Main text: Figure 1 No additional comments Figure 2 No additional comments Figure 3 No additional comments Figure 4 No additional comments Figure 5 No additional comments Supplementary informations: Figure S2 (c) Figure represents the non-volatile resistive switching of a TiO2 memristor under positive pulsing (illustrated in inset). At the application of each pulse, the resistance increases in a saturating fashion. Figure S8 The figure is split into 4 panels: TOP left (STP_highC.xlsx): represents repeated volatile resistive switching (RS) with a STP-F characteristic happening at a high average conductance; TOP right (STD_highC.xlsx): represents repeated volatile RS with a STP-S characteristic happening at a high average conductance; BOTTOM left (STP_lowC.xlsx): represents repeated volatile RS with a STP-F characteristic happening at a low average conductance; BOTTOM right (STD_lowC.xlsx): represents repeated volatile RS with a STP-S characteristic happening at a low average conductance; Figure S9: Figure shows probabilistic expression of STP-F and STP-S events in (%) per conductance bin. Figure S10 Figure shows conductance decay right after the application of a train of 2 voltage pulses of -4V, 10us, at different interpulse timings: a: 200ms; b: 100ms; c: 80ms; d: 60ms; e: 40ms; f: 20ms; Data is fitted with the model described in supplementary information. Figure S12: Figure_S12b : represents the cummulative results of the neuron spiking probability for each event and for 2 separate "Runs" described in supplementary information; The raw data below contains the neuron membrane voltage measured during the application of each event. Figure_S12c : contains an example of Event 1 where the neuron doesn't spike; Figure_S12e : contains an example of Event 3 where the neuron doesn't spike;