% The ground truth location of 13 WiFi hotspots % % WIFI_id: Unique id of the WIFI hotspot % gt_X, gt_Y: UTM coordinates of the WIFI hotspot location in meters % % NB - The locations are anonymised by adding a random offset associated with each WIFI hotspot. % % Contact: Anonimysed for blind review % % Remove the lines above to start parsing the data WIFI_id,gt_X,gt_Y 410,668381.4606,698373.921 499,704247.3783,621600.095 372,649736.4619,682953.9413 514,711446.7486,612905.2278 412,627161.588,629050.748 545,619447.8615,633853.3397 389,696249.1361,695524.6943 849,702761.5764,678290.0441 36,673412.585,690589.4357 702,621820.2433,626493.3268 476,612113.7669,671429.708 235,691272.2572,669067.9692 839,641551.5678,700562.3147