Read me file: Yue Zhang (, Water and Environmental Engineering Group, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton. The excel file contains raw experimental data for paper: Placido J and Zhang Y (2017) Evaluation of esterification and membrane based solvent extraction as methods for the recovery of short chain volatile fatty acids from slaughterhouse blood anaerobic mixed fermentation. Waste and Biomass Valorization. Accepted on 06 April 2017. Fig 2. Bar plots for the yields obtained by the esterification reaction of model VFA solution. a) Methyl VFA yield (%) b) (NH4)2SO4 Yield (%). Fig 3. Esterification reaction yield for the VFA produced from the slaughterhouse blood mixed fermentation broth. a) Methyl VFA yield (%) b) (NH4)2SO4 Yield (%). Fig 4. a) Reaction kinetic for the FA produced from the slaughterhouse blood mixed fermentation broth. b) Esterification reaction temperature for the VFA produced from the slaughterhouse blood mixed fermentation broth. Fig 5. a) Bar plot for the VFA recovery for the experiment modifying TOA concentration, and VFA TOA/octanol relationship. b) Bar plot for the VFA recovery using the slaughterhouse blood mixed fermentation broth and model solutions a regular and acidified pH. Fig 6. VFA recovery using the MBSE system. a) Model VFA solution. b) Unacidified fermentation broth from slaughterhouse blood. c) Acidified fermentation broth from slaughterhouse blood. Table 1. Duncan's Multiple Range Test for the comparison of means from the recovery% of VFA from model solutions Date and place of data collection: 2015 (University of Southampton, the UK) Date that the file was created: April 2017