Dr Natalie V. Wheeler, ORC, n.v.wheeler@orc.soton.ac.uk Optoelectronics Research Centre B53, Mountbatten University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ Data collected in 2016 This is a read me file for the paper 'Low loss kagome hollow-core fibers from the near- to the mid-IR" to explain the datasets for this paper. The data for this paper includes: A copy of the image for figure 1 The data for figure 2 contains the data for the three traces in the plot. There are 6 columns of data and the data for each trace is a pair of columns. x data = wavelength (nm), y data = loss (dB/km). The data for figure 3 contains data for figure 3 top and bottom graphs. Again the data is in paired columns; x data = differential group delay (ps/m), y data = Amplitude (dB) The data for figure 4 corresponds to the four bend loss curves shown in figure 4.The x axis for all traces is the same (column 1 in the data set). The y data is then in 4 coloumns, one for each wavelength.