This file contains the dataset for "Magneto-optical response in bimetallic metamaterials" by E. Atmatzakis, N. Papasimakis, V. A. Fedotov, G. Vienne, N. I. Zheludev. File list: - fig1b_exp.txt: two-column text file with the experimental transmission spectra of Fig. 1b. The first column corresponds to wavelength (in nm) and the second to transmittance. - fig1b_sims.txt: two-column text file with the simulated transmission spectra of Fig. 1b. The first column corresponds to wavelength (in nm) and the second to transmittance. - fig1b_inset.bmp: bitmap containing the colormap of the inset to Fig. 1b. - fig1c_angles.txt: Ni sector angle (in degrees) corresponding to the vertical axis of Fig. 1c. - fig1c_lambda.txt: wavelength values (in nm) corresponding to the horizontal axis of Fig. 1c. - fig1c_T.txt: transmission as a function of wavelength and Ni sector angle corresponding to the colormap of Fig. 1c. - fig2_exp.txt: four-column text file with the experimental rotation spectra of Fig. 2. The first column corresponds to wavelength (in nm). Column 2,3 & 4 correspond to Faraday rotation (in mrad) measurements for Ni sector angles of 90, 135 and 180 degrees respectively. - fig2_sim.txt: four-column text file with the simulation rotation spectra of Fig. 2. The first column corresponds to wavelength (in nm). Columns 2,3 & 4 correspond to Faraday rotation (in mrad) spectra for Ni sector angles of 90, 135 and 180 degrees respectively. - fig3a_exp.txt: three column text file with the experimental data of Fig. 3a. The first column contains the incident polarisation angle (in degrees), while the 2nd and 3rd columns correspond to the experimentally measured rotation spectra (in mrad) for magnetic fields of -50mT and +50mT, respectively. - fig3a_sims.txt: three column text file with the simulation data of Fig. 3a. The first column contains the incident polarisation angle (in degrees), while the 2nd and 3rd columns correspond to the rotation spectra (in mrad) for magnetic fields of -50mT and +50mT, respectively. - fig3b_exp.txt: two column text file with the experimental data of Fig. 3b. The first column contains the incident polarisation angle (in degrees), while the 2nd column correspond to the experimentally measured rotation spectra (in mrad) in the absence of the external magnetic field. - fig3b_sims.txt: two column text file with the simulation data of Fig. 3b. The first column contains the incident polarisation angle (in degrees), while the 2nd column correspond to the rotation spectra (in mrad) in the absence of the external magnetic field. - fig3c_exp.txt: three column text file with the experimental data of Fig. 3c. The first column contains the incident polarisation angle (in degrees), the second the Faraday rotation (in mrad), and the 3rd the corresponding errorbars. - fig3c_sims.txt: two column text file with the simulation data of Fig. 3c. The first column contains the incident polarisation angle (in degrees) and the second the Faraday rotation (in mrad). - fig4a_lambda.txt: wavelength values (in nm) corresponding to the horizontal axis of Fig. 4a. - fig4a_angles.txt: Ni sector angle (in degrees) corresponding to the vertical axis of Fig. 4a. - fig4a_rotation.txt: Faraday rotation (in mrad) spectra as a function of wavelength and Ni sector angle corresponding to the colormap of Fig. 4a. - fig4a_ni_angles.txt: Ni sector angle (in degrees) corresponding to the vertical axis of Fig. 4b. - fig4a_inc_angles.txt: incident polarisation angle (in degrees) corresponding to the vertical axis of Fig. 4b. - fig4a_rotation.txt: Faraday rotation spectra (in mrad) as a function of incident polarization angle and Ni sector angle corresponding to the colormap of Fig. 4b. - fig5_sims.txt: three column text file with the simulation data of Fig. 5. The first column contains magnetic field values (in mT). The 2nd and 3rd columns contain simulated magnetization values (in arbitrary units) for Ni sectors of 90 and 135 degrees, respectively. - fig5_exp90.txt: two column text file with the experimental data of Fig. 5 corresponding to a Ni sector of 90 degrees. The first column contains magnetic field values (in mT). The 2nd column contains experimentally measured Faraday rotation values (in mrad). - fig5_exp135.txt: two column text file with the experimental data of Fig. 5 corresponding to a Ni sector of 135 degrees. The first column contains magnetic field values (in mT). The 2nd column contains experimentally measured Faraday rotation values (in mrad). For enquiries contact: Dr Nikitas Papasimakis