Some of the datasets previously prepared for this module have interaction terms already in them......but ideally would create them on the fly when specify predictors - needs thoughtSSLS3_1View dataset summaryView dataset (e.g. first x rows) and perhaps have some viewing tools (e.g. select partic cols to view)valsscorebins25estat:Histogramhistogram.svgvarsscoreopaveragesestat:AverageAndCorrelationtablecolscohort90rowsconsopcountsrowpropYescolpropNototalpropNochiNosubsetNoestat:Tabulatetablexaxiscohort90yaxisscoreBy default some space either side of min/max on each axis might look betterAlso, could adapt template to allow some jitterestat:XYPlotgraphxy.svgPractical recodes category levels, but not sure necessary herecolscohort90rowsconsopmeansvarcolscoresubsetNoestat:TabulatetableTried to correlate here, but template returns error: array is too bigAlgebra system doesn't like minus signs in category names so cohort90:cat doesn't work......but could use cohort1to6 in SSLS3_1recode.dta if need to fit it as categoricalyscorexcons,cohort90makepredYesburnin500defaultsvYesdefaultalgYesnchains3thinning1iterations2000seed1outdataoutestat:Regression1Could perhaps pick things out of results to generate regression eqn using Extract / Table / Row / Column blockModelParameterslast133ModelParametersbeta_0meanAlso note may be useful to have post-estimation LaTeX eqn as one of outputslast133prediction_datafilepred_linepred_beta_0_cons + pred_beta_1_cohort90xaxiscohort90yaxispred_linelegendNolineYespointsNoestat:XYPlot2graphxygroup.svg