Dataset for the paper "Fully-Parallel Quantum Turbo Decoder", Zunaira Babar, Hung Viet Nguyen, Panagiotis Botsinis, Dimitrios Alanis, Daryus Chandra, Soon Xin Ng, Robert G. Maunder and Lajos Hanzo, IEEE Access (submitted). Results may reproduced using the Graphics Layout Engine (GLE). Abstract: Quantum Turbo Codes (QTCs) are known to operate close to the achievable Hashing bound. However, the sequential nature of the conventional quantum turbo decoding algorithm imposes a high decoding latency, which increases linearly with the frame length. This posses a potential threat to quantum systems having short coherence times. In this context, we conceive a Fully-Parallel Quantum Turbo Decoder (FPQTD), which eliminates the inherent time dependencies of the conventional decoder by executing all the associated processes concurrently. Due to its parallel nature, the proposed FPQTD reduces the decoding times by several orders of magnitude, while maintaining the same performance. We have also demonstrated the significance of employing an odd-even interleaver design in conjunction with the proposed FPQTD. More specifically, it is shown that an odd-even interleaver reduces the computational complexity by 50%, without compromising the achievable performance. Acknowledgements: The financial support of the European Research Council under the Advanced Fellow Grant, that of the Royal Society’s Wolfson Research Merit Award and that of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under Grant EP/L018659/1 is gratefully acknowledged. The use of the IRIDIS High Performance Computing Facility at the University of Southampton is also acknowledged. * Figure 6(a): compares the achievable QBER performance of the conventional and fully-parllel quantum turbo decoder for an interleaver length of 3,000 qubits using the data files PTO1R_PTO1R_QTC_1000_iter_qbER.dat and PTO1R_PTO1R_QFPTD_1000_iter_qbER.dat. * Figure 6(b): compares the achievable QBER performance of the conventional and fully-parllel quantum turbo decoder for an interleaver length of 1,500 qubits using the data files PTO1R_PTO1R_QTC_500_iter_qbER.dat and PTO1R_PTO1R_QFPTD_500_iter_qbER.dat. * Figure 7: compares the distance from the Hashing bound for the conventional (I = 8) and full-parallel turbo decoder (I = 80) at QBER = 10^{−4} using the data file PTO1R_PTO1R_intlv_qber.dat. * Figure 8: plots the achievable QBER performance of a fully-parallel quantum turbo decoder, when a random and an odd-even interleaver are invoked. The performance of odd-even interleaver is recorded in the data file PTO1R_PTO1R_QFPTD_1000_iter_qbER_OddEven.dat.