Dataset for the paper "Unity-Rate Codes Maximize the Normalized Throughput of On-Off Keying Visible Light Communication", Zunaira Babar, Hung Viet Nguyen, Panagiotis Botsinis, Dimitrios Alanis, Daryus Chandra, Soon Xin Ng and Lajos Hanzo, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (Accepted). Results may reproduced using the Graphics Layout Engine (GLE). Abstract: In this letter, we aim for maximizing the throughput of a VLC system. Explicitly, we conceive a Soft-In Soft-Out (SISO) decoder providing soft feedback for the classic Run Length Limited (RLL) codes, hence facilitating iterative decoding for exchanging valuable extrinsic information between the RLL and the error correction modules of a VLC system. Furthermore, we propose a Unity Rate Code (URC) for our VLC system, which hence becomes capable of matching the On-Off Keying (OOK) capacity, while maintaining a flicker-free dimming value of 50%. Acknowledgements: The financial support of the European Research Council under the Advanced Fellow Grant, that of the Royal Society’s Wolfson Research Merit Award and that of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under Grant EP/L018659/1 is gratefully acknowledged. The use of the IRIDIS High Performance Computing Facility at the University of Southampton is also acknowledged. * Fig. 2 [Probability density function of the average dimming value at the output of the URC]: Plot using * Fig. 3 [EXIT curves of the concatenated inner-IRCC schemes, when the system throughput is fixed to 1/3]: Plot using * Fig. 4 [Comparison of the achievable performance of the inner-IRCC schemes, when 20 decoding iterations are invoked]: Plot using * Fig. 5 [Maximum throughput achievable with the various inner codes under consideration]: Plot using