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User-centric visible light communications for energy-efficient scalable video streaming

User-centric visible light communications for energy-efficient scalable video streaming
User-centric visible light communications for energy-efficient scalable video streaming
An energy-efficient indoor visible light communication (VLC) system relying on dynamic user-centric (UC) cluster formation is designed for scalable video streaming. Explicitly, the radically new UC cluster formation technique is based on an amorphous user-to-network association structure, which is ultimately the basis of our energy-efficient indoor VLC system. Furthermore, in order to optimize the system-level energy efficiency, our objective function is selected by jointly considering both the video quality and the power consumption. We then propose a three-tier dynamic-programming-based algorithm for user/layer-level adaptive modulation mode assignment, for access-point-level power allocation and for cluster-level energy efficiency optimization, respectively. Based on a scalable video coded sequence, our simulation results demonstrate the superior performance of our UC clusters compared to the conventional cell design in terms of its energy efficiency, throughput, as well as video quality in most of the scenarios considered.
Li, Xuan
Huo, Yongkai
Zhang, Rong
Hanzo, Lajos
Li, Xuan
Huo, Yongkai
Zhang, Rong
Hanzo, Lajos

Li, Xuan, Huo, Yongkai, Zhang, Rong and Hanzo, Lajos (2017) User-centric visible light communications for energy-efficient scalable video streaming. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 1 (1), 59-73. (doi:10.1109/TGCN.2016.2646820).

Record type: Article


An energy-efficient indoor visible light communication (VLC) system relying on dynamic user-centric (UC) cluster formation is designed for scalable video streaming. Explicitly, the radically new UC cluster formation technique is based on an amorphous user-to-network association structure, which is ultimately the basis of our energy-efficient indoor VLC system. Furthermore, in order to optimize the system-level energy efficiency, our objective function is selected by jointly considering both the video quality and the power consumption. We then propose a three-tier dynamic-programming-based algorithm for user/layer-level adaptive modulation mode assignment, for access-point-level power allocation and for cluster-level energy efficiency optimization, respectively. Based on a scalable video coded sequence, our simulation results demonstrate the superior performance of our UC clusters compared to the conventional cell design in terms of its energy efficiency, throughput, as well as video quality in most of the scenarios considered.

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More information

Submitted date: January 2016
Accepted/In Press date: 28 November 2016
e-pub ahead of print date: 30 December 2016
Published date: March 2017
Organisations: Southampton Wireless Group


Local EPrints ID: 387100
ISSN: 2473-2400
PURE UUID: 323eb08b-51f0-4280-ae4a-931da525850f
ORCID for Lajos Hanzo: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 09 Feb 2016 14:18
Last modified: 18 Mar 2024 02:35

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Author: Xuan Li
Author: Yongkai Huo
Author: Rong Zhang
Author: Lajos Hanzo ORCID iD

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