This dataset supports the paper entitled "Reliable Mapping and Partitioning of Performance-constrained OpenCL Applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs". Data Supporting Figures and Tables: Figure 1: Execution time (ET) at varying fraction of application workload (threads) to be executed on CPU cores. Figure 2: Average Temperature on CPU and GPU at varying fraction of application workload (threads) to be executed on CPU cores. Figure 3: Temperature behavior in one A15 CPU core over time for four mappings of application SYRK. Figure 4: GPU Temperature behavior over time for three partitions of application SYRK. CPU executes 0, 1/8 and 2/8 of the applications workload. Figure 5: Temperature behavior in one A15 CPU core over time for three partitions of application SYRK. CPU executes 0, 1/8 and 2/8 of the applications workload. Figure 7: Temperature behavior exploration of fractions 6/8, 7/8 and 1 for application S2 mapped on two LITTLE and four big cores. Figure 8: Temperature behavior exploration of fractions 6/8, 7/8 and 1 for application S2 mapped on four LITTLE and two big cores. Table 2: Performance and Temperature differences for applications from Polybench. Comparison between our proposal and [22]