-------------------------------------- A Simulation Model of Periarterial Clearance of Amyloid-beta from the Brain -------------------------------------- Data produced using COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4. Citation: Diem AK, Tan M, Bressloff NW, Hawkes C, Morris AWJ, Weller RO and Carare RO (2016). A Simulation Model of Periarterial Clearance of Amyloid-beta from the Brain. Front. Aging Neurosci. 8:18. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2016.00018 Contents ======== coronal/ A1/ #ds.dat Positions in coronal slice at time #d in s for simulation case A1. Color (0/1) indicates presence of tracer at the current position A2/ A3/ B1/ B2/ B3/ C1/ C2/ C3/ C4/ #ds.dat Analogous to contents of folder A1, but for the respective simulation case A1_max_spread.dat Maximum distance tracer has travelled at various time points. Data collected from data in A1/ A2_max_spread.dat A3_max_spread.dat B1_max_spread.dat B2_max_spread.dat B3_max_spread.dat C1_max_spread.dat C2_max_spread.dat C3_max_spread.dat C4_max_spread.dat Analogous to A1_max_spread.dat, but for the respective simulation case mesh3.csv Concentration of tracer at 3 points in the geometry for Mesh 3. Used to determine mesh convergence mesh6.csv mesh10.csv mesh12.csv mesh13.csv mesh14.csv mesh15.csv Analogous to mesh3.csv, but for the respective mesh resolution. sagittal/ A1/ #ds.dat Positions in sagittal slice at time #d in s for simulation case A1. Color (0/1) indicates presence of tracer at the current position A2/ A3/ B1/ B2/ B3/ C1/ C2/ C3/ C4/ #ds.dat Analogous to contents of folder A1, but for the respective simulation case A1_max_spread.dat Maximum distance tracer has travelled at various time points. Data collected from data in A1/ A2_max_spread.dat A3_max_spread.dat B1_max_spread.dat B2_max_spread.dat B3_max_spread.dat C1_max_spread.dat C2_max_spread.dat C3_max_spread.dat C4_max_spread.dat Analogous to A1_max_spread.dat, but for the respective simulation case mesh1.csv Concentration of tracer at 3 points in the geometry for Mesh 1. Used to determine mesh convergence mesh2.csv mesh3.csv mesh4.csv mesh5.csv mesh6.csv mesh7.csv Analogous to mesh3.csv, but for the respective mesh resolution.