* This is the dataset of the accepted paper (June, 2016): I. A. Hemadeh, M. El-Hajjar, S. H. Won and L. Hanzo, "Multi-Set Space-Time Shift-Keying With Reduced Detection Complexity" * Paper Abstract: In this treatise, we propose a novel Multi-Set Space-Time Shift Keying (MS-STSK) technique, where the source bits are conveyed over two components, namely by activating one out of M_{Q} dispersion matrices of Space-Time Shift Keying (STSK) and M Antenna Combination (AC) of the N_{t} available antennas, in a similar fashion to Spatial Modulation (SM) but activating multiple antennas rather than a single antenna. This system requires a smaller number of RF chains than Antenna Elements (AEs) to achieve an improved throughput. We opt for STSK as the main building block of our proposed MS-STSK as a benefit of its design flexibility, where STSK is capable of providing the system with both diversity and multiplexing gains. The proposed MS-STSK system achieves both higher data rates and a lower Bit Error Rate (BER) than the conventional STSK scheme, which is attained at the cost of increased number of antenna elements and a high speed antenna switch. Furthermore, as the symbol rate of the MS-STSK system increases, its performance compared to the STSK scheme is significantly improved, because of the enhanced diversity introduced by the additional antenna elements. Furthermore, we propose a reduced complexity detector for QAM/PSK constellations, which - despite its reduced complexity - is capable of achieving the same performance as the optimal Maximum Likelihood (ML) detector. * Project: The financial support of the EPSRC projects EP/Noo4558/1 and EP/L018659/1, as well as of the European Research Council’s Advanced Fellow Grant under the Beam-Me-Up project and of the Royal Society’s Wolfson Research Merit Award is gratefully acknowledged. * This DOI contains the datasets of Figures 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13 of the aforementioned paper. Each folder is named according to its content, where the dataset of each cruve - of each figure - is stored in a .dat file. The BER plots are represented by the Eb/N0, SNR and BER values as "Eb/N0 SNR BER". To regenerate the results please use the command "gle Figure_Name.gle" (Graphics Layout Engine -GLE- should be installed on your machine)