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Wrong about nearly everything, but still rational: public opinion as a thermostat

Wrong about nearly everything, but still rational: public opinion as a thermostat
Wrong about nearly everything, but still rational: public opinion as a thermostat
One of the perennial puzzles about the nature of mass opinion is how, despite the public knowing little about politics, and caring even less about the ebb and flow of public affairs, collective public opinion often turns out to be coherent and responsive to events and to new information. An influential line of research takes the view that whilst individuals may be ill-informed, public opinion --in the aggregate-- is ‘rational’, moving in response to events and changes in policy
Jennings, Will
Cowley, Philip
Ford, Robert
Jennings, Will
Cowley, Philip
Ford, Robert

Jennings, Will (2014) Wrong about nearly everything, but still rational: public opinion as a thermostat. In, Cowley, Philip and Ford, Robert (eds.) Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box. London, GB. Biteback, pp. 33-37.

Record type: Book Section


One of the perennial puzzles about the nature of mass opinion is how, despite the public knowing little about politics, and caring even less about the ebb and flow of public affairs, collective public opinion often turns out to be coherent and responsive to events and to new information. An influential line of research takes the view that whilst individuals may be ill-informed, public opinion --in the aggregate-- is ‘rational’, moving in response to events and changes in policy

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Published date: 28 October 2014
Organisations: Politics & International Relations


Local EPrints ID: 380814
ISBN: 9781849547550
PURE UUID: b85074a7-6453-4003-b9c0-6e8f1b6ab252
ORCID for Will Jennings: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 21 Sep 2015 08:16
Last modified: 12 Dec 2021 03:53

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Author: Will Jennings ORCID iD
Editor: Philip Cowley
Editor: Robert Ford

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