This dataset contains data related to the publication "Francesca Letizia, Camilla Colombo, Hugh G. Lewis, Holger Krag, Development of a debris index, Stardust Final Conference on Asteroids and Space Debris, 2016" The two .data files can be used to generate the maps for the effect terms in the index. - refers to the effect of collisions - refers to the effect of explosions Both files have the same structure: - the first line specifies the grid points in semi-major axis - RE, in km - the second line specifies the grid points in inclination, in degrees - each of the following lines represents a row in the effect map The values refer to the fragmentation of a satellite with mass equal to 10000 km and need to be rescaled for different masses as explained in "Francesca Letizia, Camilla Colombo, Hugh G. Lewis, Holger Krag, Assessment of breakup severity on operational satellites, Advances in Space Research, Volume 58, Issue 7, 1 October 2016, Pages 1255-1274, ISSN 0273-1177, (".