# Overview This repository contains data from a convergence study based on the Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS), featured as a test case in the OpenSBLI code. The two-dimensional MMS simulations consider six central differencing schemes of order 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. For each order, five uniform grids are also considered, which have a grid spacing of pi/2, pi/4, pi/8, pi/16 and pi/32. # Files All data files can be found in mms.zip. Files whose names are of the format mms_X_Y_Z.h5 contain the solution field data. X represents the order of the central differencing scheme. Y represents the level of grid refinement (varying from 0 which represents the coarsest grid with pi/2 spacing, to 4 which represents the finest grid with pi/32 spacing). Z represents the timestep iteration at which the data was written. The data is written in the HDF5 format. The file error.dat contains the solution errors in the L2 norm. # Copyright statement Copyright (C) 2016 Satya P. Jammy, Christian T. Jacobs, Neil D. Sandham