Data-set supporting the paper “Athermal silicon nitride angled MMI wavelength division (de)multiplexers for the near-infrared.” Optics Express University of Southampton - ORC - Thalia Domínguez Bucio - Date of data collection: March 2017 Date that the file was created: July 2017 Location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. License: Creative Commons Attributions Publications : The excel file contains experimental data for the paper: • Table 1 Optimised design parameters for the 3-channel AMMI • Table 2 Optical properties of the SiNx layers. The refractive index (n) was estimated from ellipsometry measurements. The propagation losses (PL) were measured using the cutback method. • Table 3 Summary of the spectral parameters of AMMIs fabricated SiNx layers with different refractive indices. • Fig. 2 Insertion loss as a function Wa for the C and O bands when WMDW = 25m and t = 0.3rad. • Fig. 3 Optimised Li for the: (a) O-band and (b) C-band when WMDW = 25m with optimised angle. • Fig. 5 Spectral response of the studied 3-channel AMMI devices on stoichiometric SiNx (n = 2) at a temperature of 20°C. (a) Simulated spectra (O-band), (b) simulated spectra (C-band), (c)measured spectra (O-band) and (d) measured spectra (C-band) • Fig. 6 Central wavelength (i) as a function of the refractive index of the SiNx layers. • Fig. 7 Sensitivity of the spectral shift as a function of the fabrication error in the width of the AMMI’s multimode waveguide observed with devices fabricated on different material layers for the (a) O-band and (b) C-band. • Fig. 8 Central wavelength as a function of temperature for AMMIs fabricated on different SiNx layers operating in the (a) O-band and (b) C-band.