Date: 03/02/17 Written by: Joonyoung Kim (OptoElectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton) Uploaded Archive (ZIP) includes 7 images (.tif) and 1 numerical data files (.opj) which can be open using Origin 1. Images - Fig1.tif: (Fig. 1 in article) Optical frequency comb generation with: (a) cascaded modulators, (b) the phase modulator enclosed by Fabry-Perot (F-P) cavity, where f_m is modulation frequency. (c) shows the generated optical frequency comb where the noise of RF signal, df, is multiplied as the comb tone number increases. - Fig2.tif: (Fig. 2 in article) Experimental set-up to measure the comb-tone phase noise of the Fabry-Perot (F-P) modulator-based optical frequency comb. - Fig3.tif: (Fig. 3 in article) RF beat signal at 5 GHz for the 1st (black dashed) and the 11th (blue solid) comb tones of the 25 GHz F-P comb generator. - Fig4.tif: (Fig. 4 in article) Measured and calculated relative phase noise of various comb tones. Solid lines: simulation; dashed lines: measured. - Fig5.tif: (Fig. 5 in article) (a) Optical spectrum for ß=0.7p (upper blue) and ß=0.35p (lower red). (b) Relative phase noise of the 11th comb tone for ß=0.35p (red) and ß=0.7p (blue). - Fig6.tif: (Fig. 6 in article) Relative phase noise of the 11th comb tone for two different frequency detunings between the seed laser and the F-P modulator that give the widest comb spectrum (blue) and the narrowest comb spectrum, i.e., the maximum transmission (red). - Fig7.tif: (Fig. 7 in article) Relative timing jitter of beat signals (between the carrier and the N-th comb tone) using the F-P modulator-based comb normalized to that of a cavity-less Comb generator. The solid blue, red, and green lines are the simulated relative jitters for 0.7p, 0.35p, and 0.2p, respectively. Blue rectangles and red circles: measured results for ?=0.7p and 0.35p, respectively. 2. Data (please use Origin to open this) - Data of Fig3 to Fig7. **These are available under license: Creative Commons Attribution.