*Dataset for the paper "Unary-Coded Dimming Control Improves ON-OFF Keying Visible Light Communication", Zunaira Babar, Mohd Azri Mohd Izhar, Hung Viet Nguyen, Panagiotis Botsinis, Dimitrios Alanis, Daryus Chandra, Soon Xin Ng, Robert G. Maunder and Lajos Hanzo, IEEE Transcations on Communications (Accepted). Results may reproduced using the Graphics Layout Engine (GLE). Abstract: An ideal Visible Light Communication (VLC) system should facilitate reliable data transmission at high throughputs, while also providing flicker-free illumination at the user-defined dimming level. In this spirit, we conceive a unary code aided dimming scheme for On-Off Keying (OOK) modulated VLC systems. The proposed unary-coded scheme facilitates joint dimming and throughput control, while relying on iterative decoding. It is demonstrated that the proposed unary-coded dimming scheme provides attractive throughput gains over its contemporaries and it is also capable of approaching the theoretical throughput limit. Furthermore, we design novel joint dimming-Forward Error Correction (FEC) coding schemes, which significantly outperform their compensation time dimming based counterparts in terms of the attainable Bit Error Rate (BER) performance as well as the throughput. Finally, in the quest for approaching the capacity, we also optimize our system using EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts and demonstrate an SNR-gain of upto 6 dB over the compensation time dimming based classic benchmarker. Acknowledgements: The financial support of the European Research Council under the Advanced Fellow Grant, that of the Royal Society’s Wolfson Research Merit Award and that of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under Grant EP/L018659/1 is gratefully acknowledged. The use of the IRIDIS High Performance Computing Facility at the University of Southampton is also acknowledged. * Fig. 2 [Maximum normalized throughput achieved by the various dimming control methods, namely Inverse Source Coding (ISC), compensation time dimming (CT), Mulitpulse Pulse Position Modulation (MPPM) and the proposed unary-coded scheme]: Plot using cap-dimming-2.gle. * Fig. 3 [Cardinality of an MPPM-based code parametrized by codeword lengths of n = 10, 20 and 30]: Plot using MPPM-code.gle. * Fig. 4 [Probability density function of the average dimming value at the output of the 8-level unary code]: Plot using unary8-pdf-1000-1.gle and unary8-pdf-5000-1.gle for 1000 and 5000 bits, respectively. * Fig. 6 [Unary-constrained capacity over an AWGN channel]: Plot using unary4-ISC-TMUX-Cap-5.gle and unary8-ISC-TMUX-Cap-5.gle for 4-level and 8-level unary code, respectively. * Fig. 7 [EXIT curves of unary-coded VLC systems, when a memory-1 1/2-rate convolutional code is used as the outer component]: Plot using traj-unary4-2dB-10000-100-2.gle and traj-unary8-5dB-12000-100-2.gle for 4-level and 8-level unary code, respectively. * Fig. 8 [BER performance of the 4-level and 8-level unarycoded schemes, when a memory-1 1/2-rate convolutional code is used as the outer component]: Plot using VLC-unary-OOK-cc-3-2-15.gle. * Fig. 9 [Inverted outer EXIT curves (normalized) of the 17 subcodes of IRCC]: Plot using exitchart-ircc-components2.gle. * Fig. 10 [EXIT curves of unary-coded VLC systems, when 1/2-rate IRCC is used as the outer component]: Plot using ircc-unary4-1.gle and ircc-unary8-1.gle for 4-level and 8-level unary code, respectively. * Fig. 11 [BER performance of the 4-level and 8-level unary-coded schemes, when a 1/2-rate IRCC is used as the outer component]: Plot using VLC-unary-OOK-ircc-3-2-11.gle.