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Database: PsycARTICLES
[ Journal Article ]
The impact of significant other expressed emotion on patient outcomes in chronic fatigue syndrome.
Health Psychology, Vol 33(9), Sep 2014, 1092-1101. doi: 10.1037/hea0000086


  1. Objective: Previous literature has identified the importance of interpersonal processes for patient outcomes in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), particularly in the context of significant other relationships. The current study investigated expressed emotion (EE), examining the independent effects of critical comments and emotional overinvolvement (EOI) in association with patient outcomes. Method: Fifty-five patients with CFS/ME and their significant others were recruited from specialist CFS/ME services. Significant other EE status was coded from a modified Camberwell Family Interview. Patient outcomes (fatigue severity, disability, and depression) were derived from questionnaire measures. Forty-four patients (80%) completed follow-up questionnaires 6-months after recruitment. Results: Significant other high-EE categorized by both high levels of critical comments and high EOI was predictive of worse fatigue severity at follow-up. High-critical EE was associated with higher levels of patient depressive symptoms longitudinally; depressive symptoms were observed to mediate the relationship between high critical comments and fatigue severity reported at follow-up. There were higher rates of high-EE in parents than in partners, and this was because of higher rates of EOI in parents. Conclusions: Patients with high-EE significant others demonstrated poorer outcomes at follow-up compared with patients in low-EE dyads. One mechanism for this appears to be as a result of increased patient depression. Future research should seek to further clarify whether the role of interpersonal processes in CFS/ME differs across different patient-significant other relationships. The development of significant other-focused treatment interventions may be particularly beneficial for both patients and significant others. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved)

Full Record Display

Unique Identifier
The impact of significant other expressed emotion on patient outcomes in chronic fatigue syndrome.
Publication Date
Sep 2014
Publication History
  • Accepted: Feb 3 , 2014
  • Revised: Jan 7 , 2014
  • First Submitted: Jun 12 , 2013
Band, Rebecca;Barrowclough, Christine;Wearden, Alison
Band, Rebecca: r.j.band@soton.ac.uk
Correspondence Address
Band, Rebecca: Centre for Applications of Health Psychology, University of Southampton, Shackelton Building, Highfield Campus, Southampton, United Kingdom, SO17 1BJ, r.j.band@soton.ac.uk
Band, Rebecca School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Barrowclough, Christine School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Wearden, Alison School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Health Psychology, Vol 33(9), Sep 2014, 1092-1101.
1930-7810 (Electronic); 0278-6133 (Print)
US: American Psychological Association
Other Publishers
US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Format Covered
Publication Type
Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal
Document Type
Journal Article
Digital Object Identifier
criticism; chronic fatigue syndrome; significant others; expressed emotion; patient outcomes; disability; depression
Index Terms
*Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; *Criticism; *Expressed Emotion; *Significant Others; Depression (Emotion); Disabilities; Treatment Outcomes
Classification Codes
3290 Physical & Somatoform & Psychogenic Disorders; 3300 Health & Mental Health Treatment & Prevention
Population Group
Human; Male; Female
Age Group
Adolescence (13-17 yrs); Adulthood (18 yrs & older); Young Adulthood (18-29 yrs); Thirties (30-39 yrs); Middle Age (40-64 yrs); Aged (65 yrs & older)
United Kingdom
Empirical Study; Followup Study; Quantitative Study
Supplemental Material
Appendixes(Internet);Tables and Figures(Internet);
Supplemental DOI
Tests and Measures
Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire  
Visual Analague Scale of Fatigue  
Camberwell Family Interview  
SF-36 Health Survey  
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale  
  • Sponsor:
    Economic and Social Research Council
    • Recipient:
      No recipient indicated
American Psychological Association
Release Date
20140901 (PsycARTICLES); 20140901 (PsycINFO)


Index Terms

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Number of Cited References
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