Paper title: "Dual-core optical fiber as beam splitter with arbitrary, tunable polarization-dependent transfer function" Authors: Nina Podoliak, Peter Horak Dataset to figures File description: Figure2_V1_5V.csv, Figure2_V1_15V.csv Figure2_V1_25V.csv: data to the maps of the refractive index tensor distribution (nxx and nyy components) around the central structure of the fiber at 5, 15 and 25 voltages applied between electrodes 1 and 4 (V1). Figure2_V2_5V.csv, Figure2_V2_15V.csv Figure2_V2_25V.csv: data to the maps of the refractive index tensor distribution (nxx and nyy components) around the central structure of the fiber at 5, 15 and 25 voltages applied between electrodes 2 and 3 (V2). Figure2_V1V2_5V.csv, Figure2_V1V2_15V.csv Figure2_V1V2_25V.csv: data to the maps of the refractive index tensor distribution (nxx and nyy components) around the central structure of the fiber at 5, 15 and 25 voltages applied between electrodes 1 - 4 (V1 and V2). Figure3.csv: Effective mode indices of the TE-symmetric, TE-antisymmetric, TM-symmetric, TM-antisymmetric supermodes and normalized intensity of TE- and TM- polarized components of light at the output port depending on voltages applied between electrodes 1 and 4 (V1), or 2 and 3 (V2). Figure4a.csv: Normalized intensity of TE-polarized component of the output beam (Ix) depending on the applied voltages V1 and V2. Figure4b.csv: Normalized intensity of TM-polarized component of the output beam (Iy) depending on the applied voltages V1 and V2. Figure4c.csv: Polarization extinction ratio between Ix and Iy depending on the applied voltages V1 and V2. Data in Figure4a.csv- Figure4c.csv are calculated for a 4.4 mm long piece of the fiber with optimized gap between the cores of 0.97 µm. Figure4d.csv: Polarization extinction ratio Ix/Iy equivalent to Figure4c.csv calculated for a 4.4 mm long piece of the fiber with a non-optimized gap of 1 µm. Data were obtained using advanced optical modal simulations, based on a full-vector finite element method implemented in Comsol Multiphysics, in combination with a custom-made liquid crystal model. See paper text for more details.