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Research Data: Joint Quantum-Assisted Channel Estimation and Data Detection

Research Data: Joint Quantum-Assisted Channel Estimation and Data Detection
Research Data: Joint Quantum-Assisted Channel Estimation and Data Detection
This DOI contains the datasets of Figures 6-20 of the paper titled Joint Quantum-Assisted Channel Estimation and Data Detection. Each folder is named according to the corresponding figure, where the dataset of each curve is stored in a .dat file. To regenerate the figures please use the command "gle" (Graphics Layout Engine -GLE- should be installed on your machine). Each folder already includes the generated color and grayscale versions of the figures. Paper Abstract: Joint Channel Estimation (CE) and Multi-User Detection (MUD) has become a crucial part of iterative receivers. In this paper we propose a Quantum-assisted Repeated Weighted Boosting Search (QRWBS) algorithm for CE and we employ it in the uplink of MIMO-OFDM systems, in conjunction with the Maximum A posteriori Probability~(MAP) MUD and a near-optimal Quantum-assisted MUD (QMUD). The performance of the QRWBS-aided CE is evaluated in rank-deficient systems, where the number of receive Antenna Elements (AE) at the Base Station (BS) is lower than the number of supported users. The effect of the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) prediction filters, of the Power Delay Profile (PDP) of the channels and of the Doppler frequency have on the attainable system performance is also quantified. The proposed QRWBS-aided CE is shown to outperform the RWBS-aided CE, despite requiring a lower complexity, in systems where iterations are invoked between the MUD, the CE and the channel decoders at the receiver. In a system, where U=7 users are supported with the aid of P=4 receive AEs, the joint QRWBS-aided CE and QMUD achieves a 2 dB gain, when compared to the joint RWBS-aided CE and MAP MUD, despite imposing 43% lower complexity.
University of Southampton
Botsinis, Panagiotis
Alanis, Dimitrios
Babar, Zunaira
Ng, Soon
Hanzo, Lajos
Botsinis, Panagiotis
Alanis, Dimitrios
Babar, Zunaira
Ng, Soon
Hanzo, Lajos

Botsinis, Panagiotis, Alanis, Dimitrios, Babar, Zunaira, Ng, Soon and Hanzo, Lajos (2016) Research Data: Joint Quantum-Assisted Channel Estimation and Data Detection. University of Southampton doi:10.5258/SOTON/396549 [Dataset]

Record type: Dataset


This DOI contains the datasets of Figures 6-20 of the paper titled Joint Quantum-Assisted Channel Estimation and Data Detection. Each folder is named according to the corresponding figure, where the dataset of each curve is stored in a .dat file. To regenerate the figures please use the command "gle" (Graphics Layout Engine -GLE- should be installed on your machine). Each folder already includes the generated color and grayscale versions of the figures. Paper Abstract: Joint Channel Estimation (CE) and Multi-User Detection (MUD) has become a crucial part of iterative receivers. In this paper we propose a Quantum-assisted Repeated Weighted Boosting Search (QRWBS) algorithm for CE and we employ it in the uplink of MIMO-OFDM systems, in conjunction with the Maximum A posteriori Probability~(MAP) MUD and a near-optimal Quantum-assisted MUD (QMUD). The performance of the QRWBS-aided CE is evaluated in rank-deficient systems, where the number of receive Antenna Elements (AE) at the Base Station (BS) is lower than the number of supported users. The effect of the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) prediction filters, of the Power Delay Profile (PDP) of the channels and of the Doppler frequency have on the attainable system performance is also quantified. The proposed QRWBS-aided CE is shown to outperform the RWBS-aided CE, despite requiring a lower complexity, in systems where iterations are invoked between the MUD, the CE and the channel decoders at the receiver. In a system, where U=7 users are supported with the aid of P=4 receive AEs, the joint QRWBS-aided CE and QMUD achieves a 2 dB gain, when compared to the joint RWBS-aided CE and MAP MUD, despite imposing 43% lower complexity.

Dataset_JQCEMUD.tar.gz - Dataset
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readme.txt - Text
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More information

Published date: 2016
Organisations: Southampton Wireless Group


Local EPrints ID: 396549
PURE UUID: 493d3bf8-7895-48bd-b012-410e7337211d
ORCID for Dimitrios Alanis: ORCID iD
ORCID for Zunaira Babar: ORCID iD
ORCID for Soon Ng: ORCID iD
ORCID for Lajos Hanzo: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 15 Aug 2016 10:35
Last modified: 05 Nov 2023 02:46

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Creator: Panagiotis Botsinis
Creator: Dimitrios Alanis ORCID iD
Creator: Zunaira Babar ORCID iD
Creator: Soon Ng ORCID iD
Creator: Lajos Hanzo ORCID iD

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