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PlotRangeClipping->True, PlotRangePadding->{{ Scaled[0.02], Scaled[0.02]}, { Scaled[0.02], Scaled[0.05]}}, Ticks->{Automatic, Automatic}]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.6741989207069473`*^9, {3.6741992150414953`*^9, 3.674199217263775*^9}, 3.6742004146462593`*^9, 3.674200451249134*^9, 3.674200583596402*^9, 3.6742008473663197`*^9}] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{808, 604}, WindowMargins->{{36, Automatic}, {Automatic, 1}}, FrontEndVersion->"10.3 for Mac OS X x86 (32-bit, 64-bit Kernel) (December 10, \ 2015)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[558, 20, 1559, 30, 250, "Input"], Cell[2120, 52, 918, 31, 28, "Input"], Cell[3041, 85, 522, 10, 46, "Input"], Cell[3566, 97, 374, 11, 28, "Input"], Cell[3943, 110, 194, 4, 28, "Input"], Cell[4140, 116, 257, 8, 45, "Input"], Cell[4400, 126, 581, 18, 57, "Input"], Cell[4984, 146, 1156, 35, 80, "Input"], Cell[6143, 183, 1247, 36, 90, "Input"], Cell[7393, 221, 248, 6, 28, "Input"], Cell[7644, 229, 856, 26, 54, "Input"], Cell[8503, 257, 345, 10, 51, "Input"], Cell[8851, 269, 604, 18, 46, "Input"], Cell[9458, 289, 882, 26, 67, "Input"], Cell[10343, 317, 1464, 45, 118, "Input"], Cell[11810, 364, 444, 12, 46, "Input"], Cell[12257, 378, 496, 14, 46, "Input"], Cell[12756, 394, 1076, 31, 102, "Input"], Cell[13835, 427, 546, 15, 46, "Input"], Cell[14384, 444, 609, 16, 46, "Input"], Cell[14996, 462, 542, 17, 28, "Input"], Cell[15541, 481, 279, 7, 28, "Input"], Cell[15823, 490, 509, 10, 28, "Input"], Cell[16335, 502, 1322, 33, 109, "Input"], Cell[17660, 537, 236, 5, 28, "Input"], Cell[17899, 544, 265, 5, 28, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[18189, 553, 841, 23, 46, "Input"], Cell[19033, 578, 2283, 51, 241, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[21331, 632, 966, 32, 28, "Input"], Cell[22300, 666, 360, 7, 46, "Input"], Cell[22663, 675, 951, 29, 73, "Input"], Cell[23617, 706, 1185, 34, 82, "Input"], Cell[24805, 742, 569, 16, 28, "Input"], Cell[25377, 760, 166, 2, 28, "Input"], Cell[25546, 764, 876, 27, 28, "Input"], Cell[26425, 793, 903, 20, 63, "Input"], Cell[27331, 815, 167, 3, 28, "Input"], Cell[27501, 820, 317, 8, 28, "Input"], Cell[27821, 830, 2561, 65, 155, "Input"], Cell[30385, 897, 250, 6, 28, "Input"], Cell[30638, 905, 1181, 27, 46, "Input"], Cell[31822, 934, 257, 6, 28, "Input"], Cell[32082, 942, 223, 5, 28, "Input"], Cell[32308, 949, 520, 15, 28, "Input"], Cell[32831, 966, 610, 18, 63, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[33466, 988, 883, 23, 46, "Input"], Cell[34352, 1013, 5308, 100, 229, "Output"] }, Open ]] } ] *) (* End of internal cache information *)