READ ME File For Data for "Interferometric laser cooling of atomic rubidium" Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/379974 This dataset supports the publication: Dataset supports: Dunning, A. et al. (2015). Interferometric laser cooling of atomic rubidium. Physical Review Letters, 115(73004), 1-5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.073004 This dataset contains: Data supporting the following figures The figures are as follows: Fig. 3a Raman velocimetry measurements afterNinterferometric cooling cycles. Each point is an average of 16 shots at probe detuning δL(probe), and the lines are from manually fitted numerical simulations of the probe pulse assuming differentvelocity distributions Fig. 3c Velocity distributionscorresponding to the solid curves in panel (a). Fig. 3d Velocity distributions from a numerical simulation of the cooling sequence withτ r = 1.1 μs and φrel = −3π/=8. Fig. 3e Simulated 1D temperature starting at 1 K vs number of cooling cycle applications n for an example scheme in which τ and φrel vary with n as illustrated in panel (f). Related projects: Dr T Freegarde EPSRC Laser Trapping License: CC BY-NC-SA Date that the file was created: April 2019