The lives of prehistoric monuments in Iron Age, Roman and medieval Europe
The lives of prehistoric monuments in Iron Age, Roman and medieval Europe
This volume explores the pervasive influence exerted by some prehistoric monuments on European social life over thousands of years, and reveals how they can act as a node linking people through time, possessing huge ideological and political significance. Through the advancement of theoretical approaches and scientific methodologies, archaeologists have been able to investigate how some of these monuments provide resources to negotiate memories, identities, and power and social relations throughout European history. The essays in this collection examine the life-histories of carefully chosen megalithic monuments, stelae and statue-menhirs, and rock art sites of various European and Mediterranean regions during the Iron Age and Roman and Medieval times. By focusing on the concrete interaction between people, monuments, and places, the volume offers an innovative outlook on a variety of debated issues. Prominent among these is the role of ancient remains in the creation, institutionalization, contestation, and negotiation of social identities and memories, as well as their relationship with political economy in early historic European societies. By contributing to current theoretical debates on materiality, landscape, and place-making, The Lives of Prehistoric Monuments in Iron Age, Roman, and Medieval Europe seeks to overcome disciplinary boundaries between prehistory and history, and highlight the long-term, genealogical nature of our engagement with the world
Diaz-Guardamino, Marta
Garcia Sanjuan, Leonardo
Wheatley, David
October 2015
Diaz-Guardamino, Marta
Garcia Sanjuan, Leonardo
Wheatley, David
Diaz-Guardamino, Marta, Garcia Sanjuan, Leonardo and Wheatley, David
The lives of prehistoric monuments in Iron Age, Roman and medieval Europe
Oxford, GB.
Oxford University Press, 384pp.
This volume explores the pervasive influence exerted by some prehistoric monuments on European social life over thousands of years, and reveals how they can act as a node linking people through time, possessing huge ideological and political significance. Through the advancement of theoretical approaches and scientific methodologies, archaeologists have been able to investigate how some of these monuments provide resources to negotiate memories, identities, and power and social relations throughout European history. The essays in this collection examine the life-histories of carefully chosen megalithic monuments, stelae and statue-menhirs, and rock art sites of various European and Mediterranean regions during the Iron Age and Roman and Medieval times. By focusing on the concrete interaction between people, monuments, and places, the volume offers an innovative outlook on a variety of debated issues. Prominent among these is the role of ancient remains in the creation, institutionalization, contestation, and negotiation of social identities and memories, as well as their relationship with political economy in early historic European societies. By contributing to current theoretical debates on materiality, landscape, and place-making, The Lives of Prehistoric Monuments in Iron Age, Roman, and Medieval Europe seeks to overcome disciplinary boundaries between prehistory and history, and highlight the long-term, genealogical nature of our engagement with the world
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Accepted/In Press date: May 2013
Published date: October 2015
Local EPrints ID: 376489
ISBN: 978-0-19-872460-5
PURE UUID: c72610a6-7043-444b-b27b-f18a5e2b9492
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Date deposited: 01 May 2015 08:30
Last modified: 30 Nov 2022 02:34
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Marta Diaz-Guardamino
Leonardo Garcia Sanjuan
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