This folder contains zipped data folders for "The Information-Cost-Reward framework for understanding robot swarm foraging". Each zip file corresponds to one group of data. The data is used by the analysis python code. Legend to the folders: ======================== Experiment groups: 0* : parameter optimisation A* : simulations in static environments C* : simulations in dynamic environments Additionally, each folder name also contains the name of the robot controllers that was used to generate data. Legend to the sub folders: ======================== Each subfolder represents a set of 50 experimental runs from the same task and environment. The subfolders are labelled as follows: COLLECT_RT1-1* : collection task PERFORM_RT1-1* : consumption task *group[N]-[D]* : Heap environments, where N is number of worksites and D is worksite distance from the base middle *rand[N]-[D]* : Scatter environments, where N is number of worksites and D is worksite distance from the base middle *_NR[M]* : specifies the number of robots used in the experiment, where M is the number of robots Additionally, in dynamic environments, each folder is also labelled with the *_DR[T]* parameter, where T is the length of the environment change interval. Legend to the data files: ======================== Each subfolder contains data files labelled as RunN_global.txt and RunN_infoEvents.txt, where N is the run number. The "global.txt" files contain a record of the total amount of reward obtained (the "workDone" column) over time. Time is represented by rows. The "infoEvents.txt" files contain a record of various events that happened during that run. Along with the event type (the "evtType" column), the following data is recorded in the various columns: robotId: id of the robot responsible for the event. If not applicable, robotId=-1 taskId: worksite id associated with the event taskVal: reward value per one unit of worksite volume, always 1 taskVol: remaining worksite volume after the event taskU: "utility" of the worksite, calculated by a robot that recorded the event as (taskVal*taskVol)/(believed distance from the base) recruiterId: id of the recruiter robot, only relevant to local broadcasters and bee swarm and the ROBOT_RECRUITED and TASK_STARTED events D: distance of the worksite to the base edge