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Roadmap on silicon photonics

Roadmap on silicon photonics
Roadmap on silicon photonics
Silicon photonics research can be dated back to the 1980s. However, the previous decade has witnessed an explosive growth in the field. Silicon photonics is a disruptive technology that is poised to revolutionize a number of application areas, for example, data centers, high-performance computing and sensing. The key driving force behind silicon photonics is the ability to use CMOS-like fabrication resulting in high-volume production at low cost. This is a key enabling factor for bringing photonics to a range of technology areas where the costs of implementation using traditional photonic elements such as those used for the telecommunications industry would be prohibitive. Silicon does however have a number of shortcomings as a photonic material. In its basic form it is not an ideal material in which to produce light sources, optical modulators or photodetectors for example. A wealth of research effort from both academia and industry in recent years has fueled the demonstration of multiple solutions to these and other problems, and as time progresses new approaches are increasingly being conceived. It is clear that silicon photonics has a bright future. However, with a growing number of approaches available, what will the silicon photonic integrated circuit of the future look like? This roadmap on silicon photonics delves into the different technology and application areas of the field giving an insight into the state-of-the-art as well as current and future challenges faced by researchers worldwide. Contributions authored by experts from both industry and academia provide an overview and outlook for the silicon waveguide platform, optical sources, optical modulators, photodetectors, integration approaches, packaging, applications of silicon photonics and approaches required to satisfy applications at mid-infrared wavelengths. Advances in science and technology required to meet challenges faced by the field in each of these areas are also addressed together with predictions of where the field is destined to reach.
Thomson, David
Zilkie, Aaron
Bowers, John
Komljenovic, Tin
Reed, Graham
Vivien, Laurent
Marris-Morini, Delphine
Cassan, Eric
Virot, Leopold
Fédéli, Jean-Marc
Hartmann, Jean-Michel
Schmid, Jens
Xu, Dan-Xia
Boeuf, Frederic
O'Brien, Peter
Mashanovich, Goran
Nedeljković, Miloš
Thomson, David
Zilkie, Aaron
Bowers, John
Komljenovic, Tin
Reed, Graham
Vivien, Laurent
Marris-Morini, Delphine
Cassan, Eric
Virot, Leopold
Fédéli, Jean-Marc
Hartmann, Jean-Michel
Schmid, Jens
Xu, Dan-Xia
Boeuf, Frederic
O'Brien, Peter
Mashanovich, Goran
Nedeljković, Miloš

Thomson, David, Zilkie, Aaron, Bowers, John, Komljenovic, Tin, Reed, Graham, Vivien, Laurent, Marris-Morini, Delphine, Cassan, Eric, Virot, Leopold, Fédéli, Jean-Marc, Hartmann, Jean-Michel, Schmid, Jens, Xu, Dan-Xia, Boeuf, Frederic, O'Brien, Peter, Mashanovich, Goran and Nedeljković, Miloš (2016) Roadmap on silicon photonics. Journal of Optics, 18 (7), 1-20. (doi:10.1088/2040-8978/18/7/073003).

Record type: Article


Silicon photonics research can be dated back to the 1980s. However, the previous decade has witnessed an explosive growth in the field. Silicon photonics is a disruptive technology that is poised to revolutionize a number of application areas, for example, data centers, high-performance computing and sensing. The key driving force behind silicon photonics is the ability to use CMOS-like fabrication resulting in high-volume production at low cost. This is a key enabling factor for bringing photonics to a range of technology areas where the costs of implementation using traditional photonic elements such as those used for the telecommunications industry would be prohibitive. Silicon does however have a number of shortcomings as a photonic material. In its basic form it is not an ideal material in which to produce light sources, optical modulators or photodetectors for example. A wealth of research effort from both academia and industry in recent years has fueled the demonstration of multiple solutions to these and other problems, and as time progresses new approaches are increasingly being conceived. It is clear that silicon photonics has a bright future. However, with a growing number of approaches available, what will the silicon photonic integrated circuit of the future look like? This roadmap on silicon photonics delves into the different technology and application areas of the field giving an insight into the state-of-the-art as well as current and future challenges faced by researchers worldwide. Contributions authored by experts from both industry and academia provide an overview and outlook for the silicon waveguide platform, optical sources, optical modulators, photodetectors, integration approaches, packaging, applications of silicon photonics and approaches required to satisfy applications at mid-infrared wavelengths. Advances in science and technology required to meet challenges faced by the field in each of these areas are also addressed together with predictions of where the field is destined to reach.

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More information

Accepted/In Press date: 24 February 2016
e-pub ahead of print date: 24 June 2016
Published date: July 2016
Organisations: Optoelectronics Research Centre


Local EPrints ID: 400901
ISSN: 2040-8986
PURE UUID: 468b0af6-6d7e-4e1c-9e3c-af13a9e6f530
ORCID for Goran Mashanovich: ORCID iD
ORCID for Miloš Nedeljković: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 29 Sep 2016 10:54
Last modified: 29 Oct 2024 02:45

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Author: David Thomson
Author: Aaron Zilkie
Author: John Bowers
Author: Tin Komljenovic
Author: Graham Reed
Author: Laurent Vivien
Author: Delphine Marris-Morini
Author: Eric Cassan
Author: Leopold Virot
Author: Jean-Marc Fédéli
Author: Jean-Michel Hartmann
Author: Jens Schmid
Author: Dan-Xia Xu
Author: Frederic Boeuf
Author: Peter O'Brien
Author: Goran Mashanovich ORCID iD
Author: Miloš Nedeljković ORCID iD

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