship Owners' Mutual [1979] 1 Lloyd's
Rep 557). This is probably a sensible compromise.
10.2 One unresolved issue under the 1930
Act is whether a public policy defence open to the insurer against
the insured can be pressed against TP. It has been suggested that
if the insurer's defence is based upon, eg, the criminality of
the insured's act which gave rise to liability, that criminality
is merely a personal bar which does not prevent a valid claim
from being transferred (Total Graphics v AGF [1997] 1 Lloyd's
Rep 559). It may be thought that the Bill does not affect this
reasoning: if the policy is construed as providing a defence only
against the insured personally, then there are valid rights to
be transferred if the claim is brought by TP.
11.1 The limitation period applicable to
a claim by the insured against his liability insurers starts to
run from the date on which the insured's liability has been established
and quantified by judgment, award or settlement. So the insured
has six years from that date to bring his claim. If TP has established
and quantified the insured's liability, and commences direct proceedings
against the insurers under the Bill, the limitation period for
TP's claim is not to be any different. So the claim has to be
brought against the insurers within the insured's limitation period.
11.2 This gives rise to a problem where
the insured has himself commenced proceedings against the insurers
within the limitation period and thenin the course of the
proceedings and after the expiry of the limitation periodhas
become insolvent and thus a RP. Prior to the insured becoming
insolvent there are no rights under the Bill, so there is no possibility
of a direct action until insolvency occurs. However, following
the insured's insolvency, TP cannot commence a fresh action because
he is time-barred. So he can keep within the limitation period
only if the Bill transfers to him the right to take over the insured's
proceedings against the insurers. However, the Bill does not achieve
that: it merely transfers rights "under the contract"
(clause 1(2)). It would seem therefore that the third party must
take steps to enforce his judgment, award or settlement against
the insured within six years, so that if the insured defaults
an insolvency procedure can be initiated and a direct claim can
be brought by TP against the insurers.
11.3 There is a procedural solution under
CPR 19.4, which permits one party to be substituted for another
even after the expiry of the limitation period, so in effect the
proceedings may be transferred from the insured to TP and the
limitation position is preserved. But the CPR does not apply to
arbitration. So the rights of TP could be defeated if the insurance
contains an arbitration clause. There is complex case law on this
point, and it remains unresolved. The Felicie [1990] 2
Lloyd's Rep 21 holds that fresh arbitration proceedings have to
be commenced (so that any limitation period has to be satisfied),
although it has since been assumed in cases not involving the
1930 Actnotably Baytur v Finagro [1991] 4 All ER
129that existing arbitration proceedings can be assigned.
12.1 Clause 17 negatives any policy term
which directly or indirectly avoids or terminates a policy, or
alters the rights of the insured, in the event that the insured
becomes a RP (ie, becomes insolvent) or an individual dies insolvent.
This reflects the 1930 Act. It was held in The Fanti and the
Padre Island [1990] 2 All ER 705 that a "pay to be paid"
clause was unaffected because it did not alter the insured's legal
(as opposed to practical) rights on insolvency: the insured's
rights were always the same, solvent or insolvent, namely to pay
in order to be paid. This provision is to be construed in the
same fashion.
12.2 The Bill does not cover the issue of
changes in the insured's rights prior to his insolvency. This
point may arise in two ways. First, the policy may provide for
a variation of the insured's rights in given circumstances which
do not amount to a statutory insolvency covered by clause 4 of
the Bill: this possibility was left open in Centre Reinsurance
v Freakley [2005] EWCA Civ 105. The second is that the insurer
and the insured may enter into a settlement contract in respect
of the claim before the insured has become insolvent. The 1930
Act does not preclude any such settlement (Normid Housing v
Ralphs [1989] 1 Lloyd's Rep 265), at least in the absence
of proof of conspiracy (alleged but not proved in Rowe v Kenway
(1921) 8 Ll LR 225). This may give rise to a problem where an
insured employer enters into a commutation agreement in respect
of all future claims arising out of, eg, asbestos exposures (where
the policy covers year of exposure), injuries (where the policy
covers year of injury) or claim (if the policy is claims made).
Future claimants may find that there is only a limited sum available
to pay all claims (as in Re T&N Ltd (No 4) [2006] EWHC
1447 (Ch).
13.1 A major weakness with the 1930 Act
is its failure to make proper provision for TP to obtain insurance
information before launching a claim against the insured: if insurance
is not in place, of limited value or for one or other reason unenforceable,
then an action is simply a waste of time and money. The cases
on the 1930 Act initially deprived TP of any right to information,
and although that lacuna was remedied by the Court of Appeal in
Re OT Computers [2004] EWCA Civ 653, the actual method
for obtaining information has remained unresolved. Clause 11 of,
and schedule 1 to, the Bill, deal with this matter in some detail.
However, they appear not to achieve their intended purpose
13.2 The right to obtain insurance information
arises where A reasonably believes that B has incurred liability
to A and also reasonably believes that A is a RP (ie, is insolvent).
In that case (para 1(1)) A may give notice to B requesting the
insurance information set out in para 1(3)). That information
will allow A to determine whether there is a policy in force and,
if so, what and how much it covers. If the request for disclosure
is not complied with, an application can be made to the court
for an order, under para 2(3). There are two potential weaknesses
with this provision. The first is that the insured may refuse
disclosure and is then able to satisfy the court that there is
no insolvency procedure in place: para 2(3) does not say that
the court must make an order, so even if absence of an insolvency
procedure is not a jurisdictional barrier to disclosure, at best
the insured is reliant upon the court exercising its discretion
to order disclosure. The second is that there is no insolvency
procedure in place, and TP is close to certain that the insured
will be unable to satisfy any judgment. However, the Bill does
not in that situation permit TP to seek information under clause
13.3 The only solution under the Bill is
for TP to commence proceedings against the assured and to attempt
to obtain disclosure of insurance information under the CPR. A
further problem arises at the outset, in that the relevant disclosure
provision, CPR 18.1which permits a court to order a party
to clarify any matter in dispute or give any additional information
in relation to such a matterappears not to apply to disclosure
of insurance information. There are conflicting authorities on
the point, with Irwin J in Harcourt v Griffin [2007] EWHC
1500 (QB) adopting a generous view of CPR 18.1, but with David
Steel J in West London Pipeline v Total UK [2008] EWHC 1296
(Comm) taking the opposite approach (albeit with undisguised reluctance).
The latter view, although restrictive, may be thought to be correct
in its analysis that there is no dispute between the insured and
TP as to the insurance, only as to its disclosure. Disclosure
of a policy and related documents may be obtained during the proceedings,
under the disclosure rules in CPR 31, but such disclosure will
not reveal whether the insurer has a potential defence under the
policy. So, the position as it stands is that proceedings against
the insured will have to be initiated and taken to the point of
disclosure, but that will secure only limited information. Once
the insurer has been identified, it will then be possible to seek
information from the insurer (see para 13.5).
13.4 Perhaps para 1(1)(b) should be amended
to read that there is a right to seek information where TP reasonably
believes that the insured will not be able to satisfy any judgment
or award in respect of the claim.
13.5 An alternative right to obtain information
arises under para 1(2) where A reasonably believes that B has
incurred liability to A, that B is insured, that rights have been
transferred to A (ie, that B is insolvent) and that there is another
party, C, (who who may be, for example, an insurer or broker)
possesses the relevant information. In that situation the information
may be requested from C. The difficulty is that A may have no
idea about B's insurance position, and so is unable to trigger
the procedure. In any event, the provision applies only where
B is insolvent, and so cannot be used if A merely suspects that
B may not be able to satisfy a judgment (even if A knows exactly
who the insurers are).
13.6 If a request for disclosure is validly
made, the information to be disclosed is set out in para 1(3)-(4).
Under para 2 the information must be disclosed within 28 days,
failing which a court order may be obtained. Special provision
is made for documents not under the control of C, and for privileged
13.7 In the case of a direct action against
an insurer involving the liability of a defunct company which
has not been restored to the register, that information may be
obtained from an ex-officer or insolvency practitioner (para 3).
Disclosure and inspection then follow (para 4).
13.8 Policy terms which purport to restrict
the right of information are void (para 5). The rights are without
prejudice to whatever other rights of disclosure are available
under the CPR (para 6). As already noted, the CPR is not likely
to be of assistance.
14.1 It was uncertain how the 1930 Act applied
to a case with a foreign element, and in particular whether the
policy had to be governed by English law or whether some other
link was required (see Irish Shipping v Commercial Union
[1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep 144). Clause 18 of the Bill lays down a straightforward
rule, which is that if the insolvency procedure is an English
one then the Bill will apply irrespective of the place in which
liability was incurred, the domicile of the parties, the law applicable
to the policy and the place where payment has to be made. The
rules relating to the jurisdiction of the English courts over
an insolvency are complex in the extreme, although the rules where
an insolvency occurs within the EU at least have been agreed.
14.2 The Brussels Judgments Regulation,
European Parliament and Council Regulation 44/2001, contains rules
for jurisdiction in insurance cases. In general, under article
9, an insurer can be sued in the country of its domicile or in
the country of the insured's domicile Article 11, which deals
with liability insurance, lays down the rule (article 11.2) that
if a direct action is permitted by the law of the forum, article
9 applies. This has been held by the European Court of Justice
to mean that the action can be brought against the insurer in
the country where the injured party is domiciled, if local law
allows a direct action (FBTO Shadverzekerigen NV v Odenbreit
Case C-463/06). The effect of this on the Bill is that if TP is
domiciled in England and the insurer is domiciled in an EU (or
EFTA) country, a claim may be brought by TP against the insurers
in England even though the policy is not governed by English law
and even though the right that TP is trying to enforce against
the insured is not governed by English law.
14.3 It is less clear how jurisdictional
rules apply if either the insurer is not EC-domiciled or TP is
not domiciled in England. That depends upon the English court
possessing jurisdiction under one or more of the grounds in CPR
Practice Direction 6B.
14.4 As regards intra-UK jurisdiction, in
essence the rules in Regulation 44/2001 are applicable in modified
form. However, the matter is put beyond doubt by clause 13, which
allows a TP domiciled in one part of the UK to bring an action
against an insurer domiciled in another part of the UK in the
domicile of either, any contractual provision on jurisdiction
being overridden.
15.1 Where there are competing claims to a limited
fund, the insurance moneys can be allocated pro rata or they can
be allocated on a "first past the post" basis. The 1930
Act operates on the latter basis (Cox v Bankside [1995]
2 Lloyd's Rep 437) and the Bill does not deal with the matter.
This reflects the Law Commissions' decision to preserve the position.
January 2010